Chaos, Zixiao Palace.

After the six saints saluted each other, they sat down in turn.

Soon, Heavenly Emperor Haotian arrived.

When everyone arrived, Hongjun Daozu appeared silently on the cloud platform, and with a wave of his sleeve, he shot a mana, and the God Sealing List reappeared.

“A thousand years have passed, who is on the list of gods, presumably you and others know in your heart, the old way will not say much, you will decide for yourself.”

After explaining the matter concisely, Hongjun Daozu sat with his eyes closed, and the iQue was too empty.

Haotian watched coldly, also silent, anyway, no matter what the result was, it was the Heavenly Court that benefited.

The six saints glanced at each other, and the Taiqing saint took the lead in making a move.

“Old Dao is a master brother, so I will come first.”

Raising his hand to summon the list of consecrated gods, the fingers of the Taiqing saints flicked, and dozens of scattered immortals who were closer to the human sect than “four, four, three” were listed above, and the cultivation levels were uneven, mainly Xuan Immortals, there were only a few Golden Immortals, and there was only one Taiyi Golden Immortal.

But the other five saints have no opinion, there are few disciples of the Human Sect, there are only a few, these scattered immortals have heard the sermons of the saints several times outside the Bajing Palace of Shouyang Mountain, and they can barely be regarded as the peripheral forces of the Human Sect, and it is better than nothing.

Moreover, the Xuanmen is vast, and theoretically speaking, after the Dao Ancestor spoke three times, all the disciples of the guests in the Zixiao Palace were considered Xuanmen Zhongmen, and these scattered immortals entered the list of consecrated gods, which was also a chance for them.

After the Taiqing saint is the Yuan Shi Tianzun, although this saint is reluctant, but seeing that the eldest brother has already set an example, he is not too stingy, he can only endure the pain of including the scattered immortals who can barely be related to the interpretation of the religion into the list of consecrated gods, zero and zero, adding up to dozens.

Next was the Tongtian Sect Lord, after receiving the list of Sect Seals from Yuan Shi Tianzun, he waved his hand and did not hesitate to send hundreds of Sect Intercept Immortals to the God Sealing List, including Zhao Gongming, Wu Yunxian and Sanxiao and other Daluo Golden Immortals, as well as nearly a hundred other Sect Intercept disciples who had already defected to the Heavenly Court, as well as other Sect Interception Immortals.

Unlike the last time, these intercept immortal karma is not deep, and they are carefully selected by the leader of the Tongtian Sect, all because of the act of Zhao Gongming and other intercept disciples to go to the heavens to seal the gods, so that this Shangqing saint can see the life of the intercept sect more clearly, so as to spy on more heavenly opportunities, realize that the heavenly court is the turning point of the truncated sect, and see more clearly that Sujili is the vitality of the truncated sect.

Therefore, when choosing the disciples to be on the list, the Shangqing Saint gave up the karmic Sect Intercept Immortal and tried to send the disciples who had a better chance of surviving in the Great Tribulation and were more likely to be sealed in the flesh to the list first.

As for disciples with deep karma, they usually do not practice virtue, and when a great calamity comes, if they heed advice, closed the door, quietly recited the yellow court, and did not be nosy, then naturally there was no danger; If you do not listen to advice, then seek blessings for yourself and fight for a glimmer of life for yourself.

After all, compared to the lifeline of the Sect, these karmic disciples were insignificant, and although they were reluctant, how to choose, the Tongtian Sect Master had his own courage.

Because of this, the Tongtian Sect Lord was very angry this time, and after sending hundreds of disciples to the list in a row, the action still did not stop, for him, the more disciples on the list, the safer it was to intercept the sect, until nearly two thousand disciples, he did not stop.

It’s not that the Tongtian Sect Master doesn’t want to, but the immortals with shallow karma are limited, and it is not easy to make up two thousand, and if you really want to continue writing, only the personal disciples remain.

Seeing that the Tongtian Sect Lord was so generous this time, the other five saints were stunned, that is, the Hongjun Dao Ancestor all opened their eyes and looked at the Tongtian Sect Lord indifferently, they thought that the Tongtian Sect Lord would send up to a thousand people to the list, but they didn’t expect to directly double this time, looking at its unfinished appearance, obviously not enjoying it, which was a bit outrageous.

Only Hao Tian breathed a sigh of relief, the Sect Immortal was already quite powerful in the Heavenly Court, the power was second only to him and the Queen Mother, two thousand Sect Immortals joining the Heavenly Court would make the Sect Intercept Sect strength skyrocket, and the tail would not be lost, if he signed again, even he would feel a headache for the future pattern of the Heavenly Court.

Although the other saints could not understand the profound meaning of the Tongtian Sect Lord’s move for the time being, they were not fools, and they obviously felt that the Tongtian Sect Lord was deliberately sending the Intercept Sect Immortals into the Heavenly Court, and it was possible that the glimmer of life that the Tongtian Sect was asking for was there, and whether it was so needed to be deduced after they went back to know.

At least for now, this move is also beneficial to them, whether it is the Taiqing Saint or the Yuan Shi Tianzun, they are more satisfied.


Nine Heavens, Vesta Heavenly Palace.

In the quiet room, Sujili sat cross-kneeled, mana rushing inside the limbs and bones, if before the mana in his body was like a big lake, now it is a vast ocean, whether it is quantity or quality, it is soaring wildly…

He has been in seclusion for a hundred years, thoroughly refining the energy of the innate spirit fruit given by the ten thousand years of jade food and the dark cloud immortal, increasing the mana for more than 15,000 years, although his cultivation has not improved, but with the support of strong mana, his strength has increased several times, and now even if he encounters the complete existence of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, as long as he is not a big force, he can compete with it, if he is lucky, he may be able to fight and win and kill the opponent.

The refining has already been refined, whether it is Dao practice or physical body, it can not be improved overnight, Su Jili decided to go out.

In the Heavenly Palace of the God of Vesta, after enjoying a delicious meal, Sujili summoned the five flavors of the gods, and they lived up to their expectations and have successively become Xuanxian. He was quite satisfied with this, and after instructing the women to practice, he got up and left.

Decades later, a fiery red light crossed the North Sea, entered a black sea, and after several months, the speed of the light slowed down, and finally stopped on a majestic mountain.

This mountain is as tall as a cloud, the whole body is black, surrounded by thick black clouds all year round, the plants, rocks, rivers, rare birds and exotic animals on the mountain are all black, falling to this mountain is like entering a dark world.

The fiery red light in this dark place is particularly eye-catching, eye-catching, not 5.2 young creatures rushed towards the foothold of the light, at the same time, above the black mountain, the light dispersed, revealing a slender figure, the person was dressed in red, the temperament was dusty, the god was handsome, it was Sujili.

After he left the Vesta Heavenly Palace, he first turned around and went to Qingyang Mountain, took Wu Xian and other witches away, and then went straight to the North Sea.

Above the North Sea of Gein stands a sacred mountain, which is black and unique, connecting yin and yang, and is a passage for the flood creatures to enter the netherworld.

Su Jili came here precisely to negotiate, hoping to impress the Wu Clan with the chips in his hand, get the help of the Netherworld, and reserve a little more vitality for the Intercept Sect.

ps: Thank you Yun Ruoya for the big 100-point reward.

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