Fire Dragon Island, Spirit Fire Palace.

Half an hour later, Sujili opened her eyes, and a look of clarity appeared on her face.

For the immortals, a hundred years is just a retreat, a feast, a nap, and it passes in the blink of an eye.

But for the Terrans, a hundred years is enough to change a dynasty and complete a humane change.

Soon after he left Qingyang Mountain, a great war broke out between the Shang Kingdom and Daxia, and Shang Tang, in order to win the hearts and minds of the people and deepen cooperation with the Jiaojiao, not only ordered the establishment of a temple of the god of Vesta at the foot of Mount Qingyang, but also held a grand sacrifice every year, which greatly increased the belief in the god of Vesta.

In the past hundred years, the Shang Kingdom and the Great Xia Dynasty have been fighting continuously, the scale of the battle is getting bigger and bigger, the beacon is fierce, the battle situation is fierce, the dragon clan, the phoenix clan, the interpretation sect, the truncated sect and some scattered cultivators have all made their own moves, humane and heroic, and assisted the optimistic forces to chase the world.

Finally, more than 20 years ago, after the decisive battle of Narujo, the Great Xia Dynasty that had been in Kyushu for nearly 10,000 years collapsed, completely becoming a thing of the past, and the last Xia Emperor died tragically under the sword of Shang Tang, and the Shang Kingdom was renamed the Great Shang Imperial Dynasty, sitting in Kyushu, becoming the new lord of the Terran race, and Shang Tang also successfully ascended the throne and became the new emperor.

The forces that supported the great merchants such as the Intercept Sect and the Feng Clan were rewarded, and the luck of some of the Terrans was divided, and the momentum of the Ten Thousand Immortals of the Intercept Sect was even more magnificent, and many Jiao Immortals took the opportunity to break through the realm and further their cultivation; The predicament of the Phoenix Clan’s profound karma was alleviated, and many Phoenix creatures began to walk the flood and gradually became active.

Because of Yi Yin’s sake, and in order to befriend the sect again, and at the same time completely win the hearts and minds of the people, and stabilize his rule, Sensetime, as the emperor of the people, declared the god of the Vesta as the god of the shrine, sheltered thousands of stoves in Kyushu, and took charge of the world’s cooking and some agricultural affairs.

Although in addition to the god of Vesta, Sensetime also sacrificed other shrines, Sujili did benefit from it and received great benefits.

After being thoroughly recognized by humanity, he not only greatly increased his luck, his cultivation broke through with the trend, the road to the Golden Immortal would be unimpeded, and he also obtained the orthodox name, and when he turned to the Heavenly Court in the future, the position of Vesta God was none other than him.

Thinking of this, Sujili solved his doubts and felt overjoyed, knowing that his efforts in the world for nearly a hundred years were not in vain.

After calming his mood, Sujili looked refreshed and got up and walked out of the quiet room, he did not go to the Terran Kyushu or the Divine Fire Palace, but after a short rest for several years, he continued to practice.

In addition to cultivating the Dao Divine Power, Su Jili will continue to refine the Agni Fire Seal and the Heaven and Earth Cauldron, and sometimes based on the Stove Avenue, integrate the advantages of the Cooking Dao and the Dao of Creation, learn from each other’s strengths, check and fill in the gaps, and continue to speculate, explore and create the cultivation method.

Cultivation is not to practice the exercises step by step, but to step out of one’s own path and figure out one’s own cultivation method, so that it can be regarded as a small achievement and qualified to become a golden immortal.

For example, although the Shangqing Immortal Method is one of the top inheritances of the Flood Wilderness, but this is the law and Dao of the Lord of the Tongtian Sect, if you want to achieve the Golden Immortal, you cannot practice the Shangqing Immortal Method step by step, but according to your own situation, the above Qing Immortal Method is based on and reference, reasonably integrated into your own Dao, relying on the fertile soil of the Shangqing inheritance, stepping out of a new road, cultivating your own saplings, and blossoming and fruiting.

