I am the Lord of the Gods in a world of mist

Chapter 264 283 Problem Solving

Even the moment she saw the circuit, she already knew the answer in her heart, but Xu Zhi did not step forward in a hurry.

She didn't forget the teacher's words. The credit rewards are based on difficulty. You probably won't get many credits for these three simplest circuits. In this case, there's no need to worry. Let her see what level her classmates are. ?

After all, she has been curious for a long time, what are the extraordinary people in the real world like?

What are the levels of the students in this college, which gathers the best talents of the new generation?

Since the entrance test circuit was not much different from the current one on the podium, and the students had been studying for nearly half a semester, Xu Zhi was not kept waiting for too long. After about four or five minutes, someone had already stood up. Try to answer the teacher's questions.

Dare to be the first to answer, which gave her some confidence. Sure enough, she correctly answered that the leftmost one is a cleaning circuit.

So the teacher nodded and asked her to go to the podium to try to crack the circuit.

After signaling the student to come up, the teacher turned her attention to Xu Zhi. In her expectation, Xu Zhicai should be the first one to come up and answer the question.

However, the moment she saw Xu Zhi, she understood something.

When he first walked into the classroom, Xu Zhi was still sitting upright, with a slim and straight figure. He looked at her very politely when she spoke. Even when the loop projection was released, Xu Zhi's eyes immediately fell on the projection. But this time, her original sitting posture had changed to relaxed, even too leisurely. She supported the side of her face with her left hand, and placed her right hand casually on the left. Her eyes were no longer looking at the loop, but with interest. Looking at the classmates heading to the podium.

He looked like he was doing nothing, no, it should be said that he was confident.

Almost the moment she saw Xu Zhi's state, the teacher felt that she should already know the answer. Her curiosity in the eyes of her classmates was undisguised. In addition, she was now a person with amnesia, so she just wanted to See what your classmates did?

Should I say it’s the margin of genius? Or should I say it’s arrogance?

The teacher withdrew his gaze and gave a subtle reminder: "This class is only two hours long. Students who want to try it should hurry up."

This was obviously meant for Xu Zhi. She felt that no matter how talented Xu Zhi was, no matter how short it took to solve the simplest circuit, as the difficulty increased, the speed would become slower, right?

Students in the lower grades are most lacking in credits because there are almost no competitions in the first semester. Except for tests and the credits earned by ranking each exam, there are few opportunities to earn additional credits at other times.

Even Xu Zhi probably wants to get more credits, right?

The person on stage is a student with the [Winter] attribute. The reason why she was specially recruited is that, as a [Winter], she has a keener perception of circuits than other extraordinary people. Just analyzing the extraordinary circuits, It is almost comparable to [Qi] of the same level. Although [Qi]'s ability is not limited to dismantling circuits, it is still very surprising for a [Winter] to show this ability.

[Gods Heavy Industry] also had an olive branch towards her at first, but in the end she chose Guangmingyuan.

Soon, two [Qi] students also chose to step forward to dismantle the remaining two simplest circuits. Xu Zhi was not in a hurry, but just looked at the classmates on the stage with curious eyes. At the same time, she also sensed that there was something wrong. The eyes of other students kept falling on her.

Probably because she was curious as to why she, the "first place", was not the first to solve the problem.

But even if she was curious, no one could ask her. After all, except for Hong Mao at the beginning, there was no other person familiar enough to sit next to her.

She became more patient now. While looking curiously at her classmates on the stage who were thinking hard about solving problems, she twirled the mirror chain with her free hand out of boredom. Then she thought of the doctor from [Gods Heavy Industry] who reminded her about this thing. It's a fragile item. I was secretly annoyed in my heart and quickly moved away with my disobedient fingers.

It took about ten minutes to crack the simplest circuits on the stage one by one.

"Okay, ten credits per person."

The faces of the three of them all showed expressions of joy. When they returned to their seats, they glanced at Xu Zhi's location intentionally or unintentionally.

This transfer student doesn't seem to be in a hurry.

As everyone knows, Xu Zhi sighed in his heart that he was "like a god in predicting things". Sure enough, it was only ten credits!

Can’t we be so stingy about the next few dollars?

Perhaps Xu Zhi's "That's it?" look was too conspicuous. The teacher coughed and added: "I will show you the projection of the second circuit first. Each block is worth 30 credits."

"The third and fourth blocks are 50 and 70 credits respectively."

