I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2813

Young disciples dedicated to trials.

Gu Changge didn't even think about playing such an identity at first.

It's just that during this period of time, I have some understanding and speculation in the contact with that junior sister Zhu Lian.

Zhu Lian has not given up the complete precepts to him, but his junior sister is quite simple.

Gu Changge sent someone to give something casually to show her concern, which made her feel good.

In the next few contacts and conversations, I couldn't help but mention some of the things Lian had said to her.

And that includes guessing the origin of Gu Changge.

Of course, it's not that Mingxiu is too stupid.

It's just that her senior brother Chu Lian was dispatched by Gu Changge for any reason and asked him to take the Jiyumen case for Qin to clear up the demons who were making trouble in a certain place.

Suo Mingxiu could only stay in the Juxian Villa alone. In addition to practicing, it was quite boring on weekdays.

And some time ago, in order to convince the public and let a group of censors confess to Qin, recognizing his interest as "Heavenly Character Guest Qing" wasted a lot of work and cost.

This also directly led to Ming Xiu, who was his junior sister, being marginalized in Juxian Villa, and had no friends.

Originally, her age was not the right time to be lively.

Gu Changge wasn't too wary of Yu who bestowed a lot of wealth on her and her senior brother.

After learning about all this, Gu Changge also stopped by the way, responding to the speculations of Chu Lian and the Supreme Treasure Spirit, and sent someone to arrange a task for them again.

They also gave Gu Changge an inspiration. With his current strength and the power of the Taijun he can control, it is actually difficult to attack the Xeon Real World that the next party has noticed.

Just like the Xuzhen Realm mentioned by Yan Xiu, the ancestor of the Linghuang family.

The strong attack on the bright side is not good, so why can't he change his attitude and thinking?

996 The Immortal Spirit Civilization has attacked in a big way, and it has long been abandoned here

I have to say that the guesses of Zhelian and Qiling gave Gu Changge some inspiration.

After thinking about it, he feels that it is very feasible, and it will be much more convenient in the next plan.

However, he has not yet found a second suitable bid, so he can only put the matter on hold for the time being.

After half a month, the Emperor Ling woke up from the retreat.

She was originally a cultivation base in the early stage of the virtual realm, that is, it was not long after she passed the first heaven decay.

The accumulated strength is still far from enough to touch the threshold of the second heavenly robbery.

During the process of refining this wisp of insubstantial and fortune-telling substances, her cultivation base has been greatly stabilized and her strength has reached the limit that she can carry before.

It can be called a small degree of perfection in the early stage of the virtual realm.

Of course, there is still a long way to go before the threshold of the second heavenly robbery, but the increase in strength is extremely obvious.

She only absorbed less than one percent of the immortal matter and creation matter, and she couldn't really refine it at all.

Linghuang herself estimated that with her current strength, it would take thousands of years or even longer to completely refine it.

She is happy in her heart but not greedy and needs to digest these powers well and walk down step by step.

So after leaving the customs, she came to find Gu Changge, and according to his instructions, sent someone to build a large formation forging container in the emperor's words, and collected the power of luck that the Lingxu royal family had accumulated over the years, Wanyanxiu , White Bone Ancestor King and others clearly felt the changes in the Spirit Emperor's breath and were amazed.

In particular, Wanyan Xiu and other ancestors who knew the Emperor Ling quite well.

Linghuang, but they poured a lot of resources into training her step by step, watching her grow to where she is today, everyone knows how talented she is.

Originally, he was able to enter the Dao state and successfully survive the first catastrophe, but it was only because of the extraordinary luck of the Spirit Sovereign, which was called the heaven-defying reason.

But after following Gu Changge, her strength has improved so much compared to before?

For Wanyanxiu and the others, it was almost impossible for something unbelievable to happen.

For a while, they speculated a lot, and many ancestors also moved their minds and wanted to go to Linghuang to inquire about fate.

Emperor Ling thought that he had gained the great benefits of Gu Changge and not only trusted him, but the two of them had a "confidence" conversation before, so it was naturally impossible to tell them.

What's more, she is standing behind Gu Changge now.

For all the ancestors in Pingli, she still needs to be angry and fearful, and now she is too lazy to answer, and concentrates on doing things for Gu Changge.

Several old ancestors were so dissatisfied and hated that their teeth were itchy, but there was nothing they could do.

They naturally want to support a puppet ashamed to cultivate the spirit emperor, so as to better control the imperial family of the spirit ruins, and Cong Er can save them a lot of cultivation time.

At the same time collect more resources for them.

Now, this puppet of support has to be taken seriously by Gu Changge, and there are no ancestors like them in his eyes.

They are both hateful and helpless in their hearts.

"This gentleman's mysterious origin may be in control and help me and other things to practice. From a certain perspective, he also wants to tell me that Zong Yanxiu, who is dedicated to doing things for him, is worthy of being a spirit. The Great Ancestor of the Cheng Imperial Family, possessing Tai He Hui, quickly guessed Gu Changge's possession.

He hurriedly told the rest of the ancestors not to disturb the Emperor Ling so as not to upset Gu Changge.

In any case, the Spirit Emperor is now his person, not a puppet they can control.

When Ling Huang thought about his old relationship, he would also speak more of the good things about the Lingxu royal family in front of Gu Changge.

Otherwise, they may bring

huge hemp

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