I Am the Legendary BOSS

Chapter 228 Entering and the Gunner (5)

Inside the divination shop.

After a few minutes.

Only then did Mexis push the door out of the laboratory, and took out two bottles of transforming potions, he said with emotion: "Unfortunately, those demons are too low in rank, and the purified blood essence is not enough, but as long as Without encountering a real legend, these potions are enough to hide our identities."

And just when Mexis was about to leave.

William quickly grabbed his arm, and said bluntly, "You say you can't meet a real legend, but you will definitely meet it. I have the purified blood of the demon lord here, can you?"

When Mexis saw the blood bottle in his hand, his eyes were straight. He looked at William carefully, as if curious, how can you even get the blood of the demon lord?


Want to sell ass?

No matter what Mexis thought in his heart, his hands were unambiguous.

He opened both bottles at the same time.

Two drops of the demon lord's purified blood flew out.

Instantly merged into the transformation potion.

After a while of incomprehensible magic operations...

Director Mo shook the bottle in his hand, rubbed his head and said, "It should be almost there. Before stepping into the portal, let's drink this in advance!"

"Wait, my demon lord's purified blood is still left..." William didn't finish his sentence, and he didn't BB any more, because Messes took it away with a blank face, so he should give it to him for protection fee.

But will His Royal Highness take a fancy to the so-called transformation potion?

how is this possible!

He chuckled, politely rejected Messes' transformation potion, and took out a dark but colorful stone, just about to say, "I use this..."


With a speed beyond his imagination, Mexis broke his finger with great force to take it away, and threw two bottles of transformation potion to William at the same time.

At this time, Director Mo admired the stone in a trance for a while, and then clicked: "I use this, you use the potion."

"That's mine..." William twitched the corners of his mouth, aren't you a magician?

Add some power to Mao?

And he wanted to say, you can snatch my demon lord's blood essence, but if you even snatch the dreamy dark rough stone, that would be a bit too much.

"Your yours, I'll give it to you when I get back." The corners of Mexis' mouth curled up slightly. With this thing, who the hell uses the transformation potion? You're mentally retarded!


In front of the door of space.

A handsome and mentally handicapped man poured the transformation potion into his stomach bitterly!

There are many elves guarding here, and they watched His Royal Highness being twisted for a while, and his body was constantly changing, gradually turning into a high-level demon with a height of more than two meters!

A pair of huge bat wings grew from the back.


Many elf guards still couldn't help but want to complain: "Why is Mao so handsome?"

At this moment, even Arthur and Mexis were stunned. Do you want to exaggerate your appearance? Even if you become a devil, you are still a devil so handsome that it breaks through the sky!

William was trembling all over. He felt that his muscles, bones, and nerves seemed to have been reorganized, and even his fighting spirit had become a dark attribute.

But at the same time, many of the skills on his skill list have been dimmed and can no longer be used. It is estimated that fighting can only rely on brute force.

But no matter how you say it, the effect of this transformation potion should not be too exaggerated, the breath is no different from that of a high-level demon.

He glanced at the time limit of the potion, a full 24 hours...

And Messes snapped his fingers lightly, swish, a brand new demon appeared!

There were no side effects, it was that simple, and then both entered the space gate at the same time.


at the same time.

As early as a few days ago, he participated in a group of anchors after the end of the war.

Because they had received news from various sources, they also had to know that the dark invasion of the Moonlight Elves was the most dangerous and massive battlefield in the entire Legendary Continent.

And their purpose as anchors is to bring the best effect experience to the audience. After the dark invasion in the southeast region ended, they also embarked on a journey to the Moonlight Forest.

But they took a different route than William.

The angry Xiaopang and his group of anchors rushed all the way to the Emerald Grand Duchy, went to the kingdom through the space gate, and then went to the human empire. The scenery along the way left many players dumbfounded.

In particular, there are so many strong men in the empire, and the group of people watching didn't know what to say.


They took a boat to the Moonlight Forest.

Because most of the space gates in the Moonlight Forest have been closed, or they have fallen into a state of military management.

Players have no chance to enter it at all.

not to mention.

Many anchor players have come all the way, and the poor ones almost sold their equipment.

"The teleportation of the gate of space is too expensive. From the kingdom to the empire, it costs a full 50 gold coins!" Some people complained. They knew that the journey was far away, so they brought a lot of gold coins one by one.

But they found out that even if they were not robbed by NPCs, they could come here, but they might not have the money to go back.

Fatty also twitched his lips: "But the distance between the palace and the empire is very far, and the price of the portal is higher, which is understandable, but I didn't expect that there would be such a big lake inside the mainland."

Three or five anchors gathered together on the deck of the big ship, looking around.

At this moment, there are many battleships on the great lake, or monsters flying in the sky, leading many professionals to the Moonlight Forest.

A few people dare not be too arrogant, because not only are they on the deck, but there are also many mercenaries, demon hunters, and even temple knights.

Moreover, their minimum strength is high-level, and almost most of them are bosses.

Although the battlefield in Moonlight Forest is very high-end.

It doesn't mean that there are no elementary, intermediate, and high-level professionals.

William said that the high-level legendary boss is also a super soldier in this battlefield. In fact, he is right, after all, super soldiers can also kill heroes...

If a level 6 hero stands up as a super soldier, it is guaranteed that he will be hammered to doubt his life.

"Hey, look, what's behind that buddy?" Someone glanced at a person, and pointed at him dumbfounded.

I haven't waited for Xiaopang and others to look over.

The professional seemed to have noticed his gaze. He turned his head and picked up the artillery behind him, aiming at them with the huge muzzle. As his grudge continued to blend into it, the huge muzzle began to condense a dazzling blue light!

A chill came from the five anchors!

They feel that when they die, the durability of the equipment on their bodies will probably be blown up in an instant.

And the man couldn't help but smile when he saw their appearance, after all, not everyone could come to the battlefield of Moonlight Forest.

But these little guys who are only intermediate level are quite courageous, so they put the artillery away again, and said with a smile: "Hey, boys, haven't you seen a gunner?"


Everyone's eyes widened. Is there such a crude job?

"Damn it, is this a hand cannon? It's so cowhide, wouldn't it hit someone pregnant..."

"..." Fatty was speechless, he scanned the heroes on board, all kinds of weapons dazzled his eyes.

For a moment, he really wanted to say, my current ranger profession is nothing!

I want to be a gunner!

I'm empty, I need to replenish my body, I'll update it another day, ask for a monthly pass, this month has 16 days, and 130,000 words have been updated.

Wait for 1,500, 2,000 monthly tickets, or 3,000 for both, and then update.

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