I Am The Great Swordsman Zoro, The Strongest Shinigami In The Soul Society

Chapter 72 Dance Of Death! Kyoraku Shunsui Points Mandarin Duck Spectrum! (Ask For A Flower Monthly


With a serious look, Matsumoto Rangiku immediately contacted Seireitei.

Be prepared to report on the current situation.


Contact no response.

Matsumoto Rangiku tried a few more times.

Still unable to reach Seireitei.

"No need to try."

Jiang Ye Road.

He estimated that the communication around here was blocked.

It was like his first soul burial practice when he was still a student.

Speaking of which, it was a coincidence that he was also with Matsumoto Rangiku that time.

Kyoraku Shunsui did not speak, Jiang Ye did not continue to speak, Matsumoto Rangiku and Ise Nanao also looked around warily.

at this time!

across the street.

Suddenly lifted a towering curtain.

The sky seemed to have turned into a silk-like curtain.

after opening,

Reveal the monster hidden behind the curtain.

Ho ho ho ho -!!!

With the roar of the monster resounding through the sky.

The boundless horror Reiatsu rushed towards Jiang Ye and the others immediately.

"Gillian!" Team 8 captain Kyoraku Shunsui immediately said with a serious expression, and directly said the name of the monster that appeared.

"Is that Menos Grande!?"

Nanao Ise stared in shock at Gillian emerging from the sky.

Those Gillians had a similar appearance.

It has a white mask with a long nose like a clown.

She was wearing a black robe like a witch's.

A huge empty hole appeared in the middle of the robe.

These Gillians are all existences that evolved from a hundred virtual devourers, and each of them possesses powerful Reiatsu and amazing destructive power.

But what shocked Nanao the most at this moment was.

Number of Gillians!

Almost like a tide began to hit them.


See this scene.

Team Eighth Captain Kyoraku Shunsui said seriously:

"no solution anymore."

"Only the four of us can go."

With such a large number of Gillian, although he is not worried about himself, he is worried about his vice-captain, who is also his niece Nanao Ise.


Among the four present.

As far as her vice-captain doesn't have her own Zanpakutō.

This also led her to think that fighting with a sword is a very scary thing.

However, Ise Nanao's Kidō is outstanding.

Otherwise, he would not let Ise Nanao be his vice-captain, because this would not only help her, but harm her.

Ise Nanao forcibly pulled herself together.

She can't hold back the captain and the others.

She can fight too!


Matsumoto Rangiku26 is also ready for battle.


Jiang Ye among the four,

Take a step forward.

The figure stood in front of Nanao Ise and Matsumoto Rangiku.

"How can you make a lady fight."

"I'll do it alone."

Jiang Ye grinned with a Haki smile.

Eyes fixed on the Gillian Menos Grande swarm coming towards them ahead.

When the words fell, Nanao Ise and Rangiku Matsumoto were startled for a moment, not knowing how to feel in their hearts, and then they were extremely moved.

They wanted to express their gratitude to Jiang Ye.

Jiang Ye didn't say much.

Wave your hands.


It's not because he wants to show off in front of girls.

Instead, want to use Gillian.

Do yourself a favor!

Used to sober up!

At this time,

Kyoraku Shunsui saw Jiang Ye's behavior.

A look of anticipation flashed in his eyes.

Because he knows that when Jiang Ye boy first joined the fan team and became Shinigami, he fought against Captain Shiba undefeated.

A long time has passed now.

Nobody knows.

Jiang Ye's true strength now.

Especially every time he dispatches a mission.

Without much effort at all,

The enemy will be able to complete the task.

Kyoraku Shunsui can't see through Jiang Ye.

You know, among the Seireitei, Shinigami that can make Kyoraku Shunsui, an old fritter, invisible, is really one of the few existences.

"In that case."

"Then leave it all to you, no problem."

"Jiang Ye?"

Kyoraku Shunsui said.

Jiang Ye didn't look back.

He jumped lightly on the spot, taking the posture of a boxer, his whole body was agile and agile, while tilting his head, his neck twisted and creaked.


"no problem."

Jiang Ye replied to Kyoraku Shunsui.

During the conversation.

This moment!

Menos Grande Gillian at the front.

face before the mask.

Impressively began to condense the huge Reiatsu of scarlet!


"That's the Cero that only Menos Grande can unleash!"

"If hit, not even a shard will remain!"

Ise Nanao explained with a shocked expression.


Jiang Ye stood in front of them.

Look relaxed.

There was no tension on his expression.

The next moment, with the deafening roar, Cero poured all of it towards Jiang Ye in one breath.

As for Jiang Ye, he immediately drew his knife and slashed with the knife. The sharp blade directly sliced ​​through Cero, and the split Cero ejected into the distance.

Cero hits a house in the distance.

Two bangs!

Then two groups of giant Great Fireballs rose up.

After a while.

The shock wave generated by the explosion swept back immediately.

The strong wind pressure made the hair of Nanao Ise and Matsumoto Rangiku flutter in the air.

