I Am The Omnipotent Prince Charming

Chapter 187 Two little girls learn to meow (two more)

"What? Let me sing?"

After Ye Meng heard Su Chen's words, she was stunned for a moment, and then waved her hands with a blushing face: "No, no, no, I can't, I can't sing."

Ren Ying on the side heard an inexplicable fire in her heart, and the opportunity she dreamed of was handed to her hand, but she refused without even trying.

"You can try it first, I think you can." Su Chen smiled and encouraged.

"Su Chen, your song is so good, I, I'm afraid I can't sing well and disappoint you." Ye Meng muttered with his head lowered.

Su Chen's encouragement and smile made her heart warm and moved, but she was really afraid that she would screw up and waste Su Chen's kindness.

"elder sister."

Chen Xiaoyu came to Ye Meng's side, tugged at the hem of her clothes with her little hand, raised her head and gave her an encouraging smile: "Have confidence in yourself, if Brother Su Chen says you can do it, you can definitely do it."

Looking at Chen Xiaoyu's lovely smile, Ye Meng suddenly felt more courageous, looked up at Su Chen and nodded: "Then I will try, if it doesn't work well, you can replace it with someone else!"

"Okay, I'll write it down for you first."

Su Chen smiled, and then quickly wrote down the song and gave it to Ye Meng.

Ye Meng looked at the music score in her hand, she was completely inexperienced, and was a little overwhelmed for a while.

Su Chen wanted to teach her, and then the scene of burning calories with Lin Yumeng on the track and field in the dark that day immediately appeared in his mind.

That picture is simply not too beautiful.

For a real man, this song is too shameful.

Su Chen really couldn't sing.

"This song..."

Ren Ying's eyes were shining brightly at the score, her pretty face was full of envy.

Although this song looks like a slobbery song, the lyrics and melody are definitely very eye-catching. If she can sing it, she will definitely have a chance to become popular.

Su Chen looked at Ren Ying, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, and suggested, "Ren Ying, if you were to teach Ye Meng and then sing together, would you like it?"

Ren Ying was stunned for a while, and then nodded repeatedly in surprise: "Of course, of course I would."

"Then it's settled." Su Chen smiled and clapped his hands.

In this way, Ye Meng was taught, and he also satisfied Ren Ying's previous plea.

Kill two birds with one stone!

"Thank you, thank you for giving me this opportunity." Ren Ying thanked Su Chen gratefully.

Her agent Xu Qian came back to her senses, and she was also excited to thank her.

"It's not too late, let's start right away, Ren Ying, you learn first, and then go to the recording studio to demonstrate to Ye Meng." Su Chen said with a smile.

Ren Ying nodded solemnly, she took the sheet music in Ye Meng's hands and started practicing.

The lyrics and melody of this song were too simple for her, and she quickly mastered it. She entered the recording studio and started to try to sing.

Songs that are very shameful to Su Chen are a different style when sung by beautiful girls.

Ren Ying sang along with some simple dance moves, which made the song more cute and interesting.

"Goodbye, donuts, instant noodles with bubble tea..."

Qin Keke and Chen Xiaoyu, these two little girls, heard their necks twist happily, and their butts sang.

I have to say that the lyrics and melody of this song are so magical, their brainwashing ability is so powerful that it explodes.

Some female employees who were looking around couldn't help but sing along.

"Burn my calories!"

A man with a slightly fat body suddenly shouted.

In an instant, one after another glanced at the past.

The man's expression froze, and he quickly stretched out his hand to cover his face and ran away, at a speed like a fat man weighing nearly two hundred pounds.

"Su Chen, I can interview you, how did you write this song?" Qin Yun's lips twitched slightly, and she looked at Su Chen strangely.

"Cough cough... Inspiration broke out suddenly." Su Chen smiled embarrassingly with a blushing old face.

"This song is so funny!"

Ren Ying came out of the recording studio, looked at Su Chen nervously and asked, "How did I sing just now?"

"For the first time, it's okay, but I need more practice." Su Chen sincerely commented.

"Well, I'll practice hard."

Ren Ying nodded seriously, then smiled and extended her right hand to Ye Meng: "Then we are partners, I will teach you seriously."

"Thank you, me, I will study hard too!" Ye Meng shook hands with her in a panic, with a solemn expression on her face.

When I saw Ren Ying singing and dancing in the recording studio just now, she was indeed infected.

Su Chen watched the scene of the two women shaking hands, and smiled with satisfaction.

Nothing to do with him after that.

"Brother Su Chen, brother Su Chen." Qin Keke ran to Su Chen's side and pushed him with his little hand.

"What's wrong?" Su Chen looked down at her suspiciously.

"You also said you wanted to write a song for me last time. Did you write it? I also want to sing with Niuniu!" Qin Keke looked at him with bright eyes.

Chen Xiaoyu, who was not far away, was also looking forward to it.

"Didn't I say I'll give it to you for your birthday, now?" Su Chen asked amusingly.

"Hmmmm!!" Qin Keke nodded shyly, grabbed his hand and shook his coquettish coquettishly: "Brother Su Chen, you should give me a birthday present in advance, okay?"

"Okay, then I'll give it to you." Su Chen smiled dotingly.

"Oh, great, it's more cute and interesting than the song just now." Qin Keke cheered excitedly.

"That is required."

Su Chen nodded with a smile, and then wrote a song again under the surprised eyes of everyone.

It's still a very magical brainwashing song.

Learn to meow!

Su Chen didn't know why this song appeared in his memory, anyway, if he was asked to sing it himself, he would never let this song appear.

Shame is way better than that burns my calories.

But Su Chen didn't know that in a certain parallel time and space, this song was popular all over the country through a short video software, and it also made a certain gluten-baked Internet celebrity uncle soar again in popularity.

"Let's learn cat meowing together? Brother Su Chen, how should you sing this song!" Little Chen Xiaoyu couldn't understand the score at all, and looked up at Su Chen innocently and asked.

Su Chen's hair stood on end in an instant, and the corners of his eyes twitched and pointed at Ren Ying: "Go learn from this big sister, she sings better than me."


Looking at Su Chen's embarrassed appearance, Qin Yun couldn't help laughing.

Ren Ying and Ye Meng also covered their mouths and snickered.

"That... Brother Tan, I'll leave the later work to you, and I'll leave first if I have something to do at home." Su Chen looked at Tan Zhi, who was forcing a smile, and said goodbye with a dark face.

Tan Zhi tried his best to keep his expression normal and nodded.

"Sister Qin, I'm leaving, Niu Niu will ask you to send it back later, and I'll send you the address!" Su Chen quickly explained to Qin Yun, and then ran as if escaping.

"Pfft!" Tan Zhi finally couldn't hold back his laughter.

Qin Yun and the girls laughed even louder.

Only the two little girls blinked their big eyes blankly, unable to understand what these adults were laughing at.

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