Chaos, Zixiao Palace.

As the first female saint of the Heavenly Dao, Nuwa has never said much, and after receiving the list of consecrated gods, her fingers as white as jade were tapped, and thousands of demon races appeared on the list of consecrated gods.

In this regard, whether it is Sanqing or the two saints of the West, there is no opinion, who makes them not like Nuwa, although they do not establish a big religion, but they have the backing of the demon race, the family has a great cause, and there is no shortage of people.

Of course, it is also related to Nuwa’s acceptance when she sees good, she knows that the demon race is not welcomed, and the saints will not allow the demon race to regain the power of the Heavenly Court, so although there are many demon races on the list, the actual highest is too Yi Golden Immortal, there is no big Luo Demon God, and the god position occupied by it does not have a high position in the Heavenly Court, stuck on the line of all saints.

Even so, Nuwa also filled in thousands of demon races and stopped, when it was the turn of the West and the saint was still allowed to raise his hand, the hand commanded the movement, hundreds of Western Sect disciples were on the list, although these Western Sect immortals were generally cultivated, mainly Xuan Immortals, the highest talent Golden Immortals, but they all occupied a level of god positions higher than the realm “two eight zero”.

For example, the Heavenly Immortal should have served as a heavenly soldier or immortal attendant, or a nether minor god, but because of this operation, the Heavenly Immortal served as a master-level immortal official or wandering god that only a true immortal could serve; The Golden Immortal should have been a five-rank god, and it had also become a fourth-rank god that only the Taiyi Golden Immortal was qualified to serve.

Although the four saints of the East were quite critical of this matter in their hearts, they did not make accusations or obstruct ridicule, although Zhun Ti was shameless, often did not want to be faceless, and sometimes in the East with a sentence “Taoist friends have a relationship with me” to hit the autumn wind made them all scoff, but they had some appreciation and understanding in their hearts for the heart of this saint.

Because the West has borne the brunt of many great calamities, the veins of this place have collapsed, the spiritual veins have been broken, and they have become relatively barren, and the race creatures, heavenly materials and earth treasures, immortal mountains and blessed lands, etc., not to mention compared with the east of Zhongtiandi Lingxiu, is more than one step worse than the north and south where many ancient races are mixed.

For the prosperity of the West, since the beginning of the Lich Era, after the birth of the two saints of the West, they often worked tirelessly to personally repair the Western veins, since then, Zhun Ti often ignored the face of the Da Luo Golden Immortal and the Quasi-Saint and went to various places to form a relationship, and later after the establishment of the Western Church, the Second Saint of the West took his disciples to often repair the West, and only today, the West has recovered a little weather.

The saints could understand that changing places to other places in this situation might not be better than Junti.

Fortunately, Zhun Ti knows how to stop, the four saints of the East also have an inclusive attitude, as a saint of the Heavenly Dao, although they have the difference between East and West in their hearts because of their birth, but the boundary is not very clear, in the final analysis, they are Eastern (Western) saints, but also Flood Saints.

Waiting for Jun Ti to stop his hand, the God Sealing List resuspended the void, Hongjun Daozu opened his eyes, seeing that there were still a large number of vacant god positions, and even the position of the right god was not full, he said in an indifferent tone.

“Even so, the vacant position on the list of consecrated gods will be left to fate, all according to the arrangement of heaven’s way, and when the time comes, under the karma of karma, there will be a suitable person on the list.”

“Do as Master commands.”

The six saints naturally had no opinion, let alone Hao Tian, watching the whole process.

At this time, the Taiqing Sage asked.

“Dare to ask Master, when will this Divine Tribulation begin?”

“Three thousand years later, the imperial dynasty will change, humanity will fight for the dragon, and then it will also be the day of the opening of the Great Tribulation of the Gods.”

Yuan Shi Tianzun then asked.

“Dare to ask Master, who is in charge of the God Sealing List?”

“The person who has the Flying Bear Dao Elephant is the one who consecrates the gods of the Mandate of Heaven, and which sect he worships will be in charge of the list of consecrated gods.”

The Tongtian Sect Lord followed closely and asked.

“Dare to ask Master, can the number of Sealing God Tribulations be changed?”

Above the cloud, Hongjun Dao Ancestor looked at the sky, and then his eyes pierced through the void, and he looked at Su Jili, who was practicing in seclusion, before replying.

