I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2783

The year of the scholar can be easily concluded.

During this period, people who will definitely die and choose a lot of people may even have difficulty guaranteeing her own safety.

Moreover, no one knows what the final result will be.

Boom! !

The chief judge in front appeared when a worm and a hand appeared, fetching the stars and taking the moon, an incomparably gigantic woman, tearing at nothingness, and the boiling spiritual energy was still broken and reversed, where the time and space were twisted and continued, and then a line appeared. solid path.

An immortal king is currently breathing, and he has opened up the main trial tunnel for many ancient warships here, and rushed to the vast battlefield.

The same scene appeared in many places. These Immortal Kings received orders and were responsible for opening up time and space passages and attracting armies of various ethnic groups.

At the same time, there were also immortal kings who arrived early in the Huiman battlefield, studying how to fight the enemy and how to set up an array to resist.

This world is extremely bleak, and the terrifying black cloud is shrouding Tianbao, covering all directions.




Even the pie soil was dark brown, stained black by Wu's blood, and immersed in countless corpses and weapon wreckage.

In those days, this place was also a battlefield of cutting the sky, and no creatures survived from the flames of war that fell in the vastness.

Gu Xian'er rushed to the vast battlefield with the Taijun, and Feiling overlooked all this from a high altitude.

"I don't know how many years this catastrophe will last Gu Changge, where is your 6q now? Are you still in this real world?" She whispered.

A torrent of Tai Jun shuttled through this battlefield to recommend Yuju: rushed to the edge.

The turbulent voices and intentions outside Cang Fan have even been clearly heard, as if the heavens are shaking the sun, and the collision between the worlds will make the blood flow, and the soul will be shocked.

The number of Taijuns here in Longlin is extremely large, including true immortals and immortal kings, but more of them exist below the true immortals, who are truly reduced to cannon fodder, and can only be used as a vanguard to resist and compete at the forefront.

The ancestors of the immortal kings of many ethnic groups also followed the instructions and sent Taijun to guard everywhere, waiting for the arrival of foreign enemies.

The depressing atmosphere of the war will rise: shrouded in the real world of Daochen: the heart of every living being.

Even those ordinary soil cultivators felt a sense of trepidation all day long, and they could feel that the insects in the heaven and the earth seemed to have undergone great changes.

Every day, I can see that there is a burst of qi and blood everywhere, covering the stars, and behind them, there are many figures rushing to the outer city.

Outside Qingshan Village, Su Qingge stood calmly in the courtyard, looking up at the sky.

Even a remote village in this mortal world. It is also possible to perceive the various changes between heaven and earth, a depressing atmosphere and atmosphere, shrouded in everyone's heads.

"Mengmeng, is the catastrophe coming and the world will be destroyed?"

Su Qingge heard the children in the village and asked the father beside him curious questions.

This made her sigh softly, even a child with no cultivation base like this could hardly be left unaffected.

This time, it seems that it is really a difficult threshold for Dao Most True Realm to cross.

When the Great War begins, the entire astronomical phenomenon and qi machine are chaotic and changed, and the rich qi fortune that was originally sprayed has also undergone tremendous changes.

However, for some people who are unlucky, this is also an opportunity to rise.

Some of the causes that Gu Changge used to do, are now beginning to bear fruit.

A young man in the Taoist tradition that has been passed down for millions of years on one side organized many elders and beautiful sons in the sect to discuss together how to respond to this clean robbery and continue the sect as much as possible without letting the tradition be cut off.

In their sect, the ancestors also had the existence of the true immortal level, but that was a long time ago.

Today's strongest person is nothing but Enlightenment Cook.

Chengdaozhu: In the face of such a calamity, I am afraid that I am as insignificant as dust, and I don't even have the qualifications to be cannon fodder.

However, this young man was not discouraged. He spoke with strong confidence, and he could protect the sect during the catastrophe.

When he was young, he practiced martial arts in the back mountain and was chased by a fierce tiger. When escaping gold, he fell into a race pool as a worm, and accidentally got a mysterious ancient bell containing good fortune. .

The mysterious ancient bell made him abandon martial arts and have the current ground cultivation level, which is close to the ancestors in the sect.

"My mysterious ancient bell contains mountains and rivers. As long as it absorbs enough material to fly, the real world can be condensed into it. It will not be worse than the so-called ancient world. At that time, as long as I control the mysterious ancient bell, I can control the interior. From the ancient world, protecting the current sect is definitely not a problem."

"In this war, the broken weapons of many people who will die are the best materials. Boss, I have risen and grown rapidly in the shortest time, reaching the level of a true immortal and even an immortal king.

The young man is very confident. After all, he has encountered a lot of good fortune along the way. Even if it is dangerous, he is a real lucky person.

Under such a heaven and earth environment, he is more likely to survive than other soil cultivators, and he can sharpen and grow faster.

A woman in black with a face in a district of the county, because of the imminent catastrophe, the sects around the grid who are unscrupulous and who are in conflict with each other in the vicinity are uprooted.

Her black clothes were full of traces, and wherever she walked, there were broken limbs and corpses, blood flowed into rivers, and the magnificent mountain gate was also turned into a waste filter.

"You deserve it."

The black-clothed woman enters the Dao by killing, ruthless and lustful. Every day, there are people, sometimes killing good people, sometimes killing good people.

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