In this way, only then can you be qualified to become a golden immortal, truly harvest the fruit of the immortal path, and leave your own traces between heaven and earth, only then can you carry forward the Shangqing Dao, otherwise, copying and copying the practice will only rest on your laurels, and eventually block your own path, and it will be difficult to achieve the golden immortal for life.

Sugili is well aware of this.

Therefore, since becoming an immortal, he has been pondering his own cultivation method based on the Qing Dynasty inheritance and the Fire Dragon Island Immortal Method, around the Stove Fire Avenue.

In the part of the four realms, he has basically created it and taught it to Yi Yin, giving the latter a copy of the immortal yuan, but also experimenting.

Now, Sujili wants to create the Immortal Dao chapter.

At the very least, if he deduces the Spirit Chef Cultivation Method and the Stove Fire Cultivation Method to Xuan Immortal, he is qualified to impact the Golden Immortal with the foundation, otherwise, it is very likely to fail, and even if he barely succeeds, his potential will be exhausted and his path will be cut off.

When it comes to his own path, Sujili has always been very cautious and valued the creation of the law.


Passing horses in front of the window, white clouds and dogs.

Thirty years at your fingertips.

East China Sea, Dragon Island.

On this day, Su Jili drove the light and headed towards the Divine Fire Peak, all because Master Luo Xuan had already left the customs.

In the Divine Fire Palace, after the two masters and apprentices exchanged pleasantries, Su Jili said that he had come to understand.

Hearing that his beloved disciple wanted to go to the Heavenly Court to serve, Luo Xuan was particularly surprised.

In addition to chasing the avenue, cultivators seek eternal life and freedom.

There are too many rules in the Heavenly Court, which may be attractive to the scattered immortals who do not mix well, but they are not too attractive to the immortals of the great forces, especially the immortals under the saint’s door, and even feel a little cumbersome.

This is especially true for the Truncated Immortals who like freedom.

Luo Xuan was very curious about the reason why his disciples wanted to join the Heavenly Court.

In the face of the inquiry, Sujili said truthfully.

“Master Qiyu, the apprentice cultivated the Stove Fire Avenue and taught the Terran cooking skills and the method of creating a spirit cook, so that he was favored by humanity and lowered his merits, not only obtained many meritorious spiritual treasures, but also greatly increased his cultivation and condensed the meritorious immortal light.”

“This shows that the apprentice is related to the position of Vesta.”

“Especially in the Great Agreement on Ding Jiuzhou, after the apprentice was completely recognized by humanity and occupied the position of the god of Vesta, his luck increased greatly, and he felt that his own road was closely related to the position of the god of Vesta.”

“The Heavenly Court is the nominal Flood Barren Orthodoxy, and the Heavenly Emperor is the master of heaven and earth on the bright side, although the apprentice is recognized by humanity, but if he wants to completely sit on the position of the god of Vesta, he is foolproof, he still needs to be recognized by the Heavenly Emperor and canonized by the Heavenly Dao.”

“What’s more, although the Heavenly Court has many rules and is constrained by heavenly rules, but that is for ordinary immortals, disciples are backed by the Sect, and the Heavenly Emperor will give some face, and will definitely live more loosely than ordinary immortals, and when the disciples’ cultivation is strong enough, many heavenly rules will be reduced to decorations.”

“In the final analysis, honoring the strong is the immutable rule of survival.”

“What’s more, the Heavenly Court is rich in spiritual energy, rich in resources, and permeated with a large number of star essences, not inferior to the top cave heaven and blessed land, and the thirty-three heavens are more mysterious and extraordinary than the other.”

“If a disciple turns to the Heavenly Court, not only can he occupy the great righteousness and exercise the authority of the Vesta God more justifiably, but he can also obtain the resources of the Heavenly Court and the increase of Qi Luck in addition to obtaining the resources and luck of the Heavenly Court, so why not kill many birds with one stone?”

After some analysis and conversation, Luo Xuan was persuaded.

As the disciple said, in addition to being temporarily free and being bound by the heavenly rules, joining the heavenly court did have many benefits.

What’s more, the position of Vesta God is related to the future path of the disciples, and Luo Xuan finally agreed.

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