I Am the Fated Villain

Sectional Reading 2706

Search everywhere, if such a big incident of assassinating Mr. Gu happened, no one will be able to sleep tonight.

The curse secret technique is not something ordinary people can control.

This point is very clear

He is also praying that this kind of assassination of the son should not be done by his own children.

Otherwise, he could hardly absolve himself of the blame.

The moonlight was dim, and in the courtyard, Lin Tian felt something was wrong the moment the connection between Tianmo and himself disappeared.

not good


Backlash! It was actually backlash! What's going on?"

Lin Tian couldn't help but turn pale with shock, he never expected such a thing to happen.

His face turned pale quickly, and then he began to spurt blood, his hair turned gray quickly, and his skin wrinkled, as if he was an old man.

Dozens of years old ー same.

The whole person became extremely weak, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

The moment the connection with the curse secret technique was cut off, Lin Tian felt the fear of the group of extraterrestrial demons.

It was a great fear, as if facing the devil of the devil, the emperor of the devil, and the lord of all devils.

Gu Changge hides the source of their fear.

Why exactly?"

Gu's surname is fine, the Lin family can't stay anymore, once they find out about me

Lin Tian's complexion changed drastically, and he aged ten years overnight, anyone could notice his abnormality.

At this time, the disguise secret technique will not be useful at all, and the strong members of the Lin family can find out who has a damaged source just by looking at it.

Soon, Lin Tian's complexion became more and more ugly.

He sensed footsteps outside, and the entire Lin family was alarmed tonight.

As a result, the ancient city where the Lin family was located was completely sealed off.

A large number of monks appeared in the sky, covering all directions with majesty, thoroughly investigating all suspicious people.

Lin Tian was in a bad mood and felt cold all over.

At this time, he was really panicked.

Could it be that I, a god king, will be planted here?"

I'm just a useless person in the Lin family, so suspicions shouldn't come to my head anytime soon

He forced himself to calm down, looking for a remedy.

At this time, Lin Qiuhan's anxious voice sounded outside the courtyard, "Little Tian, ​​something big happened tonight, come out quickly, father

Call everyone to go.

Lin Tian's heart sank completely.

948 The Seedling of the Dao Realm in the Future Is Far More Than Her Violent Reaction

The sound of footsteps outside the courtyard was approaching, besides Lin Qiuhan, there were other people.

Lin Tian's complexion was very pale, and his body was shaking slightly.

His heart keeps sinking

What should I do at this time?

Rush out? Or just get caught?

But his condition is very bad, his source is damaged, which led to a violent backlash

How can I run if I can't even walk steadily?

At this time, he couldn't help but feel a wave of despair.

It's like breaking through the space and ascending, and was about to go to the upper realm, but encountered a space crack halfway.

That sense of despair and powerlessness came to my heart again.

Is it really a dead end tonight?

I'm not reconciled! I've managed to live my whole life again, and I haven't returned to the top yet, so how can I fall down again.

Lin Tian yelled wildly in his heart at this moment.

At this time, it seemed that the heavens heard his roar, and it seemed that there was still a glimmer of life in the dark.

The light of hope suddenly flashed through Lin Tian's mind.

suspended animation


In order to die like a little bit, Lin Tian was even more desperate, and simply cut off his own heart, protected the remnant soul with secret techniques, and hid it in the deepest place in the sea of ​​consciousness.


Unless the method is shocking, no one can see through his secret technique.

After all, Lin Tian's soul has long been taken away, and now there is only an empty shell left. Once his heart is broken, he will naturally lose his life.

And the power of his secret method is that after three days, when the secret method is released, he will automatically wake up and repair the damage

the heart

At that time, even if everyone in the Lin family finds out, they can use amnesia as an excuse to confuse the past.

Soon Lin Tian figured it all out.

He didn't hesitate.

With a bang, he spat out blood, rolled his eyes, trembled, and fell directly to the ground.


At this time, the door of the courtyard was also pushed open.

Xiaotian, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Tian

The scene in front of them immediately shocked Lin Qiuhan and others.

the next day

948 Seedlings in the Dao Realm of the Future, Far More Than Her Violent Reaction (Subscribe) 2/4

The sky is dim.

Gu Changge opened his eyes and was awakened by the movement outside the hall.

Last night, after devouring a large number of extraterrestrial demons and the origin of the lifespan of Lin Tian, ​​the power of the primordial spirit has been strengthened

That ray of life origin belongs to Lin Tian, ​​who was originally in the realm of God King.

It contains a lot of power of longevity

After Gu Changge digested it, he fell into a deep sleep.

After all, he is not like other monks who need to stay awake and practice sitting cross-legged all the time.

The method of adding points breaks through so fast, why bother to suffer?

Young master, many people outside the hall should be waiting for you.

Su Qingge was already dressed neatly, her blue hair was smooth

The face is delicate and flawless, with a shining and moving luster.

While calling Gu Changge.

Looking out of the hall with some curiosity and doubts.

What happened last night when she was sleeping soundly

Gu Changge didn't tell her.

she actually

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