Nine Heavens, Vesta Heavenly Palace.

When Sugili returned, he immediately retreated.

In the quiet room, he sat cross-kneeled, holding his breath and digesting the results wholeheartedly.

The golden wheel of merit at the back of the head slowly turned, exuding a mysterious aura, blessing Sujili’s understanding, and the brilliant golden light of merit dyed the Qingyun above his head gold, dazzling, holy and dusty.

In particular, the many meritorious spirit treasures cultivated above Qingyun released golden light, reflecting each other with the merit golden wheel, making the entire quiet room have a golden light, and it was also easier for Sujili to enter the path.

The sun and the moon are like a shuttle, and a hundred years pass in a hurry.

Inside the Vesta Palace, Sujili woke up with a smile on his lips.

In this retreat, he thoroughly digested the gains of enlightenment, and the Dao was stable in the late Golden Immortal stage and slightly improved, and the mana in his body also showed signs of the late Golden Immortal stage.

Sugili was not surprised by this.

After combing the starry sky for a thousand years, his mana has steadily improved, and he has reached the peak of the middle Golden Immortal period, and now that his Dao has entered the late Golden Immortal stage, it is only a matter of time before his mana catches up.

Although the harvest was not small, Sujili did not plan to go out of customs.

After a short rest, when his spirit returned to his peak, he turned over the palm of his hand and added many tiny stars, which formed a nebula according to the mysterious trajectory, and released brilliant starlight between rotations.

These tiny stars are the origin of the stars collected by Sugili, in addition, there is a trace of the origin of Mars and Jupiter sent by Master Luo Xuan.

Su Jili was also named Si Meng Xingjun, and before leaving the starry sky, he deliberately turned to the Southern Star Domain and received a trace of Si Meng Star Origin, which is the privilege of being a Star Monarch, as long as it is not excessive, the Heavenly Court will not interfere too much.

Collecting so many star origins, Sujili is useful, he wants to establish a miniature starry sky within the Yuanshin, through the starry sky, enhance the power of the Yuanshin.

In the practice of flesh, mana and Yuanshen cultivation, Yuanshen is Sujili’s short board, and there is nothing to see temporarily in the practice of Golden Immortal and Taiyi Golden Immortal, even if this imbalance exists, it is not hindered, but once you reach the Da Luo Golden Wonderland, when you need to condense the three flowers, it will affect the path.

If you think about strengthening the Yuanshen and sharpening the gun when you need it, I am afraid that you will spend endless years in vain, but it is better to take advantage of the opportunity to comb the starry sky and accumulate in advance.

In addition, if the miniature starry sky is successfully established, it can also form a layer of protection around the Yuanshen Yuanshin, and in the flood and wilderness, the power is gathered and the magical powers are varied, and there are not a few spiritual treasures and magical powers for the Yuanshen Yuansheng.

For example, Guang Chengzi’s Fallen Bell, Bian Ji’s Nether White Bone Flag, Yu Hua’s Soul Killing Flag, Lu Pressed Daoist’s Nail Head Seven Arrows Book, Zhang Guifang’s Falling Horse Divine Power, and Du’er’s True Disciple’s Hum Ha Divine Power, etc.

If there is a miniature starry sky guard, the safety of Sujili Yuanshen will be greatly guaranteed.

Another layer is that if the star god is born in the miniature starry sky, he can replace Sujili to practice the divine way, assist the operation of the heavenly way, maintain the order of the flood and wilderness, and he can also concentrate on pursuing the avenue.

Because Sujili is only a golden immortal, the Yuanshen has a limited ability to bear, so he limits the number of stars to a controllable range, once there is a deviation in the operation of the stars and the Yuanshin, the simulation fails, and suffers a backlash, the Yuanshen will not be too badly damaged, and it can rest in hundreds of years at most.

Thinking of this, Su Jili converged his mind and tried to integrate the stars into the Yuan God one after another, until all the nine hundred tiny stars were integrated into the Yuan God, moving along some mysterious trajectory, without the slightest riot, he was slightly relieved.

When combing the starry sky, Su Jili deliberately observed and understood the mysteries of the operation of the stars, coupled with the blessing of the Si Ming Star, the thousand years are also a small gain, and it may be a little difficult to control the stars transformed by the origin of the nine hundred main stars or auxiliary stars, but it is not a big problem to control the nine hundred ordinary stars.

Haste makes waste.

Sometimes, it’s better to slow things down.

Su Jili did not rush to integrate the most important three star origins into the Yuan Shen, but waited for the Yuan God and the nine hundred micro stars to adapt to each other for a hundred years and the operation structure was stable before continuing to move.

The first to integrate is not the origin of Jupiter and Mars, but the origin of the Siming star controlled by Sujili, this star origin is richer than other origins, and after falling to the miniature starry sky of the Yuanshen God, it immediately dominates and falls on the throne.

Si Ming Xing is in charge of the future of human destiny, with a hint of the taste of the Avenue of Destiny, Su Jili is based on this, plus it is within its Yuan God, Si Ming Star has the thickest origin, naturally unique in the MSI sky, higher, making the stars surrender, the trajectory of operation then changes subtly, and began to be centered on Si Ming Xing.

Under the arch of the stars, Sujili Yuanshen was relieved, as if washing away lead, and the power of Yuanshen slowly increased.

When Si Ming Xing controlled the nine hundred stars, he continued to integrate the Martian Origin and Jupiter Origin.

As soon as the two stars entered the Yuanshen began to compete with the Si Ming Star, but unfortunately, the Si Ming Star had more origins, and had a preconceived and home field advantage, and the stars and the Yuan God joined forces, and soon suppressed the two stars, making them submit, willingly under the Si Ming Star, above the stars, occupying the Southern Fire Virtue position and the Eastern Wood Virtue position, arching the Commandery.

When the structure is stable, the starry sky is shocking, and every week the stars run, Sujili Yuanshen is enhanced by a little, seemingly small, but can accumulate into a lot.

The mountains do not let the dust become high, and the sea is not spared.

Seeing that things were completed without risk, he was relieved, adjusted his state, and quickly got out of the customs.


Vesta Heavenly Palace.

Sugili walked around the mansion, enjoying the scenery, and was quite satisfied with the current situation of Vesta.

It has been more than 2,000 years since the establishment of the Chef God Dao Vein, and the practice of Kitchen Dao has become more and more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the status of human chefs has improved, the number of spiritual chefs has increased, and the number of Soaring Chef Immortals has also increased day by day.

Today, there are more than a hundred Chef Immortals under the name of Vesta Heavenly Palace, most of them are Terrans, but there are also a small number of other creatures.

Not long after Su Jili left the customs, he personally received and canonized them, and some kitchen immortals became the Duke of the Ninth Grade Stove, re-entered the mortal world, established the Divine Domain, and took charge of the fireworks of the world; There are kitchen immortals who stay in the Heavenly Palace and serve as subordinate officials, responsible for handling internal and external affairs; There is also a kitchen immortal who is good at knife work and fire system Dao methods, and is arranged as the general of Vesta, responsible for forming fire head Dao soldiers.

The strong of the Hong Wilderness are respected, and the Vesta God Heavenly Palace must have its own strong army, so that it will not be too subject to other Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals in the future.

Fortunately, when Su Jili defected to the Heavenly Court, the Heavenly Emperor was very generous and gave him certain military power, and he could form a 3,000 firehead army.

When the main affairs were properly handled, Su Jili made a sumptuous meal to treat himself, and just after drinking and eating, he received a propaganda message from Master Luo.


PS: Thank you for the big 588 point tip.

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