I Am the Legendary BOSS

Chapter 188 The Temple

Facing a relic that might be from the age of mythology, it was impossible for William not to be tempted.

He has already used the sound transmission scroll to tell everyone in the camp not to act rashly, and it is enough to stay at home.

"This is a secret, there is no need to tell others. If the army enters directly in the future, this place will also be set up as a restricted area!" William is very greedy, and he is not interested in having his treasure stolen.

And he also has a feeling that he may not be able to open the entrance of the ruins.

Lautner and the two nodded, and began to dig the ruins desperately, trying to find a way to find the entrance.

But this ruin is too big...

The front cliff on the west side of the canyon seems to be just a wall of the ruins. William once flew above the ruins in an attempt to dig a hole out of it. As a result, after he dug down more than ten meters, there was an extremely hard metal wall, even epic level. Weapons cannot draw a mark on it.

But His Royal Highness was not reconciled, and used the Thunder Blade to open dozens of holes, but he still couldn't find the entrance, so he had to give up...

"Such a hard metal wall, the magic power on it hasn't dissipated yet, what kind of treasure is it? Can you move it back and make a weapon?" Ran Jin was used to living a poor life when he was a child, and no matter what treasure he saw, his eyes would shine.

The first time he saw that the ruins were indestructible, he didn't think that there was any good treasure inside, and he wanted to move the wall away...

William and Lautner looked at each other, what a great idea!

According to the hardness of the wall of this relic, coupled with the strong and persistent magic power, it is absolutely amazing...

However, William also understands one thing. In fact, regardless of Mithril, Orichalcum, Gold Essence, or various magical ore veins, they can create weapons of primary, medium, high-level, and even better. It seems that high-level weapons can easily cut off low-level weapons. Tier weapons.

But it is also possible that both are made of the same material.

So why is there such a big difference in hardness?

The key is the forging method and sequence.

Three rare metals can be combined into dozens of forging methods, and the most complicated forging method can even turn three common metals into high-end weapons and equipment.

So it seems that these metals are very hard, maybe they are composed of various metals such as mountain copper and mithril, but the forging method is more powerful, and the enchanting method is more high-end...

It takes three days to dig...

The entire west side of the canyon was almost cleared by the three of them, but William finally found a huge circular gate!

The three of them stared dumbfounded at the small holes on the giant gate, densely packed... There are hundreds of them...

"Fuck, is this the way to open it?"

"It takes 180 magic energy crystals to activate?" Ran Jin finished speaking.

Both gazes looked at the almost sluggish Prince His Royal Highness at the same time.

"180???" William seemed to have no expression on his face, but in fact he did some calculations in his heart. One one gets one, two two makes four...

"540,000 gold coins to open once, robbery?" William is not stupid, he knew the way to open the ruins ever since he saw this huge ring-shaped gate.

"But there are 180 magic energy crystals. There is a price but no market. I have a mine at home, so it can't be so dark?" William's heart was bleeding, but his interspatial ring really had a lot of magic energy crystals. Come for the bomb.

Anyway, no one can see it, so I'm not afraid of leaking...

Lautner and the others didn't dare to make up their minds whether to open the ruins or not, but the door that can be opened with magic energy crystals is much better than using spells or other methods...

William glanced at the eyes of the two of them, and he was ruthless in his heart: "Open!"

at the same time.

He took out magic crystals of almost the same size from the space ring and distributed them to the two, and the three began to inlay crystals on the door...

3 minutes passed.

When William inlaid the last crystal on the circular giant gate!

The magic power in the magic energy crystal is disappearing at a speed almost visible to the naked eye. Tens of thousands of magic power flow along the lines on the gate. In just three seconds, the magic energy crystals burst into powder one after another, scattered on the ground like white snowflakes. ground……

It's been a while...

The door didn't respond.

William swallowed, and clenched his fists in pain: "This is the end? I spent 500,000 gold coins just to see a snow in the tropical rainforest. I don't need to spend money to cross the legendary continent to the extreme north." So much money."

"Hey, is it the problem with the stone?" Burning Jin raised his eyebrows, and he walked over and kicked away the stone stuck on the gate.


The door shook lightly.

The giant metal gate with a height of five meters opened a gap...

"..." Lautner glanced at Burning Jin, you're a bitch who has a lot of things to do, why don't you leave this matter to me and let me kick it?

William breathed a sigh of relief, and patted Burning Jin's shoulder happily. He didn't expect that the broken door was so wasteful that he didn't even have the ability to push a stone away.

"Open the door!"

The three of them worked together to hold the door with their swords, and opened it carefully, for fear of using the wrong strength, it would be embarrassing to close the door again. Maybe the lord could kill the two of them to worship the sky...

With the door open.

An ancient and vast atmosphere came from inside the door, and there was no rotten smell, but that smell was definitely not pleasant.

It was dark inside.

Can't see anything at all.

