Chapter 139!

Unknowingly, Zhou Ye and Liuhua had been living in middle school for two months.

In the past two months, the soul of Liuhua’s middle two has been rising little by little, and Zhou Ye is also happy to see this gratifying change in his sister.

It’s getting cuter and cuter—Rokuhana-chan.

Even Liuhua gave everything around him the name of middle two.

For example, her school—which she called it—was the No. 1 National Junior Magician Placement Agency.

And – the head teacher, Miki Minamisawa is – Countess of Blood – Elizabeth Catherine Miki III.

And so on – this middle number is flown up by six flowers.

And Zhou Ye looked resigned to it, except that sometimes it was too much, Zhou Ye would let the [Holy Chanter] that is, Sister Ten Flowers, and teach the [Evil King True Eye] a good lesson…

It is precisely because of this that the growth of Liuhua has not taken a crooked road… Still under the control of Tohana and Rie.

Golden Day – Friday.

In the evening, the family finished dinner early and nestled together in the living room to watch TV…

What to say? Zhou Ye is still very interested in neon spoof shows, those spoof shows that have almost no lower limit give people a – well, a sense of schadenfreude pleasure…

And although Toka and Rie are not much interested in such programs, they still plan to accompany their men to watch it, sometimes, when the family watches TV, it doesn’t matter what they watch, what matters is – this warm family atmosphere.

At this time, the ordering in the living room looks like this…

Ten Flowers sat on Zhou Ye’s left, while Lihui was on Zhou Ye’s right… The petite Liuhua sits on her own Oni-chan’s lap…

Just when the family was bursting into laughter because those artists on TV were framed, suddenly a mobile phone vibrated sound.

After Liuhua took out her mobile phone and glanced at the email, she instantly jumped from Zhou Ye’s arms and got down… Hurry upstairs.

“Rokuhana-chan… Did something happen? Rie asked with some curiosity.

“Comrades in the other world are calling me…” Liuhua said with a serious expression: “I’m afraid those guys have appeared again, I’m going to deal with it!” So…… I’ll take my leave next…”


“Rokago-chan’s words… What is the meaning?? After watching her little daughter go upstairs, Rie looked at her son with some concern. Ye-chan… Shouldn’t Liuhua-chan have any special abilities like you? ”

“Don’t worry… Kassan! ”

It was not Zhou Ye who answered Lihui, but Shihua who was sitting on the other side of Zhou Ye, because her sister was not present, she could finally nestle into Zhou Ye’s arms unabashedly, sighed comfortably, and said: “Liuhua is just guilty of the second disease…”

“Secondary disease??” Rie chanted this unfamiliar word in her mouth, looked at Zhou Ye with some curiosity and asked, “Can Ye-chan explain this word to me?” In the past two months, Liuhua-chan has always come out of his mouth from time to time with words such as [battle], what [Yan World], what [Yan World Administration], etc., I don’t understand it at all…”

“In short, it’s just a fantasy of special abilities!” Zhou Ye smiled slightly, he had only blocked Ten Flowers in the past few months, and he had not stopped Lihui… I haven’t explained to Rie Liuhua’s state at this time…

Most of the time, Zhou Ye just uses [Isn’t this kind of six-flower sauce very cute?] [It’s okay, I’ll take care of it at school.] 【Don’t worry, Liuhua is fine…” Such words prevaricate Rie…

But today, it seems that the matter of Liuhua-chan is no longer hidden.

“Fantasy of special abilities??” Rie is a little unclear so…

“Well, like–when Kasan was a child, did you ever watch any anime, light novels or something like that, and you fantasized that you were a character with some kind of ability in it??” Zhou Ye asked rhetorically with a smile.

“Ah…” Hearing Zhou Ye’s words, Rie covered her face a little embarrassed, “So, when I was a child, I always fantasized that I was actually the reincarnation of a flower fairy, and I wanted to find seven-colored flowers that could bring happiness to people…”

[Uh-what an old manga! 】X2

Hearing Li Hui’s words, Zhou Ye and Shihua couldn’t help but look at each other, and such a thought appeared in their hearts at the same time.

“Ahem…” Zhou Ye coughed twice in embarrassment before saying, “All in all, it’s just a very cute illness… Don’t worry, as you get older… Liuhua herself will slowly realize that she actually has no superpowers…”

“In that case… I’m relieved! Rie said, standing up…

“Huh?? What are you going to do in Kassan? Zhou Ye asked a little stunned.

“Of course, I went to get the video recorder…” Rie looked natural and said, “I want to record such a cute six flowers bit by bit with the video recorder… When she grows up, show it to her…”

“Goodjob…” And Toka actually gave Rie a thumbs up.

A word popped up in Zhou Ye’s heart at this time, that is–lying groove… Is this to record the black history of his little daughter? And then wait until she grows up to play public execution??

Unexpectedly, under the attributes of Rie’s virtuous wife, there is also a deep black belly hidden…

And Shihua’s performance in anime that likes to threaten people with other people’s black history is obviously the influence of deep acceptance… This is true.

“Wait—” Zhou Ye hurriedly stood up and stopped Rie, who was about to go upstairs to get the home camera. “I don’t think I need to record it???

“Huh!! But isn’t it the responsibility of every parent to record every bit of a child’s growth? Rie had a troubled look on her face, as if she really didn’t want to give up on the idea…

“Nope… Let me do it! Zhou Ye sighed helplessly… The black history of Liuhua-chan or something, of course, must be in your own hands.

“But…” Rie still didn’t really want to give up.

“Be sure to give it to me… Kassan! Zhou Ye said, not waiting for Lihui to speak again, turned around and ran upstairs.

Li Hui looked at Zhou Ye, who had already run upstairs, and could only sigh helplessly, and then sat back in the living room…

And Zhou Ye also quickly ran into the bedroom and took out a home camera… After thinking about it, he didn’t immediately take it to Liuhua’s house, but casually threw it into his space backpack…

For his sister, Liuhuachan-Zhou Ye plans to cultivate her into a severe secondary two patient, these black histories are not called black history at all for severe secondary two patients, perhaps, on the contrary, they will feel that they are so handsome at that time…

If he really wanted to video, Zhou Ye would still choose Dansheng Gu Senxia, or – Yuta Tomgashi these two guys…

At that time, with their black history, you can play the game of public execution… It’s funny to think about.

It’s a pity – I don’t know where they are now… Hey, do you want Shaye to hack into the government website and find the information of these people?

But those didn’t matter for the time being—let’s go and see what his sister was doing first, thinking of this—Zhou Ye walked out of the room and walked towards Liuhua’s room.

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