Nine Heavens, Vesta Heavenly Palace.

Sugili rested for several years before retreating.

Sitting cross-kneeled on the ultimate Houtian Lingbao-level enlightenment futon, he held his breath and concentrated, his mind was free of foreign objects, and he mobilized his mana to transform the black water qi of his kidneys.

The practice of Taiyi Golden Immortal, Su Jili is already familiar with it.

In just a hundred years, the black water qi in the body transformed into black water Xuanguang, which was integrated with the kidneys, inseparable, and warmed each other.

After successfully condensing the fourth qi, Su Jili’s body burst out with a terrifying aura, he broke through again and touched the threshold of Taiyi consummation, just want to be truly complete, five qi dynasty, to the extreme of Taiyi Golden Immortal, it is still necessary to condense the fifth qi.

This breakthrough, Su Jili’s understanding of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth has doubled, all kinds of truths have surged in his heart, and the Dao on his body is more intense, he has innovated and seen the truth of the great “six seven zero” more thoroughly, in this process, mana, yuan god, divine power, etc. are subtly changing, growing, and sublimating.

In the quiet room, Sujili’s body emits a red glow, and three feet above his head, he manifests immeasurable Qingyun, and the endless earthly fireworks inside it condenses into a sacred smoke cloud, colorful and colorful.

The next moment, the golden light was brilliant, the golden wheel of merit was revealed, and a brilliant golden light was emitted between the rotations, and dozens of merit spirit treasures above Qingyun hung down immeasurable Xuan light, rendering the entire quiet room golden.

Immediately afterwards, seven innate kitchenware followed, with Sujili as the center, rotating along a certain mysterious trajectory, evolving the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, Wuji Sheng Taiji, two Yihua three talents, three talents out of four elephants, four elephants performing five elements, five elements into six combinations, six stars born of seven stars, seven stars of eight trigrams, and eight trigrams of nine palaces.

Subsequently, Sujili Yuanshen shined, and the micro-starry sky was declared, nine hundred ordinary stars, five five-planet stars, and six stars of the South Dipper formed a delicate balance, interpreting the changes of the stars, and every week of operation, the Yuanshen increased by one point.

Wufei rabbit goes, white horse crosses the gap.

Sujili’s retreat this time was three hundred years, until the Xuanhuang bitter bamboo was ripe, he went out of the gate, personally picked the innate bitter bamboo shoots, and left some spare as usual, Sujili briefly rested for several months, nourished his spirit, and then retreated again.

Light a stick of Wudao incense and brew a cup of Wudao tea, Sujili clears his mind, wraps the bitter bamboo shoots with mana, and refines the innate bitter qi with skill.

The five flavors enter the stomach, each returns to its liking, acid enters the liver first, bitterness enters the heart first, sweetness enters the spleen first, sin enters the lungs first, saltiness enters the kidney first, and over time it increases qi, materialization is constant, all things evolve, and the five elements are born together.

Su Jili integrated the innate bitter qi into the heart palace, combined with the heavenly fire qi in the body, absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon, the creation of heaven and earth, and finally evolved into a red qi from fire, with the passage of time, the innate bitter bamboo shoots were refined one after another, and the red qi from fire in his heart became stronger and stronger, and when the bamboo shoots were exhausted, Sujili’s heart was also filled with the qi of fire.

Like the previous times, Su Jili did not rush to break the realm, but sank his heart, polished himself, and temporarily left the red fire qi in the body to warm up, this matter he has long done, dragged the red fire qi in the limbs and hundreds of remains, many tricks to swim, after running for a long week, returned to the heart, and after nine times in the cycle, formed an energy cycle in the body, and then temporarily shifted his attention, began to polish the flesh, temper mana, and refined the power.

Two hundred years later, Sugili was out of customs again.

The quiet room opened, and a red-clothed figure stepped out.

Looking at the beautiful scenery of the heavenly court of the steaming clouds, Su Jili was in a good mood, this time he sat on the calamity dou, holding a pot of ten thousand years of qiongjing in his hand, and let the calamity fight wander around several immortal mountains under the name of the Vesta God Heavenly Palace, watching the clouds and clouds, watching the spirit flowers arguing, and smelling the fragrance of grass and trees.

An immortal and a beast move at will, acting spontaneously, sometimes entering a hundred fruit orchards, Sujili casually picking a spirit fruit and sharing it with calamity; Sometimes walking on dangerous peaks and cliffs, Sujili poured a few sips of spirit wine and drank with the calamity; Sometimes flowing across the rushing river, Sujili personally cooks a delicious grilled fish meal to share with the scourge…

At first, Su Jili was just distracting his mind, but then he tried to cultivate his mind with this, put his mind on the landscape, melt his mind with nature, use heaven and earth as the stove, take all things as firewood, use his own Dao heart as ingredients, and cook a meal in cooking, so as to refine the five internal organs, strengthen qi and blood, strengthen muscles and bones, increase mana, and replenish the yuan god.


Stop and go wherever you want.

Calamity carried Sujili, going farther and farther, more and more self-release, one person and one beast are transforming from the inside out, as time passed, they walked wider and wider, and later they even walked out of the Vesta Heavenly Palace and began to wander around the Heavenly Court……..

Five heavens, eight heavens, twelve heavens…

One person and one beast walked aimlessly like this, during which they met many immortals, greeted those who were familiar, skipped over those who were unfamiliar, and finally, they almost forgot the time, forgot themselves, enjoyed themselves, and tempered wildly.

Until this day, they passed through layers of moonlight barriers and stayed in front of a huge heavenly palace, and the cold and cold air that rushed to their faces even the Taiyi Immortal Body was a little unbearable, which suddenly made Su Jili feel excited, sobered up from that mysterious realm, raised his eyes to look at the palace in front of him, he was full of surprises, and he couldn’t imagine that he brought himself here by chance.

This heavenly palace is white and crystal like jade, and it is all made of innate taiyin xuanbing, this object is a unique spiritual material on the taiyin star, and it can use this spiritual object so proudly to build a majestic palace, and the owner of this place is obvious, it is the lord of the taiyin star: the taiyin star jun.

And this palace is called the Moon Palace, located above the thirty-three heavens, the closest distance from the Honghuang Starry Sky, and the same as the Guanghan Palace on the Taiyin Star, it is the residence of the Taiyin Star Monarch.

To this Taiyin Star Lord, Su Jili was both strange and familiar.

Strange, because he had never met this great god, even though he had become a god for ten thousand years, he had never seen it.

Familiar, it’s 1.3 because Su Jili heard Master Luo Xuan mention this great god!

Pangu God turned into all things after opening the heavens and the earth, and the left and right eyes were respectively transformed into the two supreme stars of the sun and the yin, ruling the stars, leading the starry sky, and through the endless years of heaven and earth, two innate gods were born on the two supreme stars.

Two golden crows on the sun star: Dijun and Taiyi!

They were the Heavenly Emperor and Eastern Emperor of the Demon Race Heavenly Court later, controlling the firmament, suppressing ten thousand races, and being domineering.

Two jade rabbits on the Taiyin Star: Xihe and Changxi!

They are the queens and empresses of the later demon heavenly court, who are in charge of the sun and the moon, holy and majestic, and peerless.

PS: Guess what Taiyin Xingjun has to do with them? Thanks to the cat cat for the big 100-point reward, thank you for the big 588-point tip.

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