At the same time, when the aircraft from the "upper level" landed at the high altitude of the station, all the officers suspended their work and went to greet it.

The people who got off the carrier plane were not only soldiers and escorts, but also talkers sent by several upper-level forces.

When he saw the officers waiting on the ground, a person walking in the middle asked in a tired tone: "Where are the people? Now take us over and have a look."

The question was naturally about the murderer.

"His injuries were too serious. Before the interrogation, he didn't know that something like this would happen. The extreme methods used allowed him to answer questions for the time being. Now he has stopped."

So cool.

"Pig brain!" A young man who looked about twenty years old scolded.

Although the reprimanded officer was dissatisfied, he bowed his head respectfully to admit his mistake.

"Why blame him? It's just a normal process, and he can't predict the future." Someone spoke to save the situation.

Hearing this, the man turned to look at him and sneered: "Why are you pretending to be a good person again? Who doesn't know that this technology was developed by you? If you want to be held accountable, I don't think you can escape."

"Okay, stop arguing. Isn't it because you knew he wouldn't survive that you called Xiaoyue? With her here, even the dead can speak. What's the hurry?"

The tired-looking middle-aged man who spoke first stopped the quarrel. He also knew in his heart that the two people were not really quarreling, but more of a habitual confrontation or a pretense. After all, The relationship between the forces they represent is not harmonious.

The middle-aged man wore a white-gold robe with a golden lotus embroidered on one side of the collar and a candle embroidered on the other side.

That is the logo of Guangmingyuan.

Although the people walking in the middle were wearing different costumes, they could all find a lotus flower as a symbol somewhere. In addition, there were also symbols representing their own power.

For example, the young man who yelled at the officer had a golden scale on the back of his shirt. One end of the scale was filled with gold coins, while the other end was empty, but the scale remained balanced.

This stands for [Dingxing Consortium]. The origin of the consortium's name is not a secret. The founder claims that "in the future, even the price of stars can be determined by us."

The man who was quarreling with him had a delicate heavy hammer pattern on the cuff of his clothes. The hammer body was black and the hammer handle was as clear as lava. This was the [Heavy Industry of the Gods].

In addition, the "Xiaoyue" mentioned by Guangmingyuan talkers is a girl who has been standing beside her without saying a word. She looks quite young, about fifteen or sixteen years old, and she is wearing what looks like an academy uniform, with her chest There is a metal badge with a light pink heart engraved on it. When the light shines on it, the pattern of the badge flows as if the heart is beating slightly. At a glance, people can tell that this girl comes from [Tianxinhui].

The consortium and the Gods Heavy Industries have had a long-standing grudge. It has been so long that it is difficult to trace what exactly caused the conflict between them. It seems to be an unpleasant incident over the robbery of an extraordinary item, and most of the guys in the Gods Heavy Industry have normal minds. People are different, and I don’t quite know how to write the word “decent”.

After losing to the consortium once, they secretly tried to create trouble for the consortium, but the method was not very good. People could tell at a glance that it was them. In short, over time, the two families formed a rift, and they still look down on each other even now. dislike; despise.

One side thinks that the other side is a craftsman who is vulgar and rude, does not know how to write decent words, and has brain problems. The other side thinks that the other side is a businessman who smells like copper and is full of shameless ideas and money.

Even if only members of two organizations meet each other, it is inevitable that they will choke on a few words.

In fact, they are not among the most "elite" group in each organization, but because the incident happened suddenly and they had to get to the bottom as soon as possible, their choices were limited. In addition, there were games at all levels. In the end, this job fell to on their heads.

"How long until the people from the council arrive?"

In this world, there is no "country", only "city", and each city is extremely large. As an independent and autonomous political collective, a city does not have an emperor-like person like a [city lord]. The [parliament] is the only one in each city. The city has a political system in which the president of the parliament has the greatest power and is comparable to the "city lord" in a sense. The upper house and the lower house serve as auxiliary institutions to share the worries of the president.

However, the Parliament cannot be the only one in the city. Under the checks and balances of all parties, the Parliament can barely be regarded as the boss in its own city. However, whether it is Guangmingyuan, Tianxinhui, or Gods Heavy Industries, these organizations are all It does not only exist in one city, even the Dingxing Consortium is a super consortium that spans various cities.

Therefore, [Parliament] will also be stretched thin when facing these super organizations at certain times.

The political system of every city is complex, and the undercurrents surging within it are also quite dangerous. Now traces of the [Cup] that have been missing for a hundred years have been discovered at the bottom of my city. This will not only cause shock in my city, but once it is discovered, If other cities know about it, the problem may be even bigger!

At this time, the people from the parliament came so slowly. What on earth were they thinking? !

"Humph, those guys in the council aren't always like this. They work slowly and timidly!"

The young people in the consortium don't seem to like anyone. He also has such confidence. With the Dingxing Consortium as his backer, no one dares to do anything to him even if he lives a bit arrogantly.


Someone's communicator rang.

The leader, the middle-aged man from Guangmingyuan, clicked on the communicator on his wrist and read the message. Then he said with some surprise: "The people from the parliament sent a message that they will be one hour late. Let us wait for a while."

"You're so big, can you understand what the emergency is now?" The young man from the consortium snorted coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle-aged man added in a playful tone: "They are people from the House of Lords."


Except for the young man, others also looked slightly sideways with surprised expressions.

In this city, the two-house system of parliament is simple and crude. The upper house is larger than the lower house. The chairman has always been on the top floor. The second and third floors are the upper floors. The upper house is established here. Talents are almost selected from the upper city. Only the top talents in other urban areas can make exceptions. Elected to the House of Lords.

The fourth and fifth floors are the middle-level areas of the city. The lower house mainly governs this area, along with the lower city area on the sixth and seventh floors. Although the lower house manages more floors, in terms of power, there is no doubt that the upper house is more powerful.

Almost all of them are from Xiacheng District, in order to seize the time. This matter will definitely not be handled by only people from Xiacheng District in the end, but time is everything right now, and the fastest measures must be taken to obtain the most information.


"Why are the council so crazy? They would rather delay time and wait for their people to come?"

Almost everyone is asking this question in their mind, what is going on in Parliament?

Is it just to suppress them?

But is now the time to do so?

"Ignore them, time is tight, this matter is of great importance and cannot be delayed. Who knows if something will happen?"

Almost the next second, someone suggested this.

When the young man from the consortium heard this, some thoughts flashed in his eyes, and then he immediately agreed: "I agree."

No matter what the council wants to do, whether they are simply crazy or planning something, they must immediately confirm the authenticity of this matter and figure out the reason for it.

As for "violating the order of the protest", there will be plenty of reasons to shirk responsibility at that time!

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