265.Fifth floor

Two hours is not too long, not to mention that Xu Zhi hardly felt any bumps during the flight. Although she had not flown any flying instruments before, she knew to some extent that there would be bumps during takeoff and landing. feeling, but there is no feeling here. ,

Before arriving, Xu Zhi went through her next plan in her mind. There is no doubt that restoring strength is the primary purpose. Secondly, she feels that the upper levels should also have "weather forecasts" about the bottom level. After all, the fog at the bottom is a big deal. , it is impossible for the upper levels to completely ignore it.

The next time the fog comes, she will use her "spiritual body" to return to the bottom and try to enter the depths of the fog.

But before that, it would be great if the [Moth] attribute extraordinary circuit could also be established.

A spirit body with the [Moth] attribute whose appearance is not consistent with hers is still at the bottom. Even if something is discovered, it cannot be implicated in her.

At that time, she can feel free to do things.

"We still lack resources. We have to think of a solution after we go up there."

As for my knife, I have no choice but to store it with others.

Xu Zhi knew that people in this world would definitely use the knife as a clue to try to trace the origin of the knife. However, the "forger" who made the knife and the world it came from have both disappeared. How can this be traced?

After thinking for a while, Xu Zhi raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, feeling a little upset.

She doesn't need to be so cautious in Yuncheng. If she doesn't like anything, she'll just stab her with a knife, and that's the end of it.

But looking back now, I can find that she was able to live so smoothly in the past. In addition to her inherent talent and excellent luck, there is another extremely important reason: the overall strength of the federal world is low.

It was just a small place, which was why she was so unscrupulous. Now she paid a huge price just to escape. If she wants to grow to an unscrupulous height again, she may need to put in more efforts.

What a hassle!

She had to find a way.

Xu Zhi rolled his eyes and had an incredible idea in his mind.

But that idea was too unrealistic, and she felt that she had to plan it carefully.

[——All personnel please note that RU2035 is passing the numbering test. ]

[——Number confirmed, test passed, released]

Two sounds suddenly sounded throughout the aircraft. After the word "release" was spoken, Xu Zhi finally noticed the slight vibration of the aircraft.

Shortly after this, there was another weak tremor, and less than five minutes later, there was a knock on her door.

"Miss Xu, we are here."

Qi Yanxin put her bag on her back again and pushed Xu Zhi to the door.

In fact, Xu Zhi can control the wheelchair movement by himself, but when Qi Yanxin is by her side, the other party will always want to take care of her in every detail, so Xu Zhi has formed a habit to some extent.

"Please come with us, Master Tan is waiting for you two."

The Master Tan he mentioned should be Tan Jingyuan, that middle-aged man.

When heading to the exit, Xu Zhi saw a lot of people, most of whom were strangers, but occasionally he would see a few familiar people, such as the doctor and the young man from the consortium.

"Why didn't I see anyone else?" Xu Zhi asked the soldiers around him calmly.

The soldier was stunned for a moment and replied: "Some adults come from other places and do not leave with us."


As we approached the exit, the light nearby suddenly became brighter. It was not the brightness brought by the lights, but the long-lost sunlight.

When the wheelchair was pushed out of the aircraft, the direct sunlight finally fell, and Xu Zhi's eyes felt a little stinging. She raised her hands slightly to cover her eyes and closed her eyes to adapt to the suddenly dazzling light.

"Such bright sunshine." Qi Yan also sighed in his heart.

This is the kind of bright weather you don't get on the ground floor, and even if it's sunny, the sun will never be that warm.

When his eyes were slightly better from the sting caused by the sun, what caught Xu Zhi's eyes again was the spacious, clean and orderly "airport" here.

Forgive her ignorance, she doesn't know how to describe this place, the port? Airport? Or something else?

In short, this place is incredibly big. The ground is solid and flat. There are several cars parked outside the bright yellow cordon that seem to be picking up people. Staff in uniforms are standing aside waiting. There are other smaller ones in the distance. The aircraft was taking off and landing, and the towering tower reflected the bright sunlight. Everything seemed to be in order.

It is a completely different scene from both the lower level and the Federation.

"Miss Xu."

Tan Jingyuan was followed by several people and walked toward Xu Zhi. He pointed at a woman in uniform behind him and said: "Her name is Ke Yi. She will take you through the procedures and explain some things about the fifth floor to you. I have something else to do. Just take the first step.”

After Tan Jingyuan finished speaking, he left directly. Xu Zhi could see that his steps were slightly hurried, which was not an excuse.

"Miss Xu, the household registration has been completed. I will take you to Guangmingyuan to go through the admission procedures first."

After Ke Yi finished speaking, Xu Zhi pretended to be surprised: "Don't you need to be present in person to handle household registration?"

"Generally speaking, it is necessary." Ke Yi replied.

"But Miss Xu's situation is special. Guangmingyuan can naturally help you, so I will help you first."

He was talking nonsense and was clearly trying to manipulate her.

"In this case, I have to thank you." Xu Zhi showed a kind smile.

"You're welcome, Miss Xu. You will be a student in the inner courtyard and you will enjoy many conveniences." Ke Yi replied while leading the way.

As Xu Zhi expected, one of the cars waiting outside the cordon came to pick her up.

It seemed that after getting on the aircraft, she wouldn't have a chance to leave even half a step until she entered the Guangming Courtyard.

Really cautious.

After getting in the car, Xu Zhi kept looking out the window. Seeing Xu Zhi's curious look, Ke Yi took the initiative and asked, "Miss Xu has never been to the fifth floor, right? Do you need me to explain it to you?"

Xu Zhi nodded: "If it's not troublesome."

"Unlike the bottom floor, which is basically a factory and its main function is production, the fifth floor is most important for the academies and supporting facilities of various forces. Almost all the extraordinary people on the fourth, fifth and sixth floors will be selected to come to the fifth floor after completing their basic education. Learning, of course, also includes the former seventh level.”

"Although the fifth floor is most important for various high-level schools of extraordinary beings, other facilities are also quite complete. Among them, the business district established by the Dingxing Consortium is a must-go place for students after the holidays. There, almost everything You can buy them all.”

"But Miss Xu may need to be careful. There are many temptations there. If you are not well-off, it is best not to step in there."

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