Ise Nanao looked at Jiang Ye standing in front of her, she suddenly felt that Jiang Ye's back was full of security, and she easily cut Cero open with one blow.

Jiang Ye's strength.

It was completely beyond her previous imagination!

Of course she knew about Jiang Ye's reputation.

The genius boy of Soul Society.

The swordsman of the 10th Division.


Ise Nanao had never seen Jiang Ye make a move with her own eyes.

Because of the captain Kyoraku Shunsui, when she often sees Jiang Ye, most of them are exactly the same as her own captain.

As a result, Ise Nanao never regarded Jiang Ye as a serious Shinigami.

But did not expect.

If you don't make a move, that's all.

So amazing right off the bat!

Matsumoto Rangiku made a move when he saw Jiang Ye.

The action is so clean and neat.

She couldn't help but think back to the past, it was the soul burial practice when Jiang Ye was still a student, that was the first time she saw Jiang Ye.

It is also a similar situation.

Jiang Ye made a strong move.

saved her life.

Kyoraku Shunsui saw Jiang Ye's knife.

deep in the eyes.

Can't help flashing a hint of appreciation.

Speaking of which, this was also the first time he had seen Jiang Ye boy make a move in the past few years.

Now it seems that young Jiang Ye has indeed become stronger again, and his calm and calm posture can only be possessed by the support of strong strength.

The next moment.

Jiang Ye cut Cero open.

Kick back your feet!

The figure turned into a flying eagle.

Straight towards Menos Grande Gillian, who is as tall as a tall building!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Jiang Ye used spirit particles to create a foothold in the air, and constantly used the reaction force to speed up his flight, and his figure suddenly turned into a streamer.

In an instant.

Jiang Ye was already approaching the Gillian Menos Grande group.

this moment.

Kyoraku Shunsui three people on Rukongai street.

in their sight,

Jiang Ye's rising figure was compared with the countless Gillian Menos Grande on the opposite side.

It looks extremely small.

Jiang Ye's body was not even as big as Menos Grande Gillian's long nose.

"Can Jiang Ye really solve it by himself!?" Ise Nanao felt the huge physical gap, and couldn't help beating her heart.

Matsumoto Rangiku also retreated a little.

But she didn't say it.

She thought that Jiang Ye, who was still a college student, could kill an ordinary Menos Grande.

Even if Gillian is the real Menos Grande.

But so many years have passed.

Jiang Ye is also growing.

She believed in Jiang Ye.

Seeing this, Kyoraku Shunsui appeases Ise Nanao.

It's no problem, Qixujiang, just look at it, that kid Jiang Ye is not as simple as he appears on the surface. "

Kyoraku Shunsui said.

He didn't blame Ise Nanao.

After all, such a large number of Gillian groups.

Nanao Ise had never seen it before.

Let alone her, even he, the captain of the millennium, has only seen her a few times.

Under the eyes of the three of Kyoraku Shunsui.

Jiang Ye, who jumped into the sky, faced the first Gillian, and swung a huge sword pressure without hesitation, which seemed to connect the sky and the earth.

from top to bottom.

Take Gillian who has the size of a tall building.

Totally split in two!


Gillian, who was divided into two, scattered countless spirits with a "boom", dust to dust, dust to dust, and spirits to Soul Society.

"Slay with one knife!!!"

Ise Nanao suddenly saw this scene.

Eyes are almost rounded!

Look surprised!

She had never seen such a violent, so simple, way of beheading Menos Grande Gillian.

It was like that Gillian was completely a piece of trash, in front of Jiang Ye, it was not worth mentioning at all.

The same is true for Kyoraku Shunsui, he still remembers Nakae Ye's slash when he was being assessed as a graduate student.

Although also very powerful.

But not as casually as it is now.

As if he was a master painter.

Feel free to wave the brush around.

It will be able to create masterpieces that astonish the world.

"This kid's swordsmanship, where is he now..." Kyoraku Shunsui's pupils reflected Jiang Ye's figure in Menos Grande.

Deep down in my heart.

At the same time.

Somewhere in an underground laboratory in Rukongai.

The three of them are Aizen Sōsuke, Ichimaru Gin, and Tousen Kaname.

In front of the monitor.

Pay close attention to Jiang Ye's battle.

Yes, the emptied streets of Rukongai, the sudden appearance of countless Gillian Menos Grande, is exactly what Aizen Sōsuke is behind the action.

At this time.

Through Jiang Ye's slashing power.

Tousen Kaname as Aizen assistant.

while watching.

While checking the data collected back from the feedback.

Tousen Kaname gradually found out.

Jiang Ye's slash data was updated compared to the last time.

It's too strong.

Aizen Sōsuke learned of the situation.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah, that's not right.

"Continue to observe.

"The good show is yet to come.

Return to Rukongai.

at this time.

Jiang Ye beheaded Menos Grande head by head.

Every time Menos Grande is beheaded,

Just swing a knife.

In the perspective of the three of Kyoraku Shunsui, as time passed, Gillian Menos Grande, who had just looked so much.

Soon, there were only a few bits and pieces left, and it seemed that they had completely lost the desperate aura they had when they appeared on the stage before.

