Before Cao Ren entered the camp tent, he saw Lu Yu and Xun Yu leaving.

Especially Xun Yu's smile on his face was noticed by Cao Ren.

He had a little guess in his mind.

So he went into the tent.

Cao Ren asked very carefully

"Lord, is this city still slaughtered?"

Cao Hong and other generals immediately pricked up their ears to listen.

For these generals, they think very simply.

If Cao Cao said that he would slaughter the city, they would slaughter it without saying a word!

"Forget it. "

"The civilians in the city can not be killed, and Tao Qian's henchmen are all killed. "

Cao Cao raised his hand and stood frozen in the air.

After thinking about it, he said: "If these people are willing to surrender, they can also accept it, of course they must make meritorious contributions in this battle!"


Cao Ren and the others bowed down.

Even so, Cao Ren was puzzled in his heart.

I really don't know how Lu Yu persuaded Cao Cao, who wanted to avenge his father's death.

But Cao Ren didn't want to ask.

So he stood where he was, not walking or speaking.

"Why don't you leave?"

Cao Cao didn't hear the footsteps of leaving, and when he looked up, he saw that Cao Ren was still standing in place, and immediately laughed and scolded.

"Hey, hey. "

Cao Ren just smiled and didn't say much.

Seeing Cao Ren's appearance, how could Cao Cao not understand what he meant, and said with a smile: "I don't understand why I gave the order to slaughter the city before, and why I have withdrawn the order now?"

"Please also make it clear!" Cao Ren nodded heavily.

Cao Cao remembered Lu Yu's words, coughed lightly, and then said very seriously

"In today's troubled times, the most important issue is to distinguish who is our enemy and who is our friend!"

"The same is true for the Xuzhou issue, Tao Qian and his henchmen are our enemies, and the civilians of Xuzhou may be our friends in the future. "

"We should adhere to the principle that the first evil must be done, the threat will never be asked, and the account will be settled in the future!"

"This will let the world know what I mean by Cao Mengde!"

Cao Ren was shocked when he heard this!

looked at Cao Cao in disbelief.

Let's be honest.

He didn't understand much.

But he can feel that this is equivalent to a level!

It's not like a normal person can say it!

Definitely taught by military teachers!

Seeing the reckless man in front of him looking at him in disbelief, his eyes still looked out of the door from time to time, as if he was looking at Lu Yu in the distance.

This made Cao Cao suddenly laugh bitterly.

What Cao Ren was thinking, Cao Cao couldn't guess.

Cao Cao didn't use any force, just kicked Cao Ren and scolded with a smile, "If you know the reason, get out of here!"

"The last general will get out of now!"

Cao Ren didn't mind, and walked out with a smile.

Although Cao Ren was a reckless man in the eyes of everyone, he still felt a little uncomfortable when he heard the order to slaughter the city.

Out of respect for Cao Cao, Cao Ren did not question this order.

Now that he learned that the order was revoked, Cao Ren breathed a sigh of relief for no reason.

Outside the tent.

Lu Yu and Xun Yu walked around the barracks at will.

"Boyu's merits are immeasurable!" Xun Yu sighed.

"It's just a matter of duty. Lu Yu said with a smile.

Xun Yu stopped, turned his head to look at Lu Yu, and said very seriously

"Last time, I heard that in Yanzhou, Boyu saved the people of Yanzhou and the Yellow Turban Army with a strategy, and now he has saved the people of Xuzhou!"

"Such a person is addicted to wine all day long, and he can't see through it. "

In Xun Yu's mind, people who can have such a benevolent mind are extremely fond of fame!

Some even give their lives for fame!

And Lu Yu didn't care about his reputation at all.

It's weird!

"What are you going to do next?" Xun Yu asked again.

Although it was to prevent the slaughter of the city, it would definitely continue to capture the cities of Xuzhou in the future.

And the results are probably not optimistic.

"I'm going back to Yanzhou. Lu Yu said calmly.

According to his previous thoughts, after persuading Cao Cao not to slaughter the city, he no longer accompanied the army and wanted to go back to Yanzhou.

"Why?" Xun Yu was stunned.

"I have some feelings in my heart, and I hope that if nothing happens. Lu Yu thought of Chen Gong, and his heart was a little stunned.

Xun Yu immediately understood!

This is Yanzhou has changed!

Yanzhou is the only state occupied by Cao Ying!

If there is a change in Yanzhou, Cao Ying will no longer have a basis.

I am afraid that most of the soldiers under his command will also be scattered, and at that time, Cao Ying's foundation for several years will be ruined!

Thinking of this, cold sweat flowed down Xun Yu's forehead.

"How did Boyu find out this time, and since he knew that there was a change in Yanzhou, why didn't he tell me to wait before sending troops?" Xun Yu asked subconsciously.

"It's just a speculation, the Yanzhou Shi clan has always been restless Everyone knows that if we leave one person in Yanzhou this time, I'm afraid the Yanzhou Shi clan will not dare to move. "

Lu Yu continued: "I want to bring some soldiers when I go back this time, if nothing happens, it is naturally the best, and if something happens, I can also remedy it in time." "

Hearing this, Xun Yu completely understood.

There are so many Yanzhou scholars that it is impossible to kill them all.

It is basically impossible to find out those with bad intentions from among them.

Today's situation is different!

Cao Cao has come to Xuzhou!

Lu Yu has come to Xuzhou!

He Xun Yu came to Xuzhou!

Cao Ren, Cao Hong and many other generals also came to Xuzhou!

The rest is Yanzhou Hanshi Cheng Yu is still in Yanzhou!

This is an opportunity for the Yanzhou Shi clan to regain their power!

If there are dissenting people, I'm afraid they will all jump out together!

Thinking of the end, Xun Yu only smiled bitterly.

"Boyu, you are gambling with the lord's inheritance!"


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