I Am The Great Swordsman Zoro, The Strongest Shinigami In The Soul Society

Chapter 90: The Bull's Head Is White! The Power Of Zanpakutō Houtu! (Seek Full Order For Flower

Kurosaki Masaki also expressed concern, she noticed that the white liquid substance covering the body of Shinigami, Jiang Ye, was very ominous!


Just now Jiang Ye rescued them.

Kurosaki Masaki was naturally very worried about E~Ye.

Shiba Yixin's face suddenly became gloomy.

Superficially Calm Soothes Rukia

In fact, in my heart.

He once read the detailed report about Hirako Shinji and others who defected from the Soul Society, and there was a point in the report that pointed out the situation.

What happened to Jiang Ye in front of him.

With Hirako Shinji and other captains,

The situation is exactly the same during the evolution illegal Hollow experiment!

In this way, Shiba Yixin quickly connected the doubts in the past, whether it was the enemy who had slapped him in the middle of the battle just now.

It was the Hollow of Hirako Shinji and other captains in the past, the slash that just came from the dark again, and what happened to Jiang Ye.

All clues.

both point to.

Behind Soul Society,

There is a huge conspiracy hidden!

A man behind the scenes!

And is the mastermind hiding among them!

Don't look at Shiba Yixin usually likes to be funny,

Often there is no serious look of a captain.

But he is not stupid.

Immediately, many questions came to mind.

However, it is useless to think about this kind of thing in this situation.

Shiba's heart sank gradually, he didn't know how to deal with the current situation.

Could it be that he wants to attack Jiang Ye in Hollow?

No! Absolutely not!

If Hollow couldn't be stopped and Jiang Ye himself was affected instead, it would make the situation worse.

Secretly, Urahara Kisuke, Shihouin Yoruichi.

They didn't dare to appear immediately to help Jiang Ye who was in the Hollow.

You must know that in this situation, Aizen Sōsuke is very likely to be watching in secret just like them.


If they are now locked by Aizen Sōsuke, they will very likely lose their only hope against Aizen Sōsuke.

together in the dark.

Hirako Shinji of Masquerade Corps et al.

Looking at Jiang Ye who is experiencing Hollow.

Sarugaki Hiyori, could not help but be filled with hatred for Aizen Sōsuke in his eyes.

It was Aizen Sōsuke that damn guy!

Otherwise, they will need to hide in this broken place in the present world, and she will still be the vice-captain of the 12th squad, living a normal life!

Hirako Shinji and Muguruma Kensei They,

He couldn't help but grit his teeth.

Suppressing the hatred in his heart for Aizen Sōsuke.


They can't show up right away either!

Aizen Sōsuke must be the same as before.

He was watching Jiang Ye secretly.


Even waiting they can't hold back,

Impulsively choose to come forward!

Rukia looked at Jiang Ye who was gradually being enveloped.

In her big eyes,


A bright light flashed.

Worried about Jiang Ye in Rukia,

Pray inwardly.

When Jiang Ye was able to successfully overcome the difficulties in front of him.

A certain power in Rukia's heart, the power that has been hidden in her body all this time, is at this moment because of the huge emotion she has for Jiang Ye.


But this power.

She herself does not know.

Shiba doesn't know.

in the field,

Only two people can clearly identify this force.

One is Urahara Kisuke and the other is Aizen Sōsuke!

But the reaction of the two of them at the moment of seeing this force is completely different.

Urahara Kisuke's complexion was instantly gloomy, and the expression hidden under the fisherman's hat was full of frightening haze.

Aizen Sōsuke's eyes lit up, his pupils were filled with joy of surprise, and he even forgot about the observation of Jiang Ye Hollow's process.


At the moment there is Hie Ye Hollow result,

more important.

Even the most important thing to him.



E Yoruichi people are fighting,

He can only fight alone!

Because, this battle did not happen in reality, but shifted to his spiritual world at this moment!

The white fluid substance covering Jiang Ye's upper body finally began to invade Jiang Ye's inner spiritual world, turning into a figure.

Under the bloody sky beside.

On the earth full of bones.

Two figures suddenly appeared.

One belonged to Jiang Ye.

Another one,

It is the fully awakened bull head empty white!

In this inner spiritual world, is the world where Niutou Xubai releases his full potential!

At this moment, Niutou Xubai let out a shocking roar, the sound was so strong that it turned into rolling sound waves, and swept across all directions!

Countless bones on the ground,

Instantly turned into powder!

The terrifying Reiatsu of Hollow.

Let go in Jiang Ye's spiritual world!

The anger that seemed to want to kill Jiang Ye before.

Return it all to Jiang Ye in one breath!

At this time, when Jiang Ye saw the bull's head with a blank face, and then looked at the spiritual world he had come to, he immediately understood it.

It seems.

That guy Aizen Sōsuke picked me for Hollow....

Jiang Ye shook his head.

Didn't care much.

Since the problem has arisen.

