Half an hour later.

Nine Heavens, Vesta Shrine.

Looking at Bian Zhuang, who was complaining and eating happily, Su Jili was quite helpless.

He guessed right.

Bian Zhuang was indeed thrown by the Grand Master Xuandu because he defected to the Heavenly Court.

On the surface, it is said that the Heavenly Court is the orthodoxy of the flood and wilderness, and the truncated sect has already come out, and the human sect cannot but contribute.

In fact, the real reason was best known only to Grand Master Xuandu.

Because he used him as an excuse, Bian Zhuang had a deep grudge against Sujili, and he wanted to find trouble in the Vesta Mansion, and took a breath of evil anger in his heart, but he didn’t expect that he was directly captured by the food.

Now, Bian Zhuang directly asked Sujili to compensate with food on the grounds of compensation, and the latter naturally agreed.

He saw that Bian Zhuang had a broad and honest personality, and it was best to take the opportunity to befriend this person and teach his disciples.

It’s just that looking at the half-eaten meal, thinking of his upcoming colleagues, Su Jili waved his sleeve and punched out a mana to put away the remaining delicacies, otherwise, before anyone arrived, the things would have been eaten by Bian Zhuang first.

At that time, it will be called embarrassing if there is nothing to entertain.

Seeing this scene, Bian Zhuang glanced at Su Jili with dissatisfaction, fortunately, he knew the importance and did not say much, directly waiting for the guests to come to the door with Su Jili, and at the same time, asking when the latter would cook again, with a bit of flattery between his words.

“Junior Brother, will you cook tomorrow?”

“Junior Brother, can you get another copy of that bowl of dragon soup next time? Personally capture a Xuanxian Dragon for your brother! ”

“Junior Brother Su, I wonder if that immortal drunken spirit wine can give another pot to my brother? My master is also quite good at this, as a master and nephew, you always have to honor one or two, don’t you?

For the sake of you and me, I will work hard for my brother, hand it over for you, and by the way, say a few kind words for you in front of Master. ”

“Junior brother, what ingredients do you need to prepare, just tell senior brother, the three sects and the family, your business is my business, and your dishes are also my dishes.”


Bian Zhuang’s mouth is like a river, and spit is flying.

He doesn’t have any hobbies, just likes to eat and drink.

After embarking on the road of escape, this hobby is even more vividly expressed.

Over the past thousands of years, he has eaten many delicacies, including many innate spirit fruits and elixirs, and although the taste is good, none of them can compare with today’s delicious food and wine, making people salivate and mouth-watering just thinking about it.

The weakness was pinched, and Bian Zhuang naturally had a kind attitude towards Sujili.

After a meal, not only did the resentment disappear, but also a bit of closeness.

In this regard, Sujili raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Bian Zhuang knows his fate with a free personality, and he is naturally willing to make friends, not to mention that the two have similar hobbies.

One likes to make food, and the other likes to taste food.

In a way, it is like-minded.

Because of this, Su Jili, who is also a rice cook, knows Bian Zhuang’s psychological activities.

What’s more, if Bian Zhuang is handed over now, it may be useful in the future when the God Sealing War is present.

Even if it doesn’t work, multiple friends have multiple paths.

What if I can use it later?

Of course!

After a short contact, Su Jili also saw Bian Zhuang’s noise.

Archmage Xuandu could endure for so long, and his mentality was indeed the best of the three sects.


A moment later, two streamers fell.

After the light converges, the two Golden Immortals will be revealed.

One is dressed in gold armor and the other is draped in black.

It is the Heavenly General God and Yu Lei.

After receiving Sujili’s message, they thought about this meal, after all, Sujili was named the god of Vesta, and he should have some real skills.

What’s more, he was a disciple of the Intercept Sect for three generations, plus they had gotten along well in the past hundred years, and for various reasons, they were looking forward to this meal, and they rushed over immediately.

“It turns out that you are going to invite the two of them!”

Bian Zhuang suddenly realized.

Get up and walk over, hooking up with Shen Yulei, looking like two brothers.

For the familiar attitude between them, Sujili was surprised, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was reasonable.

Bian Zhuang has been to the Heavenly Court for a hundred years.

He was personally canonized by the Heavenly Emperor as the Fourth Grade Town Water Heavenly General.

Although they do not have a system, they will always deal with each other as natural generals.

In addition, Bian Zhuang is a gluttonous and playful character, and when he first entered the Heavenly Court, it was estimated that he could not bear to secretly go to the nether realm.

In this process, it is inevitable to deal with the gatekeeper general, and Bian Zhuang is a self-acquainted man, and he is familiar with it when he comes and goes.

And Shen Yulei also wants to make good friends with the first disciples of the three generations of teaching, and they hit it off, and naturally have some friendship.

In fact, Sugili guessed correctly.

Although there are discrepancies in the details, the overall picture is like this.

“Since they are acquaintances, I will not make introductions.”

After some pleasantries, under Sujili’s greeting, everyone quickly entered the table.

Look at the delicious food with full coloring and fragrance, and the index fingers of the god are very moved.

They are innate.

From the birth of Lingzhi, he ate and drank dew, and rarely ate.

Even if you have a desire to eat it, you are also tasting the spirit fruit jelly.

This kind of thing that made them hungry was the first time that the two heavenly generals had lived for more than 100,000 years.

Both fresh and curious.

And Bian Zhuang took advantage of their stunned kung fu to make the first move, chopsticks flew up, and gobbled up.

Seeing this scene, Shen Yulei suddenly became anxious.

They were not stupid, saw that this was a good thing, and immediately ate it.

Feeling the touch that melts in the mouth, the endless wonderfulness of the aftertaste, the Xuanqi of the taste buds beating, and the faintly enhanced mana in the body, Shen Yulei immediately joined the scramble army and ate regardless of the image.

Only Sujili tasted slowly, looking at the happy Bian Zhuang and Shen Yuli, he hooked his lips and smiled.

The happiest thing for a chef is that someone loves their own well-prepared dishes.

Hundreds of years have passed, and his attainment in the spirit chef has gone further, and he has been able to make delicious dishes that are of great benefit to the Xuan Immortals, although the effect on the Golden Immortals is weak, but the taste is absolutely first-class, even the Golden Immortals are coveted.

In addition, before the banquet, Su Jili also ordered the immortal attendant to specially send a table to the Heavenly Emperor Mother.

This is a delicacy that he has prepared for a long time, and he put it away from the beginning.

I was afraid that Bian Zhuang would eat happily, and I didn’t know how to enjoy this in advance.

Although Sugili is not sociable, he is not ignorant.

The Heavenly Emperor is the Lord of the Heavenly Court, a quasi-saint power, and his top boss.

As the god of Vesta, since he made the first dish in the Heavenly Court, he should send one to the Heavenly Emperor.

Although these dishes had no effect on the Heavenly Emperor, and even in his eyes, they were no different from ordinary mortal meals, Sujili’s main focus was an attitude.

As for whether to send it in the future, it depends on his mood.

If you are happy, you will give it, and if you are not happy, you will enjoy it yourself.


ps: Thank you Yang for the big 100-point reward, and thank you for the big 588-point tip.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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