Chapter 202 221. Freshman

Rainy day.

Countless cold drizzles fell from the sky, making everything around and the air wet.

This is one of the few quieter and sparsely populated places in the city: the garbage dump.

From time to time, the cold searchlight swept over the mountains of garbage. The red warning neon lights in the distance warned the scavengers that even if there was only garbage here, it was not a safe place.

But even so, it still can't stop some slum scavengers from coming here under cover of night to look for some useful things.

Xu Zhi woke up from the cold. When she just woke up, her brain was still in chaos and she couldn't think of anything. She just felt very cold and sleepy, and her whole body ached, especially her brain, which was as chaotic as paste.

The cold raindrops hitting her body failed to make any waves. She could only feel that her dying life was slowly passing away. If she couldn't find a way to get out of here to take shelter from the rain and let her body warm up a little, she might be trapped by this. The rain takes away lives.

However, even though her brain was urging her to leave here quickly and move, in reality, Xu Zhi couldn't even open her eyelids.

His body was heavy and weak, and his limbs seemed not to be his own. He tried to move his fingers but could not feel where his "hands" were. He tried his best to open his eyes, but his eyelids only trembled slightly.

Her brain was in chaos, and even thinking had become a very difficult task. Within half a minute of waking up, she felt as if she was about to faint again.

But, if you faint here like this, you will die, right?

A burst of panic came. Xu Zhi, who was lying on the garbage heap, didn't know why she was so panicked. The strong exhaustion made her want to just fall asleep obediently, but the desire to survive deep in her heart was pulling her. Unwilling to give up the struggle by obeying my lazy thoughts.

Just when Xu Zhi was feeling pain, a burst of chirping sounds suddenly came from the side. This sound, which was usually extremely subtle, sounded like thunder to Xu Zhi's ears, causing her eyelashes to suddenly flutter slightly. Trembling, realizing that there might be something, or someone, next to me.

Although his brain was confused and he couldn't remember anything, Xu Zhi still subconsciously tried to open his eyes.

So in the chaos, she trembled her eyelashes and tried her best to open her eyes slightly, and then she saw a vague figure coming up from the garbage pile. She seemed to be holding a bag in her hand. When she saw someone on the garbage pile, , the movements become stiff.

It's a woman.

Unable to see his face clearly, Xu Zhi's eyes seemed to be shrouded in a layer of fog, and he seemed to be deeply short-sighted.

The action of opening her eyes seemed to take too much energy from her. She couldn't hold on for a few more seconds, and Xu Zhi closed her eyelids uncontrollably, and her consciousness sank into the abyss again.

At the last second when she lost consciousness, she seemed to see the woman hesitate for a while and then move closer to her.

What does she want to do?

Before he had time to think about this problem, Xu Zhi fell into coma again.

In the third garbage dump, an adult woman carried a comatose girl with a little effort. Because the girl was in a coma and could not lift herself, and her strength was not very strong, she tied the girl's body with a few ropes. On his own, to avoid the rain and slippery road, he accidentally stumbled and threw the girl to the ground.

The bag in her hand was still empty, indicating that she had found nothing tonight except seeing a dying girl in the garbage.

After all, she had just gone out. Only on rainy nights like this, others would be reluctant to come, and ordinary people like her who were powerless could also gain something.

Just not tonight.

The woman carried the girl with some difficulty, avoiding the searchlights step by step and walking towards the outside of the garbage dump.

The third garbage dump is very large. In addition to the garbage from the plain area, some garbage from the lower floors will also be dumped here. Therefore, the third garbage dump is very popular among the scavengers.

Even on such a rainy day and a relatively sparsely populated night, you can still see scattered scavengers coming in when you leave.

She came very early to avoid conflicts with the scavengers who would come later. After all, she couldn't defeat them.

And the expressions of these scavengers were cold and defensive. When they saw the shriveled bag in the woman's hand and confirmed that she had not picked up anything at all, no one stepped forward to embarrass her.

When there is no profit to be made, no one wants to find trouble for themselves.

Everyone passed by in silence, and the puddles accumulated on the ground of the garbage dump reflected their identical indifferent and vigilant expressions. As rats in the city's sewers, they struggled to survive by eating the garbage produced in the city. They are on guard every day whether disaster will suddenly befall them.

After leaving the garbage dump, the woman quietly breathed a sigh of relief. She tightened her grip on Xu Zhi's rope and walked towards home.

It is said to be a home, but in fact it is just a "slum" built on an abandoned vacant lot outside the industrial area. She has a "house" of her own in it.

It was a narrow house made of wooden boards, plastic, bricks and cement. It was less than thirty square meters but it was well-equipped despite its small size.

The door is probably the strongest thing in this "home". After all, she lives alone. Although she has neighbors to help her, she still has to pay attention to it.

The woman opened the door and carried Xu Zhi inside. Because it was raining, the roof was leaking from somewhere. Before she went out, she placed the bucket at the leaking spot, and now she had collected less than half of the bucket of water.

The smell of damp earth, the cheap and inappropriate furniture that seems to have been found anywhere, and the walls that are neither thermally or soundproofed all indicate that this "home" is really not a "safe shelter."

But even so, the home is quite tidy. Although the furniture can be seen not to match, the colors are roughly the same. A few pots of flowers and plants are placed by the window as decoration. The walls and furniture are shabby but clean, the tabletop is tidy, and the room has no smell. It is enough to show that even if the conditions are limited, she is still running the family with heart.

The round-the-clock industrial area still makes rumbling noises even late at night, but the people living here have long been accustomed to these noises.

She did not put Xu Zhi directly on the bed, but first leaned her on a chair, and then went to boil some hot water. When she turned on the gas, a trace of distress flashed across the woman's face, but she still insisted on giving Xu Zhi the heat. Got the bath water.

When carrying the girl home, she felt her body shivering due to the cold and her cold body temperature. When there was light, she also saw her pale lips that were frozen.

But when she carried the girl into the toilet and planned to take off her clothes and give her a hot bath, as soon as she opened the cloak and saw the bloody wound on Xu Zhi's body, the woman's movements stopped.

It took some time to reorganize the outline and new plot, and there is another chapter today~

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