Then go to solve it, just cut him open.

What's more, Jiang Ye also knows that in this world of Shinigami, in order to become stronger, one needs to master the power of Xu at the same time.

Since Aizen Sōsuke sent this opportunity up.

Whatever Aizen Sōsuke wants.

Jiang Ye also decided to master Hollow's power!

Get it first and then talk.

As for other issues.

there is always a solution to a problem!

At this moment, a huge scarlet Cero condensed out of the white horns of the bull's head.


The power of this Cero is easily surpassed. Before that, its power in battle was comparable to the highest level Cero——Wang Xu's flash!

Wherever you go.

Everything becomes nothingness.

Burn the atmosphere.


Jiang Ye faced this Cero.

No tension.

He smiled and said: "Since I can defeat you once, I can defeat you a second time, you should submit to me obediently, Bai

Fighting against Xubai in Jiangye,

fight for body control,

While conscious of the brain.

present world.

Karakura Town.

The body of Jiang Ye in this world,

Gradually transformed into the appearance of a bull's head.

The white flowing bone gradually formed a mask on Jiang Ye's face, and at the same time gradually formed a team of sharp horns on his head.

at the same time.

His fingertips also turned into beautiful claws.

Even more amazing.

Jiang Ye exudes Reiatsu all the time.

It's starting to get bigger!

And release huge pressure to the surroundings indiscriminately!

At this moment, Kurosaki Masaki and Rukia, who are weaker than Shiba Yixin, can only gradually withdraw from Jiang Ye's surroundings.


Even with Shiba's heart,

He didn't dare to continue to stand close to Jiang Ye.

The breath on Jiang Ye's body,

It became more and more dangerous for him.

At the same time, he is ready to use Bakudō at any time to restrain Jiang Ye.

It would be fine if Jiang Ye had no accidents, but once an accident happened, with the power Jiang Ye possessed at the moment, it would be possible for him to be careless if he was not careful.

Destroy the entire Karakura Town!

Thousands of humans.

Will die from it!

As the captain of Gotei 13.

Shiba is determined not to let such a tragedy happen!

Fortunately, he is the collateral head of the Shiba family, one of the five noble families of the Soul Society.

Shiba is devoted to the power of Bakudō, Kidō,

Have their own self-confidence.


Jiang Ye's unconscious power!

Sweeping the entire Karakura Town with a bang!

Secret Urahara Kisuke, Shihouin Yoruichi and others, as well as Hirako Shinji, Sarugaki Hiyori, and Muguruma Kensei of Masked Legion.

They are all Jiang Ye's huge Reiatsu at the moment.

Feel shocked.


Shocked by this.

Even Tousen Kaname and Ichimaru Gin are included.

And Aizen Sōsuke, the initiator of this experiment.

None of them thought of it.

Jiang Ye during Hollow.

Such an amazingly huge Reiatsu!

The growth rate of this Reiatsu promotion far exceeds the situation when the captains such as Hirako Shinji are performing Hollow.

At the beginning, Sarugaki Hiyori in Masked Legion got a power boost after transforming.

Even let her, the vice-captain, be qualified to fight with the captain-level combat power.

You must know that although the vice-captain is the vice-captain, there is only one word difference between him and the captain, but the difference of one word is a natural moat.

The captain can easily crush the vice-captain.

It can be imagined from this point.

What a huge boost Hollow made to the strength gain.

And even so.

Amplification obtained after Hollow, a member of the Masked Legion,

It is far less huge than Jiang Ye at this time!

"Hey, hey, has that Aizen guy mastered a stronger Hollow technique!?" Hirako Shinji couldn't believe the power in front of him.

Hollow's promotion on Jiang Ye.

It's too strong!

Make it look like their Hollow is fake!

"Damn Aizen!"

"They treat us like discarded experimental subjects!"

Sarugaki Hiyori began to curse.

Although they said that members of the Masked Legion never thought of taking the initiative to obtain Hollow's power, they saw Hollow's power in themselves.

Not as good as a junior.

They can't contain their emotions!

On the other side, Urahara Kisuke looked at Jiang Ye's current Hollow.

For this reason, he also had to express his admiration for the latest technology that Aizen Sōsuke has mastered today.

Of course, this is just admiration on the technical level.

That's all.

Shihouin Yoruichi, looking at Urahara Kisuke and even marveling, somehow, couldn't help but throw her cat's paw at Urahara Kisuke again!

she is now inside,

I am extremely worried about Jiang Ye's safety!

Urahara Kisuke was defeated by Cat's Claw.

Immediately admit defeat.

While comforting Shihouin Yoruichi.

"Didn't you always trust that kid?"


"Please continue to trust young Jiang Ye."

"Because, the only thing we can do now is this. This battle can only be resolved by Jiang Ye himself."

Shihouin Yoruichi listened to the words.


His eyes were fixed on Jiang Ye.

Pray inwardly.

the other side.

