Qingyang Mountain.

Sugili stayed here for a hundred years.

During this period, in addition to daily practice, making kitchenware and writing recipes, he will also instruct the five immortals to practice.

Yi Yin has made a lot of contributions to cooking, has the best talent, and has the deepest relationship with Sujili, has high hopes and gets the most help.

His cultivation has reached the late stage of the Heavenly Immortal, and in just a hundred years, under the guidance of Su Jili and the tilt of resources, he successfully broke through the realm and entered the realm of the perfection of the Heavenly Immortal.

On this day, inside the courtyard at the top of the mountain.

A red-clothed figure soared into the air, and behind him appeared many kitchenware and three rolls of bamboo Jane, it was Sujili.

In a hundred years, he has been well prepared.

New kitchenware and recipes were also popularized at the foot of Qingyang Mountain to facilitate verification and improvement.

For example, soybeans are one of the staple foods of the common people of the Terran race, and one of the recipes written by Sujili, called “Bean Food Record”, details the preparation and storage methods of tofu, soy milk, bean skin, bean foam, bean bubble, bean sprouts and other foods, and personally made a millstone.

For example, another volume of the “Pickle Food Record” records one hundred and eight kinds of pickle making methods, ensuring that the Terrans have vegetables to eat even in the cold winter months.

The next moment, he exhaled, and the sound spread throughout and outside Qingyang Mountain, and it was clearly audible in the land of 100,000 li.

“Humanity is above, I am the god of the stove, Sujili, today there is a sense of humanity and lack, the Terrans do not have enough food, and the tools are insufficient, specially made thirty-six new kitchenware, nine new agricultural tools, wrote three volumes of cookbooks, created porcelain making and iron smelting, in order to help humanity evolve, the Terran prosperous, hope that humanity learns.”

As soon as these words came out, humanity was touched, and after the roar, a lot of merit was lowered.

This time the merit is no less than the last time.

All because the things created by Sujili are still uncommon to the Terrans, plus the art of iron smelting and agricultural tools, it is even more important.

As in the previous time, merit is divided into two, and part of it falls on kitchen utensils, agricultural tools and recipes, transforming it into meritorious spiritual treasures; Part of it fell to Sugili.

The difference was that he put away the merit this time and temporarily formed an illusory merit golden wheel in the back of his head.

Although the merit is good, Sugili does not intend to use it at the moment.

Jiao Qi Luck, Heavenly Court Qi Luck, Yuntai Mountain Qi Luck and Kitchen Road Qi Luck!

He had gathered a lot of luck on his body, and the cultivation meeting in the Golden Immortal Realm was smooth every day, so he was not in a hurry to spend merit and improve his cultivation.

Good steel is used on the blade, and so is merit.

Usually, with merit, he will be blessed and lucky, which can improve his probability of finding heavenly treasures and innate kitchenware, and it is also a life-saving talisman, which can make many powerful rat throwers, in order to avoid deep karma, will not easily embarrass him, and turn into luck.

When it really came to a crisis moment, he needed to improve his cultivation, and it was not too late to use merit to increase his strength.

Qingyang Mountain.

With merit added, Su Jili had a deeper understanding of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and the opportunity was rare, and then he retreated and practiced.

At the same time, the power of heaven and earth reflects different things.

Many flood masters remembered the name of Sugili.

Looking at the flood and wilderness, there are not a few creatures who have received merit, but most of them can only get it once, and there are very few who can get merit again.

Although the number of merits obtained by Sujili is limited, it is not regarded by the power of the flood and wilderness, and it cannot be compared with the real great meritorious person, but it cannot stand up to many times, and it is more than enough than the top.

Now, he is full of merit, even the Taiyi Golden Immortal will be envious and hungry.

Because of this, Su Jili began to enter the vision of the power of the Flood Wilderness, although it was simply named, its strength was still ignored by them, but at least in the Flood Wilderness really became famous, so that the Flood Wilderness could know that there was such an existence as him, which was regarded as a leader among his peers.

Shouyang Mountain, Bajing Palace.

The Taiqing Sage, who was refining the Fire Pill, paused for a moment, and then smiled.

He established a religion with the Terran race, the better the Terran race, the greater the luck of the human religion, and the Taiqing saints were happy to see Sujili’s actions.

“Junior Brother Tongtian has accepted a good apprentice!”

At present, it seems that Sujili is the most outstanding among the three generations of disciples of the three sects, and has already emerged in the flood wilderness.

Kunlun Mountain, Jade Void Palace.

Although he is not accustomed to the fact that the Tongtian Sect Lord does not refuse to come and wantonly accepts disciples, and does not like the uneven interception of the sect, but in the end, brothers for many years, Yuan Shi Tianzun is very happy that the Tongtian Sect Lord can have such an apprentice.

“I hope that the three generations of the Jiao Sect will change the past atmosphere because of this son, so that it is also expected to be inherited, and there will be successors.”

At the same time, thinking that the three generations of disciples of the Interpretation Sect had not yet settled, there was only one Wei Hu who had just started.

Yuan Shi Tianzun passed on the order to explain the golden immortals, asking them to find people with fortune, open mountains and accept disciples, and inherit the teachings.

Jinao Island, Biyou Palace.

For Sujili’s two acts of humane merit, the Tongtian Sect Lord laughed heartily, and his voice was hearty and clear.

In the past, because of the intercept disciples, the second brother had no disputes with him, and always knocked the intercept disciples to nothing.

Now, among the three generations of disciples of the Sect of Interception, there is a Sujili, with merit, long merit, and original cooking, strong luck, and dominates among the three generations of disciples of the Sect, which has greatly increased the face of the Sect, how can he not make the Lord of Tongtian Sect happy?

“At least three generations of disciples, I have come to the front of the teaching.”

Thinking of the scene of the three generations of disciples of the Sect in the future pressing down on the three generations of disciples, the smile on the face of the Tongtian Sect Lord became even brighter, and the entire Jinao Island was shrouded in auspicious clouds.

Apprentice Sun is so contentious, as an ancestor, he can’t fail to express it.

Thinking that Su Jili’s Dao was related to the stove fire, the Tongtian Sect Leader’s heart moved.


The Heavenly Emperor and Yaochi Golden Mother were equally happy.

As the god of Vesta, Sujili’s move greatly increased the majesty of the heavenly court.

In the future, when the Terrans mention the god of Vesta, they will think of the Heavenly Court.

Fire Cloud Cave.

The three emperors and five emperors and the great sages of the Terran race were also talking about Sujili and were very optimistic about it.

Both because he was a Terran, and because he had done great things to the Terrans twice.

In the end, they unanimously decided to send a Terran Great Sage to contact Sujili and unleash the goodwill of the Fire Cloud Cave to him.

As soon as this decision came out, an old man in animal skin, who was seated at the level of the three emperors and never said a word, finally spoke.

“That kid repaired the stove fire avenue and spread the cooking road, and he also has some relationship with old age.”

“In that case, I’ll take a trip myself.”

The old man has an extremely high status in the Terrans.

He is one of the oldest beings of the Terran race, even Emperor Fuxi has to salute in front of him, his old man spoke, naturally no one objected.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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