I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2787

The face slowly fades away.

This is a rare treasure she brought out from Amakusa. The level is unknown. There are nine layers in total, but there are only seven layers left that can be sealed and cut.

The battle scene here. Xing has alerted all parties, and the immortals in the rest of the area are also fighting each other, each with injuries, but it is difficult to really help each other. At the point of the immortal king, it is difficult to really kill unless the strength is too much.

And it's like Gu Xian'er: It is really shocking to solve an Immortal King Yu Cui neatly.

In particular, she doesn't seem to have really used the power of the strongest lady.

"An ancient genius, in this calamity, such a young mysterious female fairy king has appeared. My Daojing real world is blessed with deep luck and long-lasting luck, and it is destined to not die."

Some old-fashioned fairy kings couldn't help laughing and were quite excited.

The suddenness of this calamity, many people do not know why the other party came, why they want to destroy the most real world.

But this does not obviously affect the people's resistance - unyielding meaning, even if the head is broken and blood is broken, the other party will pay a heavy price.

The immortality of the immortal civilization and the immortal jade were solved in this way, which greatly increased the momentum of the Daozhen army, and became more and more courageous and not afraid of death.

Gu Xian'er also received a message from Ji Yu's Immortal King, and was extremely worried about her safety. She thought that she was a terrifying talent, and she was a genius of the ancients. The future was still imaginable. Go to Tianmeng headquarters.

She must not fall: she will inevitably reach a higher realm in the future.

A genius like her is a treasure for Ruling's Daojing real world, and she will try her best to protect it. How can she be allowed to risk her death on the battlefield at any time.

Very old immortal king, they are passing the chapter to her to let her leave the front line quickly, and hand it over to them here.

Although Gu Xian'er knew that these sound transmissions were well-intentioned, at this juncture, she couldn't take a breath and leave.

Just like when she was in her first life, as a sky hunter, the army that ruled the real world of mountains and seas fought against the sky and resisted the great reckoning.

What's more, in this worm of war, she can sharpen herself even more and collect the essence of the sky, so that she is expected to practice the light meaning of the quasi-immortal emperor in the shortest time.

9,850,000 years ago, Chan Hongyi's Dao Demon Wish

The tragic battle in which the fairy civilization attacked the real world of Daochang completely kicked off.

The overwhelming and turbulent army is like a locust crossing the border. Turned into a terrifying torrent, submerged towards the real world to tear the gap there.

On the other hand, the army of Daozhen Realm on the ship and the battle ship is also slow and not afraid of death, and constantly resists and kills.

The rich blood light filled with the incomparable tragicness of Yushen everywhere.

There are corpses everywhere, and many stars exploded in this war worm, and instantly turned into ashes of child powder, no longer exist.

Many leaders of the Central Service Clan at the Headquarters of the Fatian Alliance once again gathered to watch this battle through the secret treasure.

At the same time, Dao Dao Yu's order turned into a streamer, and he ordered to go down and continue to dispatch the Taijun at the Tiao Department to go to support.

Everyone's heart is heavy, knowing that this battle will be extremely tragic, and I am afraid that even the Immortal King will be exhausted and really die.

"I am afraid that this battle will last for a long time, and everyone can't let it go. For me, Daochang Real World, this catastrophe is not a rebirth from the ashes.

Gu Wuwang, the deputy leader of the alliance, said, and then the picture on the treasure in front of him disappeared with a wave of his sleeve.

Everyone is ready for a protracted war. In the boundless ancient warship, there is no real Xeon character. The immortal emperor who shot it may be the chess piece sent by the other party to test the strength of Daochang Zhenjie. .

The real chess player has not yet ended, and it is not even clear what kind of strength the opponent has.

In the real world of Daochen, now with a foreign aid, that is, the ancient monk of Zen Buddhism, there are only four Taoist realms.

At that time, when the "130" final war breaks out, it is difficult to say whether it can resist.

"Lord Deputy Ming Master, do you know why these civilizations from the rest of the real world are fighting for something?"

In the Great Hall, a leader of the ethnic group asked questions, and asked the doubts in Xu Tiao's heart. Gu Wuwang couldn't accurately sign the question of jade.

On the contrary, the ancient monk Saruchan put his hands together and said, "The vastness is boundless, and there are countless civilized races that have been born and nurtured. Fighting and fighting is an eternal melody that never ends. Weakness is the root cause of being invaded by others."

Hearing that, everyone in the Great Hall felt heavy and powerless.

Weakness is the original sin. Because of weakness, Daochang real world will be arbitrarily bullied and invaded by the civilizations of other real worlds.

"No matter what the reason is, during this period of time, everyone should seize the time to improve their strength. The old man has recently watched the fate of Daochang Zhenjie. He has never shown any signs of exhaustion because of this real catastrophe," Gu Wu said flatly. .

There was no sign of Gu Changge showing up when the Tai War broke out, which made him guess that Gu Changge might be the real Chi Jing and went to the tea world.

However, Gu Wuwang didn't believe that Gu Changge didn't have any other means. After all, there are people in the Daozhen world who are ashamed of him.

The fluctuations of this war in the entire Daochang real world are like heaven's punishment to destroy the heavens.

Even across the dike, it also spread to many masters in the realm of Taoism. The world is like the autumn wind swept away, no matter what level of monks and creatures, they can't help but shudder.

Every day, countless large armies rush out from the space and time in various cities, and they kill them there.

The Tao is that the real world has recuperated for so many epochs after the second calamity. The overall background is actually

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