I Am The Omnipotent Prince Charming

Chapter 121 Shen Tianze came to the door to make amends

That afternoon, Zhao Tai's father was playing golf in a clubhouse with a rich man from Hong Kong Island when he was taken away by the police forcefully, shocking all the bigwigs in the clubhouse.

The news quickly spread throughout the upper floors of the entire Demon Capital.

These rich and powerful rich and powerful people all have their own intelligence networks, and soon, someone inquired about what was going on.

Dare Qing, a self-made hero who has become a generational hero who is now worth tens of billions, has been pitted by his overbearing son.

No one knows why Zhao Tai turned himself in at the police station and handed over a series of black materials about his father.

The next day, even more surprising news came out.

This time, the case of the Zhao family's father and son turned out to be the Liu Ruhai from the Liu family who was personally responsible for it.

Then, the old lady of the Liu family invited the ladies from the major wealthy families in the magic capital to be guests at the Liu family, and revealed at the banquet that the Zhao family was no longer saved this time, and no one was allowed to help.

Later, the Qin family suddenly took action, suppressing and annexing the Zhao family's industries in the business world, and acquiring companies under the Zhao Group.

In addition to being shocked by other wealthy families in the magic capital, they all reacted one after another, and immediately joined the action to divide up the big cake of the Zhao family.

The tree fell and scattered.

In just a few days, the Zhao family, a prominent family in the magic capital, completely fell, and the major families headed by the Qin family also made a lot of money, and everyone was happy.


Su Chen is not too concerned about the ups and downs in the shopping mall, but only learned some things from Qin Yun's phone call.

He has returned to school to continue his peaceful and fulfilling campus life.

As for his gunshot wound, his parents and sister didn't know either.

Lin Yumeng also started to work hard as she said. She has already signed up for the school driving school, not to mention, she is planning to get an accountant certificate first, and accompany Su Chen to the library every day.

Although it was a little hard to learn, she was not tired of it with Su Chen by her side.

In Modu University, the news about Zhao Tai and his father's arrest was also abuzz, and the students all speculated about what was going on.

They basically didn't know the inside story, and they didn't know that Zhao Tai surrendered himself. They just guessed that something might have been done by Zhao Tai's father and was investigated by the above.

of course there are exceptions.

For example, Shen Tianze, who has a good relationship with Zhao Tai and is very close.

At noon that day, Shen Tianze, who had not been at the school for a long time, came to the school cafeteria. After looking around, he found Su Chen who was having lunch with Lin Yumeng, and walked straight over.

The surrounding students turned their attention to each other and whispered to each other.

"Shen Tianze, what is he doing?"

"It looks like he's here to find Su Chen."

"My God, is the matter of the Zhao family related to Su Chen?"

"No, that's the Zhao family, Su Chen has such great ability?"


In the discussion, Su Chen and Lin Yumeng also noticed Shen Tianze who was approaching.

"Brother Chen!"

Lin Yumeng subconsciously grabbed Su Chen's hand, her face tense.

She is now completely afraid of these rich and powerful young masters. It's crazy to do things. Because of a little grudge, she even used so many guns to kill Su Chen.

"Don't be afraid, it's fine." Su Chen patted her little hand and comforted her softly.

After Lin Yumeng was kidnapped by Zhao Tai, he also gained wisdom.

If Shen Tianze still had any hostility towards him, he would not hesitate any longer, just beat him to death with a stick, and would never let something similar happen again.

"Su Chen, can you find a place to chat?" Shen Tianze walked in front of Su Chen and said solemnly.

"What can't we talk about here?" Su Chen looked at him calmly.

Shen Tianze looked around, then gritted his teeth, and suddenly bowed deeply to Su Chen: "Su Chen, I apologize to you for what I did before, please forgive me."

In an instant, the huge cafeteria was so silent that you could hear a needle falling to the ground, and everyone was stunned to see this scene.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." A cold look flashed across Su Chen's eyes.

Shen Tianze suddenly became a little anxious, straightened up and looked at Su Chen, and said sincerely: "Su Chen, I found a master to deal with you twice before, and it was indeed the person I found for Zhao Tai. But I just wanted to help him teach you a lesson. , I didn't want to cause any fatalities, and I also warned him not to use that, and I didn't know anything about it later."

He was really scared.

Others don't know who Zhao Tai is planted in, but he can guess it.

Although he still didn't understand how Zhao Tai turned himself in, he also cheated the entire Zhao family, but because of this, he was even more afraid of Su Chen's methods.

What's more, now not only the Qin family, but also the Liu family are standing behind Su Chen.

He had already sent someone to inquire about it. The old lady of the Liu family almost died of illness last time, but Su Chen rescued her.

He turned out to be the savior of the old lady of the Liu family!

After learning the news, he confirmed that the person behind the Zhao family's downfall was undoubtedly Su Chen.

As a result, he, who had shown strong decision-making ability since he was a child, quickly made a decision, and he must ask Su Chen to forgive him no matter what.

This guy is not something they can provoke at all.

The Shen family is not like the Zhao family, a wealthy and wealthy family that started from scratch. It has a stronger foundation than the Zhao family, but it is definitely not the opponent of the Qin and Liu families.

What's more, there is Su Chen, whose methods are almost terrifying.

Su Chen didn't say anything, just looked at him quietly.

"Su Chen, you also know the cause of this incident. In fact, it was Fu Xuyang's misfortune. I have driven their family out of the magic capital."

When Shen Tianze said this, he took out a gold card from his pocket and put it in front of Su Chen, and said sternly: "There are fifty million in it, and the password is six and six. As my apology to you, please forgive me, I am doing this. In front of many people, I swear that I, Shen Tianze, will take a detour when I see you, Su Chen."

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding voices rang out, and all the students suddenly wondered if they had heard it wrong.

OMG! Where is Su Chen sacred? What did he do?

The same question appeared in everyone's mind at the same time.

This is Shen Tianze, the young master of the Shen family, the future heir of the Shen family group, actually paid 50 million yuan to Su Chen, and swore in public to see Su Chen detour.

Su Chen looked at him with deep meaning.

I have to say that not all the wealthy young masters are as brainless as Zhao Tai, this Shen Tianze is still very smart.

He could see that Shen Tianze should not have lied, so the grievances between them would not have reached the point of life and death.

Moreover, he has troubled the Qin family and the Liu family enough, and it is impossible to ask the two families to attack the Shen family again because of such a little grudge.

It will be very troublesome to owe a lot of human debt.

Therefore, Su Chen put away the card and said solemnly: "Then the matter between us is over, you don't need to take a detour or anything. In the future, it's good that everyone's well water does not cause river water."

Ask for a wave of recommendation tickets, I love you! ! !

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