Deep in the Netherworld, the Conjuring Palace.

After the witch god took Sujili down to settle, Tubo’s figure flashed, and he left the hall in an instant and walked towards the Palace of Reincarnation.

Different from the dark style of the Conjuring Palace, as the most important palace in the Netherworld, the Reincarnation Palace is hidden in the virtual and real space of the six reincarnations, showing a chaotic color, where the turbid qi of the earth, the spiritual energy of all things and the pure qi of the nine heavens meet, showing the trend of the three talents of heaven and earth, forming a delicate balance.

And the Reincarnation Palace is located in the center of the three talents, connecting yin and yang, communicating heaven and earth, and connecting ancient and modern, this special location is no less than the Chaos Purple Xiao Palace, at least it must be a great witch or a great Luo Golden Immortal level power to be eligible to enter.

In a flash of light, the figure of Tuber appeared here.

He revealed the true body of the Great Witch, but in front of the Palace of Reincarnation, he was the size of an ordinary person, looking at the quaint palace in front of him, he put his right hand in front of the chest, and after performing a Wu Clan etiquette, he spoke like a Hong Zhong and spoke.

“Tubo has something to ask Niangniang, and hopes that Niangniang can give it.”

The huge hall door of 90,000 zhang high opened, and a more burly figure stepped out and came into view, he was burly, 30,000 zhang tall, but he was a headless ancestral witch, with his chest as an eye, his navel as his mouth, and behind it was an axe and shield phantom manifestation, as if he could suppress heaven and earth, and only a wisp of breath could easily make a small thousand worlds 170 realms.

Seeing Lai Wu, Tubo looked respectful and saluted.

“I’ve seen the Heavenly Ancestor Witch!”

That’s right!

The headless ancestral witch in front of him was the Punishment Heaven.

One of the conditions for Pingxin Niangniang to agree to join forces with the Heavenly Court to establish the prefecture was to demand that Haotian release the punishment heaven who had been suppressed under Changyang Mountain.

Out of consideration of the overall situation, coupled with Hao Tian’s successful beheading of the evil corpse after experiencing a vicious battle with Punishment Tian and returning from reincarnation, Dao Xingda made great progress, cultivated to the middle stage of promotion to quasi-saint, and his strength increased dramatically, Punishment Tian was not his opponent for a long time, and in the end, the Heavenly Emperor agreed to this condition.

After the punishment day was freed from difficulties, he came directly to the prefecture and resided in the reincarnation palace, and while receiving the teachings of Pingxin Niangniang, he sat in the shadows and shocked all parties.

Looking at Tuber, the Punishment Heavenly Urn sounded and spoke.

“Niangniang already knows your intentions.”

“Let you promise to come down, not only because those witch gods and earth witches have already come to the door and can’t give up, but also because the great calamity of heaven and earth is about to arise, this catastrophe is mainly Xuanmen, and the sect is the first to bear the brunt.”

“Many Jijiao immortals because of Sujili, the heavens have sealed gods, and now they have sent the intercept immortals into the netherworld, Niangniang ordered you to give that Vesta God Tianzun a convenience, in addition to befriending the intercept saint, I also want to see if that kid can toss out flowers, and whether the Intercept Sect can seek a ray of life in this catastrophe.”

Glancing at the somewhat (cfff) worried Tuber, Punishment Tian saw through his thoughts and comforted.

“Don’t worry! My Nether will not only be safe and sound in this catastrophe, but also gain a lot of benefits and solve the dilemma of insufficient manpower. ”

“Niangniang and the one in the Zixiao Palace have already discussed, this time the Xuanmen God Sealing Tribulation, my Nether will also share a piece of the pie, and take the opportunity to seal the God.”


Chaos, Zixiao Palace.

Jun Ti put the God Sealing List back in its original position.

Although more than 4,000 creatures were filled in this time, compared to the huge number of positive gods and auxiliary gods on the God Sealing List, it was still a drop in the bucket, not to mention that there were a large number of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals and other gods.

Unfortunately, the six saints had no intention of continuing to sign the God Sealing List for the time being, and the scene was silent for a while.

Above the cloud, Hongjun Daozu opened his eyes, as if he had expected this scene, and said with an indifferent expression.

“In this case, you will think about it when you go back, and discuss it after a thousand years.”

“One life two, two lives three, three lives all things, the next time will be the last time to sign the God List, I hope you wait for a good life to consider.”

The words fell.

Hongjun Dao Ancestor and the God Sealing List all disappeared without warning.

The six saints glanced at each other helplessly, the great calamity of heaven and earth was coming, and they were powerless, so they could only go back and continue to think of a way.

