I Am The Great Swordsman Zoro, The Strongest Shinigami In The Soul Society

Chapter 99 Revenge Against The Kuchiki Family! Seireitei's Only Hope! (Seek Full Order For Flow

Hitsugaya Tōshirō at the dojo,

Dodge Hyōrinmaru's attacks one after another.


"What happened to you!!"

Hitsugaya Tōshirō shouted at Zanpakutō Hyōrinmaru.

His expression was full of puzzlement.


at this time!

Zanpakutō Hyōrinmaru suddenly burst out,

A mass of severe cold air.

Covered most of the dojo.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō dare not approach the cold air,

Hastily backed away.

For even he felt,

On this cold air,


Then, like a gust of cold wind blowing.

Blowing away the chill that enveloped Hyōrinmaru,

Show the appearance of Hyōrinmaru at this moment.

At this time, Zanpakutō Hyōrinmaru lay quietly on the frozen ice of the dojo.

But next to Zanpakutō Hyōrinmaru,

even stood together,

A figure that made the 10th squad members, Shiba Yixin, and even Hitsugaya Tōshirō unfamiliar.

This figure has ice-blue eyes that are as clear as ice crystals, and there is a frozen cross mark on his face.


There is a decoration of ice dragon wings.

Wearing a lavender kimono.

Wearing dark blue armor.

Most amazingly,

This person's hands and feet are all claws of an ice dragon.

"Are you... Hyōrinmaru!?"

At this moment, Hitsugaya Tōshirō looked in shock at the appearance of a man who suddenly appeared in front of him, and he made this guess without reason.

And he was right.

The man in front of him.

It is he who is the materialization of Zanpakutō Hyōrinmaru!


other 10th squad members,

Including Captain Shiba Isshin,

He was also shocked to see this.

They listened to what Hitsugaya Tōshirō said.

It's clearly what he's talking about.

The man who suddenly appeared in front of him.

It is his Zanpakutō Hyōrinmaru!


How could Zanpakutō materialize casually,

Appear in front of them all!

Be aware that only the special Zanpakutō can materialize in the real world.

Could it be that Zanpakutō Hyōrinmaru is also one of them?

something is wrong...

Shiba frowned instantly.

noticed the difference.


Zanpakutō Hyōrinmaru, did not answer Hitsugaya Tōshirō's question.

His eyes were glazed, as if he had lost his sanity.

At this moment, there is only one thought, one impulse left in his mind, and that is to kill his master, Hitsugaya Tōshirō!



Zanpakutō Hyōrinmaru holds Hyōrinmaru in his hand.

He immediately attacked Hitsugaya Tōshirō.

Ice Dragon Spin Tail!!!


A freezing slash with a huge range,

Then it swept away towards Tōshirō, Japan's 057 Pan Valley.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō was surprised!

Hastily cast Shunpo to dodge.

at the same time.

His figure then appeared behind Zanpakutō Hyōrinmaru,

picked up the ground,

The Zanpakutō Hyōrinmaru that was dropped earlier.


Hitsugaya Tōshirō did not expect,

The materialized Hyōrinmaru,

He could see through his actions.

or in other words,

He had already expected his actions.

One knife and then cut it down.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō hastily blocked with his sword in embarrassment, and the huge force wrapped in a strong cold air instantly knocked Hitsugaya winter lion into the air.

At this time!

Withdraw the 10th squad members outside the dojo.

And captain Shiba Yixin.

Probably also understand.

Zanpakutō in the hands of Hitsugaya Tōshirō,

Actually 'betrayed' Hitsugaya Tōshirō!


Attacking his original master, Hitsugaya Tōshirō!

"Not good!" Shiba thought to himself immediately, but he knew that this was absolutely nothing, Hitsugaya Tōshirō was practicing Bankai.

Practice Bankai.

Can not materialize after Zanpakutō,

Killing each other with his own master!


At this moment, the killing intent on Zanpakutō Hyōrinmaru's sword,

It's so real!

Absolutely with the belief of wanting to kill Hitsugaya Tōshirō,

Swinging a knife!

Also in this short moment.

Hitsugaya Tōshirō took several blows from Hyōrinmaru one after another.

Although he wants to control the situation.

But without the power of Hyōrinmaru.


Hyōrinmaru on the opposite side is familiar with his moves,

Also able to use the power of his own Hyōrinmaru.

As one ebbs and another, Hitsugaya Tōshirō soon fell into a disadvantage, and his movements and image began to become awkward.

The other members of the Tenth Division.

Desire to help Hitsugaya Tōshirō.


The strength of Hitsugaya Tōshirō,

However, the Fan team is second only to the captain Shiba Yixin and the third seat Jiang Ye.

The strongest existence.

Their strength is not an opponent at all.


Shiba Yixin jumped right into the fight at this point.


Just after he helped Hitsugaya Tōshirō, blocking a blow from Zanpakutō Hyōrinmaru.

The same thing happened to Zanpakutō, who was Shiba's heart, and suddenly he was not controlled by Shiba's heart, and released a burst of flames.

Attack Shiba with one heart and come back!


a burst of flames,

It exploded on Shiba Yixin.

