But there is one thing Xu Zhi is sure of.

Once the [cup] sleeping deep underground wakes up, it will definitely be [named].

She had to let the little alien eat him before the other party achieved [Name]. In this way, the level of the little alien should be improved a lot in one go. Even if he couldn't reach the name, he could at least reach the third or fourth level of immortality, right?

The way back must be faster than the way they came. If they were more extreme, they could go deeper inside for about half a day, but Xu Zhi decided to return now.

First, because everyone else in the team is exhausted, some people are already in a daze, and some seductive sounds will appear in their ears. Their spirit and body have reached their limits. Although they are still awake, they are still awake. It's already very dangerous.

Secondly, Xu Zhi herself felt that she could not continue because she no longer wanted to leave here.

This is a very dangerous thought. This thought appears so naturally, as if it is just a natural feeling of "the sun is nice today, let's get some sun". She can't even tell whether this is a "temptation" or a thought from her heart.

But no matter what, she couldn't let this idea grow. She could feel the attraction of the depths of the Lost Land to herself. This was strange. She didn't even have much feeling of "strong attraction", but she was very attracted to the depths of the Lost Lands. Curious, she just felt that if she had a chance, she would have to go and see it.

It wasn't even a strong thought, but it always flashed through her mind, which made Xu Zhi feel bad.

It was time to leave here, otherwise, she wasn't sure if she would be willing to leave after a while.


Everyone nodded, with an unspeakable complexity in their hearts. Although they felt a little relieved about leaving, there was a strong reluctance in their hearts.

Do you really want to leave? Won't you stay a little longer?

In just a few days, I have already undergone a completely new change compared to before. The improvement in strength is so obvious. The air here contains more and purer extraordinary energy than the outside world. Every time I take a breath, I can feel it. The energy keeps coming.

The extraordinary energy that grows in the body, the combat skills developed between life and death and the "new knowledge" gained through fighting, the extraordinary resistance and mental strength that continue to increase after resisting temptation every moment, these gains are not so easy to gain in the outside world. can be obtained.

Do you really want to leave now?

The more tired she is physically and mentally, the stronger this feeling of reluctance becomes. Xu Zhi knew at a glance that something was not good. In fact, even she was very tired now. You must know that she is more responsible than other teammates. As a In the command position, her energy consumption is the largest.

But her mental power is far stronger than that of several teammates combined, so she consumes the most. On the contrary, she is still in the best condition. Looking at the confused eyes of her teammates except Chu Xiaoyue, Xu Xiaoyue Zhi didn't even want to keep smiling anymore. She walked up to them expressionlessly and raised her hand to give each of them a crisp big pussy blow.

"Sober up, what, you can't bear to leave?"

Everyone who was woken up by her was a little aggrieved and covered their faces: "Young elementary school girl, you don't hit people in the face."

Xu Zhi said helplessly: "Your faces are just a little better. What if I hit you and the wounds on your bodies split?"

They have been fighting at high intensity these past few days, and Senior Su Ran cannot keep up with the treatment alone. Now everyone has wounds of various sizes, and it is difficult for Xu Zhi to figure out which parts of his teammates are good. Which area is still injured?

Especially in autumn, the current situation is already tragic.

"That's true, the elementary school girl is still smart."

Xu Zhi:?

"I think your brain is really broken. Leave here quickly and go back to rest."

But no mortal would be able to say such a thing while still awake.

The way back was much easier than going deeper. After all, some of the powerful extraordinary creatures that would hunt them when they saw them on the way here had been almost eliminated, and Xu Zhi, as the most lucid person in the team, naturally took the responsibility. Plan your way back.

However, when he was on the way back, the temptation from the "Lost Land" that had never been too strong for Xu Zhi suddenly became intense.

A strong feeling of reluctance and strangeness began to pull at her. To put it bluntly, it felt a bit like she suddenly felt that this place of loss was extremely suitable for her. It was as if she was born here and was born to stay there. It felt like this place, and the thought of leaving even made her feel painful.

Xu Zhi's expression was dazed for a moment. She almost gritted her teeth to "sober up" a little bit. But when she looked at the other teammates, she found that their expressions had not changed at all. It seemed that she was the only one who felt this strong feeling. , an inseparable call.

A call to her from a lost place, a place that didn't want to let her leave.

“What a hell”

Xu Zhi gritted his teeth and couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

"Huh? What are you talking about, elementary school girl?" The person walking next to her looked at her in confusion.

"It's okay, let's leave quickly."

Xu Zhi's face didn't look good because she was no longer able to maintain those false smiles, and almost all her energy was spent on fighting against the Lost Land.

