Chapter 285!

“Saito-sama!! Good morning!! ”

Wise Guangxiu’s little face was slightly red and greeted his former lord…

“Oh… Oh!! Jubei ah!! Michizo Saito couldn’t help but laugh, “I didn’t expect you to change into women’s clothes one day!” ”

In the past, Wise Guangxiu had to remind himself that as the head of a wise family, he had the responsibility to shine the lintel…

Therefore, she basically does not wear traditional women’s clothing, and she wears a kendo skirt that is neutral every day… That makes it easier for her to perform kendo.

“…”Hearing Saito Michizo’s teasing, even with the wisdom and open-mindedness, he couldn’t help but hide behind his husband…

“This is??” Saito Michizo looked behind Zhou Ye again, also wearing a kimono Mochizuki Chiyo… Curiously asked.

He knew that when Zhou Ye came, he only brought Wise Guangxiu… If it came from Owari Country, it would be too fast, right?

“In the next place, Chiyo of the Mochizuki clan, I have seen Saito-sama!!” Chiyo Mochizuki said, saluting Saito Michizo slightly.

“Mochizuki??” Hearing this surname, Michizo Saito’s first reaction was to stand up abruptly like Mitsuhide Sensi… His eyes fluttered.

But – soon he sat down again… Because he thought of Zhou Ye’s identity and ability. “Huh… It seems that the Mochizuki clan lost his wife and broke the army this time! ”

“Huh, old man, aren’t you nervous? She is the demon girl of the Mochizuki clan!! With her by her side, adults will become negative people who are not recognized by the six relatives!! Wise Guangxiu asked with a surprised look.

“Huh… If the Mochizuki clan had such skills, they would not have become a vassal of the Takeda clan!! Saito Michizo smiled, rubbed his beard and said, “Then the position of the emperor has long been lost… After all, it is a existence that can tempt gods!! ”

“In the end, am I the only one who is nervous there like a fool??” Wise Guangxiu said a little deflated.

“Huh… Caring is chaotic!! “Michizo Saito, an old fox, has long seen some clues from the position of the three.

“It’s still Saito-sama’s eyes like torches, not like some fool, no matter how I explain it, she just doesn’t believe it, I have served the adults with all my heart!!” Chiyo Mochizuki said, and deliberately glanced at Wise Mitsuhide…

Hearing the words of Chiyo Mochizuki, Wise Mitsuhide glanced at it like a kitten that had been stepped on its tail, and suddenly jumped up: “Who do you say is a fool?” ”

“Whoever talks is whoever talks!!” Chiyo Mochizuki said unceremoniously.

“Whoever says people are fools are fools!!”


“Hey, what do you mean by that??”



Zhou Ye rubbed his head a little big, these two girls are naturally incompatible, from the morning to now, such conversations have happened countless times.


Zhou Ye’s words made these two girls become good babies, and they didn’t dare to say a word, and knelt on both sides of Zhou Ye.

Seeing this situation, Saito Michizo secretly picked a thumbs up at Zhou Ye… [Awesome… The royal maid has a way! 】

Seeing Saito Michizo’s gesture, Zhou Ye couldn’t help but want to smile bitterly…

Speaking of which, Michizo Saito is his father-in-law, and his father-in-law actually compared this gesture to himself, which made him feel very strange.

But fortunately, the waiter who started to serve the meal temporarily eased Zhou Ye’s embarrassment.

Saito Michizo here, the implementation of the meal sharing system… Perhaps because of his humble background, Michizo Saito attached great importance to such aristocratic behavior.

The so-called divided meal system is basically a small table for each person, and each person eats his own way.

Saito Michizo’s breakfast is actually very simple: a grilled fish with two plates of pickles, plus one night of white rice.

Seeing such a breakfast, Zhou Ye really had a little… I can’t eat it.

This is from frugality to luxury, from luxury to thrift.

“How?? Is Ye-kun not satisfied with the Nagara River trout, which is a specialty here? Michizo Saito asked with some curiosity, “This is a famous product of the Nagara River… The meat is tender…”

Before Saito Michizo could boast a few words, Zhou Ye smiled bitterly and waved his hand…”That, I don’t like fish too much… Because I’m not very good at dealing with fish bones!! ”

This reason is strong…

“Then it’s up to the concubine to help Lord Fujun!” Hearing Zhou Ye’s words, Mochizuki Chiyo gently put down the rice bowl in her hand, then knelt down a few steps, came to the side of her own husband, Lord Jun, and then without hesitation, used her own chopsticks to help Zhou Ye gently remove the fish bones in the grilled fish, and then gently picked up the sorted fish flesh, carried it in her own hand, and sent it to her own man’s side, “Lord Fujun… Come on, ahhh!! ”

Seeing the actions of Chiyo Mochizuki, Wise Guangxiu had a feeling that she had lost for no reason…

However, with a wise and glorious personality, how could he admit defeat so easily?

She came to Zhou Ye’s side without hesitation and gently picked up Zhou Ye’s rice bowl…”Failing to understand the adult’s distress is the negligence of the subordinate, my lord… Come on!! ”

All right…… At the dinner table, the two women still have some tacit understanding, you bite the fish meat, I feed a bite of rice, and do not use their own men as weapons of dispute…

When Michizo Saito saw this scene in front of him, he really felt like he couldn’t cry or laugh… This son-in-law of mine is really powerful.

A breakfast, in such a spooky atmosphere, was finished…

After breakfast, the tableware was naturally taken away by the waiter, and then the tea set was served…

After taking a sip of green tea, Saito Michizo asked with some hesitation, “How is Yejun going to deal with those three traitors?” ”

“Three traitors??” When Zhou Ye heard this, he was stunned, but soon, he realized who Saito Michizo was talking about.

Mino trio –

Ryodori Inaba, Mamoru Ando, and Naoto of the clan…

“According to the old man’s meaning, what are you going to do??” Zhou Ye asked rhetorically with a smile.

“Mino has shed enough blood…” Michizo Saito sighed and said, “Why don’t you just let them go… Eliminate their posts!! ”

“I myself hate traitors very much!!” Zhou Ye smiled slightly…

Hearing Zhou Ye’s words, Saito Michizo couldn’t help but sigh… He knew that this was Zhou Ye’s statement. “Then please Ye-kun must forgive Ando!!”


“Because – his nephew, Takenaka Hanbei!!” Saito Michizo was really thinking about Zhou Ye. “Takenaka Hanbei, a peerless genius… If Yejun recruits him, the world will have it at his fingertips!! ”

“Takenaka Hanbei??”

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