In the shadows of Karakura Town.

Aizen Sōsuke temporarily put aside the surprise he just got.

Continue to pay attention to Jiang Ye's situation.

……ask for flowers…


He roughly estimated the limit that Jiang Ye Hollow broke, and his expression also felt joyful.

Come, I have to admire Jiang Ye's Shinigami.

It has indeed brought him several surprises!

Only among millions or tens of millions of people like Jiang Ye had the talent.

In order to let the progress of the Hollow experiment,

Reaching this level of breakthrough in an instant!

Seconds passed slowly as time passed.

Jiang Ye's appearance,

and the breath that emanates,

While getting stronger and stronger, it is also gradually approaching Xu.


A hollow hole actually began to grow on the chest!

at this very moment,

Jiang Ye's spiritual world!

The bull's head is empty and white in the spiritual world, completely releasing its true posture, and the terrifying power spreads to Jiang Ye's entire mind.

It turned the world upside down and turned the world upside down!

Even at this moment, Jiang Ye couldn't help but be amazed by the power that the bull's head was empty and white.


This bull's head is white, as if it has completely become his second body, possessing the same Ultimate swordsmanship and other powers as him.

It was as if he was fighting himself.

This is taught by a master.

Can't break the trick!

And it matters.

Jiang Ye wants to win this battle,

Voidness needs to be defeated.

Void is different.

All it needs to do is to destroy the strength of Jiang Ye's spiritual world as much as possible. It was born to destroy and destroy.

Occupy Jiang Ye's body,

Control Jiang Ye's consciousness.

It can be done by destroying the strength of Jiang Ye's spiritual world.

don't really need to beat,

The embodied individual in Jiang Ye's heart at this moment.

Because, once Jiang Ye's inner world cannot continue to support, Jiang Ye's embodied individual will be lost like a rootless duckweed.

The power of the individual will collapse with the collapse of the spiritual world.

Thus making the bull's head pale,

You can take advantage of it.

on the scales of victory,

Gradually poured in the direction of the bull's head.

At this moment, Jiang Ye's spiritual world suddenly undergoes earth-shaking changes!

The land full of bones extends infinitely, extending to the edge of the world in an instant, in the eyes of Niutau Xubai and Jiang Ye at this moment.

Suddenly, a wonderful perspective effect occurs.

It's as if they are in an instant.

across time and space.

In a flash!

In the next moment!

The extended perspective stops abruptly!

The space seemed to make a "bang" sound.

Jiang Ye and Niutou Xubai,

His footsteps flickered abruptly.

Almost fell to the ground.

Then, when they slowed down, they were surprised to find that a huge red archway door suddenly appeared in front of their field of vision.

Niutou Xubai was completely puzzled.

But Jiang Yoruichi knew it right away.


There was a graceful figure gradually walking out from behind the red.

Step by step, as the figure gradually appeared, behind this figure, there was a huge and boundless shadow in the world.

Jiang Ye looked at his Zanpakutō Houtu.

twisting the snake waist,

Step by step closer.

He was amazed by Zanpakutō Houtu,

It has such a huge independent power.

But he didn't care.

He believes that he can fully control his Zanpakutō back land.

At this time, he was even more surprised.

In the sky behind Hou Tu, the huge shadow suspended, the shape of that shadow is impressively like a huge disc.

The huge disc looks very old, as if it was born from the birthplace of the world, and it is full of ancient traces of time.

With the rotation of the disc.

Countless bloody streamers in the surrounding sky were absorbed into it.

Then it seems to be worn away by a disc.

Jiang Ye was temporarily unable to use Yuanpan.

I just feel that it is under this disc.

There is a feeling of smallness.

And at this moment, after Niutou Xubai came over, he didn't care what you were, roared, and decided to join Jiang Ye's Zanpakutō.

kill together!

Seeing this, Jiang Ye prepared to fight.


His Zanpakutō Houtu,

But stretched out a slender hand,

Jiang Ye was stopped.

Houtu with a melodious voice,


"Master, let this concubine fight for you this time.

Jiang Ye was a little surprised when he heard the words, but he didn't reject Zanpakutō's kindness.

Seeing this, Hou Tu nodded at Chong Jiang Ye and lowered his body to pay tribute, then turned around lightly, facing the aggressive Niutou Xubai.

She then extended a jade-like index finger.

Then lightly face the bull's head and whiten it a little bit!


The bull's head is white in the extreme speed.

The speed suddenly slowed down!

In an instant, it becomes a kind of slow motion in the eyes of ordinary people.

But Niutou Xubai himself didn't know it.

Still maintaining the movement of attacking Jiang Ye.

Then, Jiang Ye saw a scene that shocked him!

Under the slow motion of the bull's head, his arms, his legs, and his whole body began to age rapidly.

Thank you 2018xxxx, xhyn, 1305xxxx, 1353xxxx for your monthly votes!

Thank you 1353xxxx for your reminder!.

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