Dragon Island.

It covers an area of hundreds of thousands of miles and is surrounded by volcanoes.

The flames inside it are not extinguished all year round, and the magma under it flows for ten thousand years, and the earth is full of fire veins.

The innate aura is rich, and the fire is surging.

Ten thousand years of elixirs are everywhere, and the roots of old trees are coiled.

It is a famous fire system fairy mountain blessed land in the East China Sea.

The center of the island is even more prosperous and vibrant, all kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures are growing violently, and a large number of fire spirits are multiplying.

There is a lake on the highest mountain, clear as a mirror, green as jade, and when the sun and moon meet, the mist will evaporate, making this fairy blessed land more dusty and dreamy.

At the same time, numerous pavilions line the lake, high and low.

This lake is a congenital hot spring, and the pavilion is a sacred scenery of the immortal family.

At this time, inside a Dao Palace.

On the futon woven by the Qingxin Grass the day after tomorrow, the red-clothed young man who was sitting cross-kneeled suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a flame in his eyes, burning and shining like a star.

At the same time, a powerful aura suddenly burst out from the young man’s body, as if breaking some kind of shackles and stepping into a new world, and the aura around his body became flawless.

After a few days, the breath gradually stabilized and converged.

The corners of the young man’s mouth rose, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Through the flood and famine for decades, he worked hard, studied diligently, did not dare to slack, and finally reached a higher level of cultivation, entering the peak of the Dao of Returning to Void and Harmony, and was only one step away from becoming an immortal.

That’s right!

The youth is a crosser!

His name is Zhang Dan .

Although he is only in his twenties, he has been fond of food and studying cooking since he was a child, and he is a veritable glutton.

Decades ago, he accidentally traveled to the world of desolation, and by chance, he merged with an indigenous man named Sujili, regardless of each other.

Specifically, Sujili is an ordinary firehead soldier of the Terrans, that is, a cook.

Because his barracks were invaded by foreign enemies, Sujili was slaughtered, and when he was dying, Zhang Dan happened to wear it, and both of their true spirits were on the verge of being broken.

In order to survive, they instinctively fuse each other’s true spirits and are compatible with each other, because the degree of fragmentation of Zhang Dan true spirit is relatively low, and eventually they regain their life and become the new Sujili dominated by Zhang Dan consciousness.

Because of this, Zhang Dan has a reasonable identity in the flood wilderness and becomes the new Sujili.

As strong as a saint, he can’t see his true roots.

There is great terror between life and death, and there is also great creation.

Because of this chance, when Sujili was dying, he awakened the bloodline in his body and transformed into a fire spirit body.

This change alarmed the passing Golden Immortal: Luo Xuan, the Immortal in the Flame.

Seeing that the hunter was happy, he took Sujili as an apprentice on the spot and gave him an elixir to help him recover.

Because of this, the young man became the first disciple under Luo Xuanmen and practiced on Fire Dragon Island for decades.


“Good apprentice, since you have successfully broken through, you still don’t come to see me quickly!”

A heroic and rough voice interrupted Sugili’s thoughts.

He immediately got up, collected his appearance, and walked out of the Dao Palace, a fiery red light rose under his feet, and headed towards the peak Dao Palace.

Half an hour later, inside the Dao Palace.

Su Jili bowed to a middle-aged Taoist on the high platform.

“The disciple has seen the master!”

This life has three eyes, wearing a fishtail crown, a face like a heavy date, red hair under the sea, wearing a big red gossip suit, and emitting red fire around his body, and the weather is extraordinary.

It was the master of Sujili and the lord of Fire Dragon Island: Luo Xuan!

Punching out a magic force to lift the apprentice up, looking at the beloved disciple who will achieve the immortal path in only a few decades, Luo Xuan smiled and smiled with satisfaction.

“Master leads the door, and the practice is in the individual.”

“You can practice this for decades after joining the teacher, which shows that you have not studied hard in private on weekdays, which is very good.”

When Sujili heard this, he immediately straightened up.

“Since my apprentice’s visit, Master has taught me carefully and taught me with all my might.”

“The disciple can have today, the master has made great achievements, and the apprentices dare not forget.”

Hearing this, Luo Xuan was greatly satisfied, and the smile on his face was even brighter, no matter what this statement was true or not, at least this disciple’s attitude was very correct.

However, he specially summoned his apprentice this time, but not to listen to his compliments, thinking of business, he spoke.

“The road of the four realms, you have already walked.”

“Next, it’s time to cross the calamity and become an immortal.”

“Although my divine power is mysterious and extraordinary, I am not afraid of the power of heavenly calamity, but there is no absolute, I am not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid of what happens.”

“In order to ensure that nothing is lost, I will give you a heavenly Spirit Treasure Fire Shield for Shi Jin, I hope you will make good use of it, and be reborn as soon as possible and become an immortal.”

Sugili rejoices.

I didn’t expect that Master would give a spirit treasure this time.

After receiving the fire cover, he thanked Luo Xuan more sincerely, and after asking the latter for some cultivation doubts and listening to some tribulation experience, Su Jili left respectfully.

Inside the Divine Fire Palace.

Seeing the figure of the apprentice gradually moving away, Luo Xuan’s eyes showed anticipation, and he smiled.

“A hundred years later, the sect leader will open a lecture on Jinao Island.”

“I hope that by that time, you have successfully become an immortal, and you can go with your master to listen to the sermon, so as not to miss this great opportunity.”

“Also give the master a long face in front of the crowd.”

A thousand years ago, Senior Brother Duo Bao once led his disciple Fire Spirit to Jinao Island to pay homage to the sect leader.

This three generations of great disciples of the Sect have extraordinary qualifications, and they have become immortals in only a hundred years, and they have a solid foundation and deep foundation, and they are not the kind of immortals who are born from overdraft potential.

Because of this, the fire spirit not only received the praise of many second-generation disciples of the Sect, but also received another look from the sect leader saint, and received the Golden Xia Crown of the Innate Spirit Treasure, which made Senior Brother Duobao gain face.

Luo Xuan has self-knowledge, knowing that he will not be able to fight Master Duo Bao in his life, not to mention his own disciples, even among the outer disciples, there are not a few who are stronger than him.

For example, Zhao Gongming, Sanxiao and the Seven Immortals of the Attendant.

But he can fight apprentices!

Not to mention that the number of disciples of the three generations of the sect is limited at present.

Even if there are more disciples in the next three generations, Sujili can also get it.

It’s really this apprentice who is too worry-free!

Although the qualification is not top-notch, it is also superior in the Terran race, and the most important thing is that the heart, perseverance and understanding are good.

In terms of mental nature, he is stable and reliable, and many times can think calmly and rationally, and analyze the pros and cons of things.

In terms of perseverance, the matter of practice does not need Luo Xuan’s supervision and reminder, Su Jili himself is very attentive, integrating sitting and lying down into practice, practicing anytime and anywhere, and his diligent and crazy vigor is that Luo Xuan is ashamed of himself compared with it.

In terms of understanding, he does not study the method taught by Luo Xuan according to the book, but draws inferences from one example, many thoughts and perceptions, and even often has some fantastic ideas in some aspects, which makes Luo Xuan’s eyes shine.

Because of this, Luo Xuan had high hopes for Sujili.

Who let the early stage of practice look at qualifications, and later look at comprehensive literacy.

If Su Jili could always be at the top among the three generations of disciples of the Sect, Luo Xuan would still be able to raise his eyebrows and breathe a master!

On the other side, inside the Spirit Fire Palace.


ps: The new book is uploaded, still flooded, cool at the same time, the rhythm is moderate, I hope to bring readers a better reading experience.

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