Haotian also left, and this discussion made him feel particularly complicated and mixed.

Naturally, the four sects of Xuanmen and Nuwa have each filled in a lot of living beings on the list, once the gods return to their places, the strength of the Heavenly Court will increase greatly, especially the addition of the Golden Immortal and the Taiyi Golden Immortal, which will relieve the pressure of the shortage of immortal gods in the middle level of the Heavenly Court.

Worry is because the Intercept Sect has too many Golden Immortals and Taiyi Golden Immortals on the list, plus Zhao Gongming and other Da Luo Golden Immortals support, once the Intercept Sect immortals succeed in sealing gods, the influence of the Intercept Sect in the Heavenly Court will skyrocket, if they huddle, although Haotian is confident that he can suppress the Intercept Sect gods, but there will always be trouble.

This time back, he has to think about his attitude towards the Sect Interception, although he will not deliberately suppress and deliberately target, losing the heart and temperament of the Emperor of the Heavenly Waste, but he will not give too much preferential treatment, if there are people from the Sect Intercept and then turn to the Heavenly Court, everything will come according to the rules, no different from other scattered immortals, but can not chill the heart of the Sect God, this intermediate grasp of proportions and degrees requires Hao Tian to patiently ponder.

At the same time, Haotian decided to recruit more scattered immortals in the flood and wasteland, entrusted with a heavy task, as the Heavenly Emperor, he must have absolute control over the Heavenly Court.


Su Jili didn’t know anything about the events in the Zixiao Palace.

He has been a guest in the Nether for a hundred years, and his life is extremely exciting. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

In addition to collecting some Netherworld Heavenly Materials and Earth Treasures to enrich his collection, and at the same time seeing which ones can be used to cook, studying the cooking methods and cuisines of the local cook, Su Jili has been discussing with the Wu Clan powerhouses all the time.

He was clear-headed, well aware of his shortcomings and flaws, and did not challenge the top witch gods at the beginning, but started from the most ordinary witch gods and carried out simple hand-to-hand combat.

The Flood Desolate Life Spirit Fighting Method, mainly based on various Taoist techniques and various spiritual treasures, rarely collides with the flesh, and there are even fewer existences like Sujili whose physical body can be compared with the witch god.

Because of this, Sujili’s move gave the Wu clan a surprise, the witch god and his opponents can completely let go of their hands and feet, and all kinds of physical powers and combat skills emerge one after another, which makes Sujili open his eyes and quickly adapt to the skills of physical combat, and his combat experience is growing rapidly.

At the same time, he has gradually become proficient in the exertion and application of the divine powers of the flesh, and even learned a lot of Wu Clan fighting skills, combined with the practice experience of “Eight Nine Xuan Gong” given by Zhao Gongming, Su Jili’s understanding and perception of the way of the flesh has advanced by leaps and bounds.

This improvement is intuitively reflected in his opponents and records.

At first, Su Jili was able to fight with the witch god who was comparable to the early stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he did not suffer losses by virtue of his cultivation, but it took dozens of rounds to defeat his opponent.

Later, he was able to knock out this level of witch god with one punch and completely defeat it with three punches.

Later, it was a witch god who could be compared with the middle period of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Later, he was a witch god comparable to the late Taiyi Golden Immortal.

In hand-to-hand combat, Sujili has been able to fight with him.

Sometimes, the top witch god who is comparable to Tai Yi Cheng will also compete with Sujili, and the latter, although he is in the inferior position and is often beaten, grows rapidly.

In addition, Sujili won the favor and respect of the Wu clan in the battle for many years, so he tasted the heavenly materials and earth treasures that were beneficial to the flesh in the Wu clan, and after realizing this, Sujili took the characteristics of the good wine of the Wu clan as a breakthrough and exchanged the brewed 10,000-year-old spirits for a large number of spiritual objects that helped the flesh cultivation.

Finally, five hundred years after being a guest in the Netherworld, Su Jili made another breakthrough in the “Eight Nine Xuangong”, reaching the fifth turn of consummation, and the flesh body stepped into the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal consummation one step ahead.

After five hundred years of polishing, at this time, he was no less powerful even in the face of the old Taiyi Golden Immortal Consummation, even if he was equal to the top witch gods.

As for the life and death struggle, the outcome needs to be experienced to know later.

Five hundred years later, Sugili took his leave.

He benefited a lot from this trip to the Netherworld.

Especially in the transaction with Tubo, I believe that with his friendship with the Wu Clan, they will be very willing to open a convenient door to the Sect without affecting their own safety.

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