Immediately shocked by Hitsugaya Tōshirō,

There are other members of the 10th squad.

They never imagined,

The same situation.

It happened to captain Shiba Yixin.

"Bah, bah, bah...!" Shiba spit out black smoke with all his heart, and his figure was slightly embarrassed, and he came out of the billowing black smoke from the explosion.

He looked dazed.

Just now I was worried about Hitsugaya Tōshirō.


The same happened with his Zanpakutō.


Shiba single-minded Zanpakutō Engetsu.

even materialized,

Appear in front of everyone.

And with the materialized Hyōrinmaru,

Together, they launched an attack on their original masters.

Seeing this extremely weird scene, the other members of the 10th squad were almost dumbfounded. Where have they seen such a scene!

How come the captain's Zanpakutō also 'betrayed' the captain!

What the hell is happening now!

Why does this happen!

All the members of the 10th squad were bewildered and puzzled.

He seemed at a loss for a while.


their Zanpakutō,

He even started to attack himself.


Since most of the team members did not master Zanpakutō's Shikai, Zanpakutō did not materialize, which is luck among misfortunes.

But Zanpakutō attacked his master uncontrollably.

Still at a time.

Let the entire 10th squad be in chaos.

Shiba Yixin and Hitsugaya Tōshirō two people.

Team up against their respective Zanpakutō.

Hyōrinmaru and Engetsu.

The battle is in an anxious stage.

At the same time.

When the Juban team was in chaos.

Other teams in Seireitei.

Also in chaos.

In their team, there was also a strange situation where Zanpakutō "betrayed" himself!

Team Seven.


Zanpakutō, Komamura Sajin, the captain of the 7th Division, is a man with scarlet skin and a burly figure.

Zanpakutō Scourge,

Like a savage demon god.

with great strength,

At the same time, it can spew fierce flames from its mouth,

more importantly,

He can also attack with Bankai!

for a while.

Komamura Sajin with his Zanpakutō Scourge,

Hard to beat!

The aftermath of the battle continued to destroy the team building of the Seventh Division.

Meanwhile, his vice-captain is also caught in a fierce battle with himself, Zanpakutō, after his materialization.

the other side.

Second team.

Captain Sui-Feng's Zanpakutō Suzumebachi,

Turned into a little girl dressed like a bee,

Holding a giant Zanpakutō that looks like a bee needle in her hand, she attacks her own original master, Sui-Feng.

Sui-Feng cast superb Shunpo,

Keep dodging.

Although she didn't understand why her Zanpakutō suddenly materialized,

And also attack its master himself!

But she knew that she must not be hit by her own Zanpakutō attack.

After all, his own Zanpakutō has the effect of (two hits kill.

The so-called [two hits kill] can be understood literally, as long as you are hit in the same place twice in a row, you will die!

This is a very high level of Kidō power.

Even Sui-Feng herself,

I dare not take it.

Seireitei's various teams fell into chaos.

at the same time.

On Sōkyoku Hill.

Kuchiki Hibiki and his Zanpakutō Muramasa,

Seeing Seireitei ignite fires everywhere, rising billowing black smoke, every now and then there is a new place, setting off an explosion.

on their faces,

Then he showed a grim smile of satisfaction.

"Good! Good! Good!"


"It's time to take revenge on the Kuchiki family!"

Kuchiki said.

The words fell.

The figure then disappeared on the hill of Sōkyoku.

Meanwhile his Zanpakutō Muramasa,

Also disappeared together.

Since it is for revenge, Kuchiki Xianghe will of course go to (cgdb), one of the people who personally sealed him back then, for revenge!

The first one is the head of the Kuchiki family at the time—— Kuchiki Yinling, a damned old man

Figures of Kuchiki Hibiki and Muramasa,

Walk across the glazed tiles of Seireitei.

In this time of confusion,

No one paid attention to the figures of the two of them.

Even if you notice, you will only think it is a Shinigami from another team.

Soon, Kuchiki Xianghe found the mansion of the Kuchiki family, the head of the five nobles of the Soul Society, located on Seireitei noble street.

It used to be his home too.

but now.

Kuchiki Hibiki slashed,

without hesitation,

Slashed open the gate of Kuchiki's house!


The door slams down!

but at the moment,

No one from the Kuchiki family came to pay attention to the situation at the gate.


In the Kuchiki family mansion, the current head of the Kuchiki family, Byakuya Kuchiki, who is also the captain of the sixth division, is also Zanpakutō with himself.

Senbonzakura fight!

temporarily lost their own Zanpakutō Senbonzakura,

Get Byakuya Kuchiki into a scorching fight.

Countless thin blades turn into a power like a storm of Sakura flowers,

Keep sweeping towards Byakuya Kuchiki.

As usual for the enemy,

call it the power of despair,


Make Byakuya Kuchiki herself a stickler!

Senbonzakura, clad in samurai armor, controls

A storm of thousands of Sakura flowers launched a fierce attack on Byakuya Kuchiki, like a pink dragon.