Four hundred and fifty credits in total!

This is right!

It was almost close to the credits given to her by the principal. This teacher was quite generous.

Seeing the obvious look of satisfaction in Xu Zhi's eyes, the young teacher's heart was bleeding.

You must know that the credits awarded to students in class will have a fixed amount in the college. In one semester, teachers can only have so much at their disposal. You must make a budget in advance. Any overspending needs to be paid by yourself!

Even teachers are controlled by credits!

One class cost nearly 500 credits, more than double the cost! !

This was just the first class, and she even vaguely recognized the transfer student's character of "getting excited after seeing the credits", and she had a slightly ominous premonition in her heart.

However, what she didn't expect was that the transfer student stood up right after she announced the points for cracking the circuit.

She was stunned for a moment and asked, "What's wrong? Is there anything you don't understand?"

She never thought that Xu Zhi stood up to answer the questions. After all, she had just put up the projection.

The difficulty of the second circuit was not something that a freshman who had only taken the class for half a semester could solve. Although it was prepared for Xu Zhi, she did not expect that Xu Zhi could solve it quickly. At least, it would take a little time. Bar?

So she thought Xu Zhi was confused about something.

But she didn't expect that the gentle-looking new student's smile seemed to widen a little after hearing her question, as if he heard something interesting.

She looked at herself and said, "Teacher, I stood up to solve the problem."


"Solving the problem? Oh, you have already figured it out?!"

The class became silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on Xu Zhi. When Xu Zhi was indifferent to the first question, various speculations flashed through their minds. Many people even thought that Xu Zhi The loop test may have had some kind of shit luck.

But now, what is the situation?

The projection of this question had just been released, and she could already see it?

impossible! !

Most of them find it a bit difficult to even concentrate on reading and trying to analyze this question!

How could there be the kind of person who could already get the answer by just glancing at the question stem while others were still reading the question word by word?

"Three natural circuits, water transformation, combustion, crystallization, right?"


When she said this couplet, the young-looking teacher obviously failed to manage her expression. She looked at Xu Zhi with an expression that could not hide her surprise.

This kind of question only needs to be done by second-year students, can she actually see it at a glance?

As long as she can answer the questions and her speed is not too slow, she will already surpass the second-year students on the circuit path.

This is even without taking any advanced courses!


She originally had no real feelings for this transfer student who was already known as a genius, but now, she really accepted the impact from the genius.

But this is not the end, or rather, it is just the beginning.

After Xu Zhi walked up to the podium and faced these three circuits, the teacher thought she would have to think for a while. After all, looking at the projection was just to identify the type of circuit, but now she had to decipher it.

Unexpectedly, the transfer student gave her another "surprise".

She just came up and stood for a while, thinking about it for about five seconds?

Maybe not yet, so he stretched out a finger of his right hand and pointed at the leftmost circuit.

The teacher even subconsciously wanted to stop it. After all, it looked like chaos. However, before she could say anything, she saw the circuit light up slightly, followed by a "click" sound.

In her incredible eyes, the circuits engraved on this material board were shattered.

What the hell?

As soon as this idea came to her mind, she saw that the transfer student's fingers had already moved to the next stone slab. Her movements were light and there was a calm smile on her face, as if she was not solving the problem, but just watching. Something simple and fun.


The next moment, the transfer student answered her with strength, yes, it was what she thought.

The second piece of circuit only lasted less than three seconds before it shattered, followed by the third piece, which only took about the same amount of time.

The whole process was quite fast, so fast that no one in the classroom expected it.

Until Xu Zhi finished, there were still people who didn't even react.

Different from the silence just now, the current classroom can even be described as "deadly silent".

Xu Zhi's behavior was so unconventional that most of the people in the class breathed softer subconsciously. Did they even think they were watching a science fiction movie?

Otherwise, how could you see your classmates in real life doing things that are almost like what happens in movies?

No, even some "extraordinary movies" made for ordinary people don't dare to make these!

The transfer student who had acted "against the will of heaven" seemed not to realize how scary her actions just now were. She turned around and looked at the teacher with a calm expression, and the silver mirror chain hanging on the side of her face followed her. He swayed following her movements, and even the tone of her words was very natural, as if she didn't feel that she had done anything extraordinary.

"Teacher, let's change the question to the next one."

After the words fell, the teacher who looked at her had only one thought in his mind.

Classmate, you didn’t come here to solve the problem, you came here to show off, right?

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