I am the Lord of the Gods in a world of mist

Chapter 312 331 League Opening Ceremony

The official tournament of the league is not formed by "any force", but a tournament committee jointly formed by top forces and cities, as well as some "non-factional" powerful [named persons].

In order to ensure fairness and justice, a certain [Agent] was even invited as a witness to construct an unbreakable [Oath Loop]. Every member of the league committee must not show any favoritism during the league process and must be absolutely fair. .

However, no one can tell which [actor] it is, it is just a rumor.

But what is certain is that [Oath Circuit] does exist. For ordinary [Oath Circuit], generally as long as the extraordinary level exceeds the person who created the circuit, the oath can be broken, or a more powerful extraordinary person can be asked to forcibly break the oath, so generally In this case, [Oath Loop] is not very useful.

But if there is really an [Agent] involved, then the ability of the [Agent] to communicate with the rules will create the most powerful oath in the world, making the "fairness" of the league a part of the [Rules].

If you want to break the fairness of the league, you probably have to be an [Agent].

On the morning of the official start of the league, even the people in the upper-class areas who usually like to sleep in will get up early on this day, because the opening ceremony of the league will be broadcast live at 9 o'clock in the morning.

On this day, students in the inner courtyard who did not have morning classes will go to the classroom to watch the opening ceremony with their classmates. Even the teacher will no longer be serious at this time, but will chat with the classmates and even eat melon seeds. In the classroom The atmosphere was lively and harmonious as never before, as if some festival had arrived.

"Are Brother Dingfeng and Xiaoxiao still the main commentators this year?"

"It must be right. When it comes to commentary skills, understanding of the players' extraordinary abilities and nationality are the only two things?"

"Brother Dingfeng likes to say the word "peak" to everyone except when meeting him. You really can't find any black spots, right?"

"Xiaoxiao's business level is also T0 level. The key is that Xiaoxiao was originally from a top team in the league. After being a star player for a period of time, she has a good grasp of the players' psychology during the game."

In the class, students speculated endlessly about this year's host.

"But Brother Dingfeng and Xiaoxiao Haixuan will only comment on a few highlights, and they will only be here in the group stage and finals, right?"

"That's for sure. Even if you are physically capable of doing all the commentary, you won't have enough energy and concentration. Moreover, there are so many other commentators in the league, so you have to give other commentators some room to survive."

The main reason why Brother Dingfeng is called this nickname is because he has a habit of saying the word "peak" when he is commentating.

For example, the team in such-and-such city is at its peak configuration this year, such-and-such star player has reached its peak this year, such-and-such's performance today is really the peak in history, this game is today's peak showdown, etc. These two words almost become his representative symbol.

Amid the discussion among the students, the opening ceremony of the league officially began.

The opening ceremony lasted for a total of one hour. During this period, highlights from previous leagues and the moments when each team won the championship were played. The editing was paired with an exciting soundtrack, which easily aroused the emotions of the audience. It was followed by some performances related to the league. .

After several performances that were obviously promotional in nature, there were blessings from past "star players" who no longer participated in the league, and league committee representatives took the stage to swear that the league process was absolutely fair and just.

Finally, the reward system and bonus pool for this league are announced.

The prize pool is composed of sponsorships provided by various cities and commissions from around the league. The prize pool is so huge that you can’t tell how much it is at a glance. You need to count it carefully. Every team that enters the finals can get it. The "guaranteed" bonus is not much, it is a kind of consolation prize for entering the finals.

Subsequently, each time you advance to the final round, the amount of prize money will increase, and finally there will be a highlight reward for the top ten.

The top ten teams can share half of the prize pool!

In addition, there are also prizes sponsored by various forces and cities, such as cores and extraordinary items.

The top four teams in the final ranking of the league will get a chance for all members to enter the Lost Land!

These are just apparent rewards.

If the league enters the top ten, the hidden rewards will already exceed the bonuses given by the league itself!

Although the rewards in the league itself are quite generous, what most players pursue is not the prize money, but fame.

As long as you can become famous in the league, countless honors and money will follow, and the bonus is just the icing on the cake!

The students watching the game obviously knew this.

"I really envy them that they can play in the league. As long as they can enter the finals, they will have enough food and clothing for the rest of their lives, right?"

"Moreover, if I perform a little better in the finals, I will be the best!"

"I remember that when our principal was young, he was from a poor family, right? He was not a child of a noble family, but he directly led the team to third place in the finals during his time at school. Now he is the principal of the branch. He has transcended class."

If he hadn't performed extremely well in the league and entered the eyes of the major forces, even if he was extremely talented but unknown, he would have ended up working for others in the end.

"Is there any hope that our inner court will break the best results in history this year?"

"It's hard to say. There are many strong opponents. I heard that Ying Tiancheng, who won the championship last time, is no worse than the last one. San Luo and Lingzhou, who could see their potential in the lower grades in the last time, are probably the main players now. Not to mention that the main teams in Hengguang and Norwich are also in trouble."

"Of course, this does not include those guys who won first place in the competition in this academy."

There is a civil war in Guangmingyuan, Tianxinhui and other forces are naturally involved. After careful calculation, if they want to achieve results, they have many competitors.

"That's what I said, but the last president was only in the third year. She was stuck in the promotion stage at that time. She was originally asked to be a substitute but she was afraid that something would go wrong so she didn't go. So others have no idea what monsters we will bring this year. Team, maybe it’s unexpected!”

"I asked senior Shu Yushan and he said that he thinks our team this year is very good. I heard what he said means that he is quite confident in himself."

"That's good. Senior Shu will never talk nonsense. If he dares to say that, he can't be wrong. Let's just wait and see."

It seems that in the eyes of the students in the inner college, the goal of their team has never been how far they can go in the finals, but whether they can achieve an unprecedented result in the end.

And they set their sights on Chu Xiaoyue and the other regular team members. As for Xu Zhi, a monster-level genius.

Even the members of the academy only think that the junior students should go and experience things.

A first-year freshman, no matter how talented she is, still needs time and experience to grow into a powerful enough transcendent. Right now, she seems to be too young.

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