“The general trend has been set, and the trend has changed.”

Subsequently, after Nuwa and the two Western saints each asked questions, they signed the matter of sealing the god list, which was temporarily over, but this did not mean that the matter was over.


Above the gimbal, Hongjun Daozu spoke again.

“The Great Tribulation of the Sealing God is the Xuanmen Tribulation, and it is also the Flood Tribulation.”

“The evolution of heaven and earth focuses on balance and change.”

“The way of heaven is impermanent, the way is unpredictable, and the humanity is changeable.” [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

“Now, the three paths of the Flood Barren Heaven and Earth People have come out, the three talents are complete, the time has come, and this God Sealing Tribulation is also the time when the three realms of Heaven and Earth People are born.”

“This is the general trend of flood and famine, and it is also necessary for the evolution of the world.”

As Hongjun Daozu told the story of the Three Realms, the originally chaotic and complicated heavenly machine suddenly became a little clear, allowing the saints to see clearly the direction of the flood barren world.

In the face of this general trend, the saints were stunned.

I thought that the God Sealing Tribulation was only for the calamity of Xuanmen, and the God Sealing was the focus, but I didn’t think that this was just a small dish, and after the God Sealing Tribulation, the three realms were big things and important things!

Despite the ups and downs in his heart, there was some stability in the hearts of all saints.

After all, the flood famine has experienced three great calamities, each time more terrifying than the next0…

The first time was the fierce beast catastrophe, Lei Ze, Wangshu and many other innate gods fell, and the west was even broken by half of the earth veins, and since then it has begun to lag behind other regions.

The second time is the catastrophe of the three races, the ancestral dragon of the peak of the mixed yuan golden immortal fell, the phoenix ancestor in the late stage of the mixed yuan golden immortal and the ancestral unicorn also fell, the race led by the three races of the dragon and phoenix unicorn was even more killed and injured, carrying monstrous karma, the dragon clan can only shrink around the sea, live carefully, the phoenix clan hides in the south of the flood wilderness, relying on the phoenix ancestor to suppress the undead volcano to continue the inheritance, the unicorn family is almost extinct, the pure-blood unicorn is rare, the ancestors such as the five elements, upside down, yin and yang are even more fallen, the demon zuluo throat died tragically, and the west was even more defeated and further declined.

The third time was the Lich Tribulation, not only the Lich and Demon races were killed and injured innumerably, hundreds of Da Luo Golden Immortals and hundreds of Great Witches fell, hundreds of thousands of Taiyi Golden Immortal Demon and tens of thousands of witch gods, as well as hundreds of millions of demon races and tens of millions of witch races, as well as nearly thirty quasi-saint powers such as Dijun, Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Xihe, Changxi, and Dijiang, and finally the heavenly pillar collapsed, the firmament collapsed, the sky tilted northwest, and the earth fell southeast.

In addition, countless races and many guests in the Purple Xiao Palace disappeared and died in the hands of the Lich, the most typical of which are the Eastern Prince and the Immortal Court.

It can be seen that the horror of the catastrophe!

All the saints originally felt that there was a secret behind the Great Tribulation, otherwise, even if all the three Eastern Sects fell in the Tribulation, the casualties would be only tens of thousands, and the Great Luo Golden Immortals were less than a hundred, which looked very miserable, but in fact, compared with the previous Tribulation, it was not enough to see at all, and even some child’s play.

Now that they heard about the Three Realms, they were not only worried, but also truly steady.

It is said that 4.7 is just an appetizer, and the three realms of the Flood Wilderness Evolution are the main thing.

The saints accepted the arrangement of the saints sitting in chaos after the birth of the Three Realms.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

Although the saints have the responsibility of educating all sentient beings, after the establishment of the sect, these can be done by the disciples, and as saints who are respected by all souls, their greatest responsibility is to protect the flood famine, promote the evolution of heaven and earth, and promote the flood famine to the eternal realm.

After being able to make them preach, since the middle of the Lich Era, it has been Master who has been merciful.

They are very open to the responsibilities they are about to assume.

To be selected by the Heavenly Dao, stand out among the countless amazing innate gods, and preach sanctification, in addition to atmospheric luck, great merit, great creation and great perseverance, the most important thing is temperament and heart.


ps: Thank you Yunfeng Immortal Dome for the big 588 point reward.

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