"too strong."

"The scene is simply one-sided."

"Those Menos Grande Gillian attacks."

"I can't even touch Jiang Ye's clothes!"

Nanao Ise looked shocked.

In her eyes, Jiang Ye kept jumping among those Menos Grande Gillian, and every time the figure rose to the sky, one of the Gillian fell down.

It's like dancing a dance of death.

Funeral for Gillian.

At the same time, it must be known that Ise Nanao knew that Jiang Ye, who had displayed such a powerful strength, was no more than the third officer of the Juban team.

With the power Jiang Ye is showing now.

Even if he goes to any team.

Can easily assume the position of vice-captain.

Matsumoto Rangiku looked at Jiang Ye's figure.

She has a sigh of reminiscence.

The soul burial practice was the same, but this time the enemy Jiang Ye faced was Gillian who was several times more dangerous than last time.

And Jiang Ye has grown up to the present.

Still be able to settle all dangers easily.

Kyoraku Shunsui looked at Jiang Ye with a smile.


"Young people are amazing."

Kyoraku Shunsui praised Jiang Yedao.

Speaking of which,

He suddenly thought of something, and the conversation turned abruptly, bringing the topic to his own vice-captain, who was also his niece.

"Talk about Nanao-chan."

"What do you think of young Jiang Ye?"

During the conversation.

Kyoraku Shunsui had a weird smile on his face.

What seems to be thinking in the heart.

heard the words.

Nanao Ise and Rangiku Matsumoto.

He suddenly looked at Kyoraku Shunsui.

There was suspicion in his eyes.


Matsumoto Rangiku suddenly thought of it.

Looking up and down Ise Nanao.

Ise Nanao has beautiful black hair.

With a neat hairstyle.

Bangs like to go to the left.

Exquisite appearance.

With a pair of thin glasses.

But these glasses did not affect Ise Nanao's appearance.

On the contrary, it adds a lot of points.

A girl with glasses.

Of course, the most important thing is Ise Nanao's character.

She is gentle, well-educated, and serious in doing things. She is a very good woman.

Ise Nanao being scrutinized by Matsumoto Rangiku. 760

It looked awkward and uncomfortable.

Looked over.

Matsumoto Rangiku actually laughed at Nanao Ise:

"Yeah, Nanao-chan, what do you think of my little Jiangye, I don't mind sharing Xiaojiangye with you, Nanao-chan."


Matsumoto Rangiku hooked Nanao Ise's shoulder.

Ise Nanao immediately felt,

A great force strikes.


What's more.

The meaning in the words of Kyoraku Shunsui and Matsumoto Rangiku.

She still didn't understand what her captain said just now.

Now I heard the meaning of Matsumoto Rangiku's words.

She still doesn't understand.

The two of them wanted to introduce her to Jiang Ye!

And Miss Rangiku,

You still want her to share Jiangye together!?

Can this kind of thing be shared together!?

no no!

How could I think such a thing!

Thinking of this, Ise Nanao, who had a calm and calm personality, became unusually shy and embarrassed.

Look messed up!

She blushed angrily at the two of them: "Don't talk nonsense! Jiang Ye is my junior, this will affect our relationship!"

Nanao Ise pushed Matsumoto Rangiku away angrily.

Embarrassed at Kyoraku Shunsui.

See here.

Kyoraku Shunsui and Matsumoto Rangiku quickly stopped joking.

"Okay, okay."

"Don't say this, don't say this."

Kyoraku Shunsui raised his hands in surrender.

Ise Nanao let the two of them go.


Kyoraku Shunsui said so.

But he noticed.

The meaning in Nanaojiang's words.

But did not explicitly refuse.

"So..." Kyoraku Shunsui thought cheerfully, as the elder of Ise Nanao, he thought Jiang Ye was very good.



Almost caught up with him.

And most importantly.

Jiang Ye is powerful and has unlimited potential.


Can help Nanao sauce...

Thinking of Nanao-chan's situation, Kyoraku Shunsui's heart sank, and he decided to talk about this kind of thing later.

Kyoraku Shunsui didn't change much on the surface, and Ise Nanao and Matsumoto Rangiku next to him couldn't tell what he was thinking at all.

Just when the three of Kyoraku Shunsui were joking.

Jiang Ye took out the last Gillian Menos Grande.

Complete clearance.

at the same time.

He also had a good time.

Although Gillian has no ability to fight back.

But be able to release Reiatsu a bit.

Sober up.

It's also good.

Jiang Ye Shunpo returned to Kyoraku Shunsui three people.

He waved his knife.

Scatter the remaining blood on the knife.

Then he pulled out a sword flower, and put the knife back into the sheath with a click.

See Jiang Ye coming back.

Ise Nanao immediately expressed her gratitude to Jiang Ye.

She knew that without her here, her captain wouldn't have to stand here to protect her.

It is estimated that the situation just now can be resolved without such troublesome actions by Jiang Ye.

Thank you 1577xxxx, 1501xxxx, and ken1 for your monthly votes!

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