She felt like a person trapped in a quagmire. Every time she took a seemingly easy step to leave, she was actually trying her best to break free. Countless hands stretching out from the quagmire were tugging at her mind, calling for her. She, said "stay here".

Damn it!

What is there in this!

Xu Zhi felt that she could hardly control herself and wanted to stay, because she had never had such a strong feeling that she should do something, such as stay!

"Elementary school girl."

Someone was calling Xu Zhi, but Xu Zhi's eyes were in a trance and he didn't notice.

"Elementary school girl?!"

The person who called her stretched out his hand in front of her and shook it. Xu Zhi suddenly came back to his senses. Cold sweat broke out from behind. She realized that she had almost died just now.

"What's wrong?" Xu Zhi pretended that nothing happened and looked at Shu Yushan who called her.

"We're about to reach the entrance. I mean, aren't the things we hunted just left with me for now? I'll exchange them for points and call you after I get back?"

"Okay." Xu Zhi nodded and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart at the same time. She didn't dare to think that if Shu Yushan hadn't woken her up in time, would she have continued to be silent in the dangerous feeling just now?

However, others don’t seem to notice that something is wrong with them?

During the next journey, Xu Zhi devoted almost all of her body and mind to resisting temptation. She kept thinking the word "leave" in her heart, as if she was strengthening her faith, and as if she was brainwashing herself to create a goal.

When everyone finally left completely and returned to the entrance, and the teacher came out of the darkness to congratulate them on successfully completing the trial, Xu Zhi could hardly hear what the people next to him were saying.

It seems that since they left the shallow layer of the Lost Land, the temptation has become smaller and smaller. When they arrived in this place, the temptation that caught everyone off guard and made everyone lose their minds when they came was no longer worth mentioning to them now.

Only Xu Zhi is still trapped in the demonic barrier, even getting deeper and deeper.

No one noticed anything was wrong with her. Xu Zhi usually had a strange personality, and there were times when he was silent. What's more, even the teachers in the inner courtyard thought that once they got here, there would be no more problems.

When everyone walked towards the entrance, which was also the exit from the Lost Land, Xu Zhi stood outside the door, seemingly humbly letting her teammates go first, but in fact she could barely control her legs to take this step.

When the last person walked into the door, Xu Zhi realized that she could not stay any longer. She was already a little angry. She didn't know what made her feel so wrong. She only knew that she must not let anyone find out that something was wrong with her now. , no matter what kind of ghost it is, it can't interfere with her and let her reveal her flaws!

Under such strong thoughts and anger, Xu Zhi was finally able to drive her legs towards the door. Her brain was almost unable to think, and she could not hear any normal sounds in her ears, only those chaotic sounds of temptation. , my eyes can only see a small section of the road under my feet, and everything else is covered with a thick layer of fog.

In the eyes of outsiders, she just walked in the door calmly, but in Xu Zhi's own eyes, everything seemed to be in slow motion.

When she spent a lot of effort to step into the door, her body suddenly relaxed, and everything seemed to be stripped away. The strong temptation, the heavy feeling, the buzzing in her brain, and even the sound that kept echoing in her ears. Suddenly disappeared.

All obstacles disappeared without a trace. Xu Zhi was caught off guard and fell to the ground. Sweat rolled down her forehead. The teacher and teammates helped her in a panic and asked what was wrong. Xu Zhi shook his head with a pale face: "I'm just a little tired. .”

The teammates seemed to think that Xu Zhi would be the most tired one along the way, with a little worry and guilt on their faces. They thought to themselves that the elementary school girl was only a first-year student after all, and no matter how strong she was, she was still young. They seemed to only notice the performance of the elementary school girl. She was so strong that she was even used to it, which led them to make the mistake of not paying more attention to the elementary school girl, which was why she kept showing off her strength without rest.

But only Xu Zhi knew why he fell.

Her mental strength seemed to be a little overdrawn. Her body and consciousness became relaxed, but her brain ached faintly. The short period of time after returning was actually more difficult than the previous few days of experience.

Suddenly, she looked back at the lost sky outside the door. The ground was obviously filled with fog, but the sun was unexpectedly bright. It was so bright that she couldn't even look directly at it, and she couldn't see the shape of the sun clearly. Her eyes were filled with a little bit of dazzling sunlight. Tears, Xu Zhi had to look away.

Even though all the temptations had disappeared at this moment, Xu Zhi was still frightened by the feeling just now, but she still felt

If she had the chance, she would go in and take a look deep into the Lost Lands.

What on earth is targeting her?

And so attractive to her?

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