into the night.

From a distance, this city built on a cliff looks like the dawn in the darkness.

Tens of thousands of magic lamps hang on the trees on both sides of the street, on the city walls, and even on some unique buildings.

Some wealthy civilians who were angry and angry even bought some magic lamps and hung them in their windows on the second floor, showing obvious intentions.

The tavern is full of drunkards, and there are also many gentlemen coming in and out of the brothel. When encountering acquaintances, most of them will show a proud and comfortable expression, indicating that they are very good and long-lasting.

As for the casino?

That's also an endless stream. There are never a lot of people who are small and big. No matter whether there are too few games in the casino, their goal is to make money, and they don't care about how to play.

Since the City of Dawn only closes the city gate at night, but does not have a curfew, there are many civilians who come out at night, and it is impossible not to go home at 12 o'clock in the evening...

But in the middle of the night.

No one knew that the military camps in the old city, that is, the three edge corners of the city wall, had already prepared for war, and the same was true of the two military camps in the new city.

It's just that armor cannot be worn in this operation, otherwise the movement will be too loud, and the number of people in the operation will not be so many. Almost all soldiers with tasks are wearing casual clothes.

But the legion commander of the Legion of Glory had a livid face at this moment, looking at the more than 500 spies who were tied up in their sleep.

At this moment.

In the training ground of the military camp, more than 500 naked spies were bound and their mouths were covered, and they knelt on the ground one after another.

The soldiers who saw this scene were all shocked.

Although this was the lord's order, this large-scale investigation of spies still puzzled many soldiers. It was difficult for them to believe that those former comrades in arms were spies, and there were so many people...

Especially since this is the Legion of Glory...

The first legion of the City of Dawn...

"Legion Commander... How is this possible?" Someone looked at the 'comrades' kneeling on the ground in disbelief. He vaguely remembered that they were fighting together, training together, and even being a knife for him. How could this be? Make people believe?

"Ann Lori, Jack, Clicia..." A squad leader named their names in turn, looked at the deputy army commander with an ugly face, and said, "Is it... the lord... mistaken, they..."

The Honorable Legion Commander is a human with Grandmaster blood, level 58.

Julio also clenched his fists. He looked at the soldiers who were talking about it, and suddenly shouted: "Shut up for me, I know you are wondering, but the lord will give you an explanation in person, do you still want me? Military law?"

"Louis, take those brothers to where they should go, and everyone else will stand here for me, don't move!" As soon as Julio's voice fell, the other soldiers also knew that the deputy commander was angry, and instantly formed an army formation. Stand neatly.

But there are some vacancies, and there is no one to replace...

Because they don't believe those brothers are spies...

The more than 500 spies who were kneeling on the ground saw this scene, and many people's eyes were full of tears, but they hated, they were really spies, they came with a mission, but Wanwan never thought about it, and they were slow Get into it slowly.

Many people even thought that they were part of the City of Dawn.

A part of the Legion of Honor...

Only then did they know that the traitor is not worthy of being a soldier of the Legion of Glory...

The beheading of as many as 3,500 spies, I don't know how much bloodshed will be set off in the City of Dawn.

Or rather.

They will all be beheaded at the same moment!

There is no chance for a message to pass.

And that moment.

Officially at 12pm.

The bells of the clock tower spread throughout the entire Dawn City for just a few seconds.

William did not personally preside over the beheading.

Lautner, Alec, Eric, and Odom were all sent out by him. If they can't finish this, then don't mess around...

What he is more concerned about is the spies in the army he has chosen...

As the barracks gate opened.

Countless eyes looked towards him.

They wanted the handsome and tall man to explain...

Julio stood silently beside him, not saying a word.

William looked around at the soldiers of the Legion of Glory, and he said solemnly: "Untie the ropes from their mouths!"

The rope unraveled quickly.

But no one dared to roar, they didn't look down at the ground, they didn't dare to look into William's eyes.

"Raise your heads for Lao Tzu!"

An angry shout spread throughout the training ground.


Whether kneeling or standing, as if receiving a military order, they quickly raised their heads and looked at the lord who led them to glory.

"Tell me, I wronged you, or you are the spies of the Iron Principality!"

The entire training ground was silent.

Many men kneeling naked on the ground were already in tears, but they didn't dare to say a word, they just cried.

"Cry a few times and tell me why!"

William suddenly roared hideously, but anyone could clearly see that he raised his head abruptly, as if he wanted to hold back his tears.

various operations...

It can only make the five hundred elite soldiers bow their heads even more.

see this scene.

The other soldiers present were not fools, and they also began to understand that this matter was not wrong, and many even scolded themselves secretly, even daring to doubt the Lord's order...

But they couldn't even imagine how a person without a conscience would become a spy of the Steel Principality.

To know.

Whether it is the Iron Duchy or the Black Rock Duchy.

Whether it is civilians, soldiers, or other people who contribute to the country, the treatment is very ordinary...

Even if some elite soldiers are treated better, compared with the City of Dawn, it is like comparing the stinky stones and pearls in the hut...

A happy life in Dawn City, it is enough to see those people who have turned from slaves to civilians in Dawn City...

William glanced at a man with one.

Insights are lost one by one.


The name of the orange is not the orange.

Instead, the green hair is deep...

He took a deep breath again and said sadly, "Let's go, just pretend I don't have a brother like you!"

"This strand of hair that has never been cut before, even if I kill you!" William picked up the long and narrow short sword, grabbed the long hair that was draped behind his back, and was about to chop it off.

"Sir, don't do it, you can't do it!" A young soldier knelt and moved forward, shouting with tears streaming down his face.

Because they all know that elf hair can't be cut...

Because they all know that the hair of the elves is no different from their own siblings...

Has anyone seen a short-haired elf?

what is this?

What kind of friendship, the lords treat them as siblings, but they want to betray their lords because of the Iron Duchy? Betray their brother?

"Lord, kill us!!" A famous soldier bowed his head in pain.

"Legion Commander, we deserve to die for our sins. You should kill us, the damned people." Some warriors just closed their eyes and waited for the glory to come.

"Sir, we should be damned, don't do that!" Five hundred people knelt on the ground and cried out in pain.

But William's knife light fell!

A long flowing hair, instantly shortened.

The soldiers of the entire legion clenched their fists in pain...

As for the five hundred people, they were sobbing so hard that they even lay on the ground paralyzed.

The hair disappeared with the wind and slowly fell from William's hands to the ground.

He stared blankly at his hand, no one knew how heartbroken he was.

But the moment their lord closed his eyes and opened them again, he saw him shouting: "Don't want to get out? Why don't you crawl back to where you should be standing? Why are you kneeling now?"

"Follow your orders." A group of tightly bound fellows jumped, jumped, crawled, twisted like earthworms without knowing the strength they brought in...

at the same time.

The bell rang.

The biggest hidden danger in Dawn City has been solved in the most perfect way!

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