The teacher of the Spirit Art Academy said: "Student Jiang Ye, you don't need to take the next exam, your score will be the first in this exam."

"But other students still need to take the exam again."

heard the words.

Jiang Ye had no objection.

This is what he wanted.

No. 1 result without a doubt.

Then, after Jiang Ye accepted the task reward issued by the system, he and the teacher of the Spiritual Art Academy stood on the sidelines to watch the restarted exam.

The exam starts over.

The second graders finally had the chance to show their full potential.

In this exam.

Abarai Renji performed well and got the second place after Jiang Ye.

Relying on the swordsmanship personally taught by Jiang Ye, Rukia and Hinamori Momo also achieved excellent results in this actual combat test.

This includes Rukia and the others including Jiang Ye.

With the results of the final exam of the second grade.

Successfully promoted to a class that only the name of "genius" can join.

In this class, Jiang Ye's strength is still overwhelmingly strong, and they have already witnessed this strength in the final exam.

All of a sudden.

The entire grade began to be led by Jiang Ye.

Let Jiang Ye become the first student in their class.

Or it could be called.

The new generation of chief gifted students of Spiritual Arts Academy.

Jiang Ye's name began to spread in Spiritual Arts Academy.

Not only the students of the same grade had heard of it, but also the senior students and even the students who were about to graduate had heard of Jiang Ye.


Jiang Ye didn't know that his name was beginning to gain weight.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

It's just a false name.

Only the power in one's own hands is eternal.

After the second grade final exam.

holiday time.

Jiang Ye did not relax his exercise.

Every day, Jiang Ye worked hard to complete the daily tasks of flying in the air, while exercising his physical fitness and practicing sword Zen.

The holiday time flies by quickly.

day after day.

Jiang Ye's flying slash was gradually becoming more powerful.

this day.

Jiang Ye completed a thousand flying slashes.

Received daily mission inheritance experience points.


Sitting cross-legged on the grass, he began to accept the inheritance of the spiritual world Zoro.

In an instant, Jiang Ye's mind was substituted into Zoro's world.

In the spiritual world, Zoro followed the Straw Hats to Enies Lobby, where Zoro encountered the first swordsman of cp9.


He is an ability user who ate the fruit of the Zoan giraffe.

Kaku's strength is second only to cp9's Rob Lucci, and he is the second master in cp9. He is proficient in the superhuman technique Marine Six Styles.

In particular, he ate the Zoan fruit, which has a powerful boost to physical fitness.

Whether it's the Marine Six Styles, or his swordplay.

There has been a leap-like improvement.

For a while, Zoro was caught in a tricky fighting situation.

Moves such as Two Swords Style Two Slash, Climb the Tower, Ying Climb the Tower, Dodge, Sand Pattern, etc., did not cause damage to Kaku who turned into a giraffe.

Kaku cast Tempest Kick Kirin Shigure.

Tempest Kick dropped from the ceiling.

Like a downpour.

So Zoro can only passively parry for a while.

His whole body was covered with minor stab wounds.

Once the move was successful, Kaku did not give up this advantage, and then attacked Zoro again, and Zoro blocked Kaku in embarrassment.

Fortunately, Zoro is tenacious.

Continue to fight against Kaku for dozens of rounds.

Zoro took out the Ultimate swordsmanship that he had honed.

Kaku showed all his strength.

for a while.

The two fought back and forth.

Zoro has changed from a two-sword style to a three-sword style, and the power of swordsmanship has gradually increased.

Until Zoro finally figured out all the details of Kaku.

He displayed it impressively—Ghost Qi Nine Swords Style Ashura!

A powerful ghostly aura suddenly surged out crazily, and instantly condensed three heads, six arms and nine knives on Zoro's body, that is, nine knives!

this moment!

Zoro is like a demon god from the underworld.

The whole body exudes a terrible aura.

Kaku couldn't help being cold when he saw it.

But Kaku was not timid, he also took out his strongest moves.

Tempest Kick - Weekly break! ! !

Suffer and suffer, I wish... Ashura - a cloud of silver! ! !

In an instant, Zoro swung countless slashes, and even atomized the Tempest Kick slash released by Kaku.

Kaku has no power to fight back at all!

The moment Kaku fell down.

Jiang Ye's mind left Zoro's body and returned to reality.


Jiang Ye's mind was impacted by Ashura's Nine Swords Style.

There is still a touch of it that hasn't faded away.

"too strong!"

"The slash with nine knives can atomize the opponent's moves in an instant. It's hard to imagine how many knives were slashed in one breath just now."

Jiang Ye asked himself.

This level of swordsmanship is already transcendent in the world.

As expected of the great swordsman Zoro!

It is worthy of being the role of the world's number one swordsman!

this moment.

Jiang Ye felt the power of Ashura's Nine Swords Style in his mind.

He stood up immediately.

"Suffering is my wish..."

"Ghost Aura, Ashura, Nine Swords Style——"

While speaking, the Reiatsu in Jiang Ye's body surged out crazily, and he also condensed a three-headed and six-armed posture on his body, just like a demon god.

powerful momentum.

Shocked all living beings within a few miles.

in the forest.

It became extremely silent for a moment.

Birds chirping, insects chirping.

Everything seemed to dissipate into nothingness.

................................................... .

The second update is coming!

There are three more nights!

The little author continues to ask for a flower monthly ticket evaluation ticket to reward, comment and collect!

woo woo woo woo! ! !

Beep! ! !

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Immediate recharge (activity time: June 22nd to June 24th)

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