Lautner stretched out his neck, glanced inside, swallowed and said, "What if there are some monsters inside?"

"What are you afraid of? Go ahead and explore the way!" William looked contemptuous. As an executive officer, he should step forward bravely and coax the egg.

"I'm scouting the way again?" Lotnazar's heart ached.

William rubbed his chin. It is not good for three people to go in. If they are really locked in, it will be really cool, so he said: "Then you don't need to explore the way, these 180 magic crystals are for you. You stay outside the door, be careful when the door closes, and Burning Jin goes to find the way!"

"My lord, your banner is the direction I'm going." Since Burning Jin is determined to be the lord's number one licking dog, he can't hesitate. He glanced at the cowardly Lautner.

With a soft snort, he put his right hand on the Dragon Slaying Saber and strode forward...

Lautner's eyes widened, and when he saw William following behind, he couldn't help but said to himself, "There's something wrong with this kid, could it be that he's thinking about the position of the executive officer?"

"This is not possible. When we return to Dawn City, we have to discuss it with Odom. We must suppress this newcomer..."

It was pitch black inside the gate, but the two of them were not ordinary people.

Especially basic magic!

Fireball is a must.

There is no need to waste too much experience points for this thing, and there is no need to upgrade it. It is enough to learn one for lighting.

And Burning Jin's sub-profession is not weak, a fireball with a size of half a meter is suspended above his head, and the light from the fire is enough for the two of them to see something more than ten meters away.

But look at it this way.

William couldn't help thinking, isn't it a bit too big?

A corridor that is twenty meters wide?

This is not a relic.

This is the temple, right?

It's possible, because they only saw a small wall, and the murals on it didn't represent anything. It might really be a temple...

What's especially cheating is that [Gods], in order to pursue authenticity, after players enter certain unknown ruins, a message will not pop up to tell them where they entered.

Only after clearing the level or finding various information, the information box will pop up a message.


The distance between the two is less than one meter.

Going forward and going deeper, I don't know if I walked hundreds of meters or hundreds of meters, the light behind the gate became weaker and weaker, and even disappeared.

at this time.

The two of William could only hear their own footsteps and their increasingly heavy breathing.

And there is not nothing on both sides of the corridor, all kinds of elegant and mysterious patterns, murals, and even incomprehensible words gradually appear...

"These words are indeed from the age of mythology." William squinted his eyes. He had seen these words and even recognized them.

But the premise of everything is that if he can find a book and decipher it...

Only in this way [the gods] will believe that he has mastered these words, and even allow him to read them easily!

"But that's all from my previous life. Where can I find those books now, especially in my previous life, I only deciphered less than 200 words from the Age of Mythology..."

William had a headache for a while. Maybe he knew a lot of the words above, but he was a player in his previous life, so there is no need to memorize it by rote like an NPC...

As long as he has deciphered some characters, even if these characters are the same as ghost drawing symbols, he can easily recognize them in the future, but those are the abilities endowed by the system, but now he really doesn't remember them.


As the two gradually deepened the passage.

After seeing a metal gate again, both of them looked at an oversized golden symbol on the left!

"What word is this? Could it be dangerous?" Burning Jin muttered to himself, whether it was dangerous or not, it all depended on whether the lord wanted to go in, even if there was a god inside, he would follow in.

"Really..." William gasped, because he had seen the symbol in front of him too many times.


He was right.

This is the temple!

Still the kind of intact temple!

William recalled in turn about the murals in the corridor.

"Clouds, lightning, blue light, these patterns have appeared many times, could it be the Temple of Thunder?" William swallowed, he intended to get a Thor ring.

Now the Thunder God ring has not been taken yet, but it has strayed into the Thunder God Temple...

"My lord, can you go in?" Ran Jin turned around and asked.

"..." William thought for a while.

"Come on, the 180 magic crystals were brought by the strong wind again. If you open it once, you can get some treasures in it anyway. How can you have the habit of returning empty-handed?" William made up his mind that he would not mix more than 50 magic crystals from the temple. The treasure of ten thousand gold coins, he will definitely not come out.

"I haven't done a loss-making business yet, isn't it just a temple, and it's not like I haven't been to it. Although I have gone to damaged temples before, the general rules are the same. Just be careful and don't go in. Is it possible to rely on me? The experience of dying thousands of times can still hang here?"

William clenched his fists and pushed towards the giant door with all his strength.

Only the creaking could be heard, and the giant door was moving slightly.

Seeing that the lord's face was about to turn red, Burning also hurried forward to help, and then pushed the heavy door open with all his strength...


Bright lights!

Dazzling light bloomed in front of both of them.

In a vague way, William seemed to see a 100-meter-tall giant looking at him again. Thunder was blooming from his body, majestic as a mountain...


A dazzling red lightning flashed across the sky.

Dark clouds hang over Stormwind Isle...

The heavy rain is majestic...

Countless monsters are roaring...

Like a herd riot...

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