Byakuya Kuchiki faced this horrific attack,

normal slash,

Senbonzakura cannot be cut at all.

want to use Kidō,

But Senbonzakura didn't give him the chance to use the mighty Kidō.

Byakuya Kuchiki at the moment,

Can only display superb Shunpo skills,

Dodging around.

And the other Shinigami of the Kuchiki family can't help him at this time, the Shinigami who masters Shikai is dealing with his own Zanpakutō materialization.

Shinigami without mastering Shikai.

killing each other.

Patriarch of the previous generation.

Grandpa of Byakuya Kuchiki Kuchiki Silver Bell.

At this time, I saw this extremely strange scene in front of me.

He immediately thought that the only person who has the ability to do all this is Kuchiki, whom he was forced to seal at the beginning!

But, wasn’t Kuchiki Kazukawa sealed in the heavy spirit land together with the captain!? Could it be that he escaped!

Kuchiki Yinling looked solemn.

he knows.

In order not to be affected by the ability of Kuchiki Hibiki Zanpakutō Muramasa,

Just close your heart.

But once you are affected by the ability first, and then close your heart.

will have no effect.

This is also the reason why Kuchiki Yinling, didn't tell Byakuya Kuchiki this weakness immediately, he didn't want Byakuya Kuchiki to be distracted during the battle.

at the same time.

To reach the sealed heart,

Effects not affected by abilities.

Only by concentrating all your energy,

Can't be distracted.

Once distracted.

It is possible to be taken advantage of by the power of Zanpakutō Muramasa.


Kuchiki Yinling now, in order not to materialize his own Zanpakutō, attacks him and others.

He also couldn't help much with Byakuya Kuchiki who was fighting.

At this moment, a man who shocked Kuchiki Yinling miraculously appeared in front of him.

Kuchiki Hibiki, with his Zanpakutō Muramasa, broke into the depths of Kuchiki's house, and finally met the enemy he wanted to avenge.

And the current head of the Kuchiki family, Byakuya Kuchiki, who is fighting his own Zanpakutō!

"Xianghe...it's really you!" Kuchiki Yinling said with a serious face, and a trace of complicated emotions flashed in his eyes.

"That's right."

"I didn't expect that.

"Old man."

"I was able to come out of the seal!"

Kuchiki Hibiki is like a winner,

He opened his arms and said to Kuchiki Yinling.

Look laughing.

At this moment, the chaos in Seireitei is all his own power, and the whole Seireitei is not his opponent of Kuchiki Hibiki!

He just has to join forces with his own Zanpakutō Muramasa.

to conquer the entire Seireitei!

"I swear."

"Wait until I escape the seal!"

"I will definitely take revenge on you guys!"


"I'm here now."

Kuchiki Hibiki continued.

heard the words.

Kuchiki Yinling looked silent.

I don't know what to say.


During the battle, Byakuya Kuchiki didn't know about this period of history. He only looked at the relationship between his grandfather and this man, and he was afraid that there was a deep entanglement in it.

After the silence.

Kuchiki silver bells cannot make Kuchiki ring the river,

Keep going on like this!

This has greatly endangered the safety of the entire Seireitei and even the Soul Society!

He must represent the Kuchiki family, represent the Sixth Division, and represent Seireitei, and get rid of the Kuchiki Xianghe in front of him.

As long as Kuchiki Hibiki dies.

Zanpakutō Muramasa's abilities will disappear.


Kuchiki Yinling makes a heavy choice,

Signal for Byakuya Kuchiki to join forces with him.

They must clear the portal themselves!


Since Kuchiki Hibiki dared to come.

Already had prepared plans.

He asked his Zanpakutō Muramasa to order the other Shinigami of the 6th Division to attack Kuchiki Yinling and Byakuya Kuchiki.

for a while.

Shinigami of the Sixth Division,

Blocked Kuchiki Yinling and Byakuya Kuchiki.

It's fine if they don't attack,

Once an attack is made,

You will only attack your own people!


Rao is a calm Shinigami like Byakuya Kuchiki,

I also have to grit my teeth and hate it.

Kuchiki Hibiki accepts Byakuya Kuchiki's 'compliment' without guilt

Then, he ordered the Shinigami of the 6th Division to besiege and defeat Kuchiki Yinling and Byakuya Kuchiki, completing his dream revenge.


Take revenge on Kuchiki's house.

It's just a stage.

Kuchiki Kabikawa's most wanted revenge,

Naturally, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni, the captain of Gotei 13 and also the captain of the first team, and those corrupt high-level officials of Seireitei!


Those rotten high-rises are easy to handle,

It can be left to the end.


Yamamoto Genyanagi Shigekuni,

Not an easy target for revenge.


Kuchiki Hibiki had to make a lot of preparations!

So he ordered his own Zanpakutō Muramasa.

Summon all Zanpakutō with captain-level strength,

move closer to him,

At the same time, head towards the direction of the first team together!

The turmoil of the Juban corps, temporarily weakened because of Kuchiki Hibiki's call-up order, leaving both Engetsu and Hyōrinmaru with Zanpakutō.

Shiba and the two of them were able to breathe.

they know.

Help had to be called.

And the only Shinigami who could help them,


Jiang Ye!.

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