The banquet was held inside.

Wang Yingying hurriedly ran to her father and looked around.

Noticing her strangeness, Wang Wenya, who was sitting next to her, asked curiously.

"Why did the third sister come back alone? Where is the younger brother?"

These words made Wang Yingying's face change instantly.

"Isn't my younger brother back yet?"

Everyone in the Wang family instantly focused their attention on her.

"How could my younger brother come back when you took him to change clothes?"

Wang Siqi's tone revealed anxiety, and her face was not good.

Could it be that Xiao Ke disappeared again?

Wang Yuehao stood up suddenly and said to the third daughter with a serious look.

"What's going on? Explain the whole story!"

The banquet has officially begun, and celebrities and singers have stepped onto the stage one after another.

Brilliant lights shine in the center of the stage, and music accompaniment floats around.

Popular singers take the microphone and sing in turn, creating a strong atmosphere.

People in the audience cast their eyes and enjoy the show with interest.

The lively music echoes in the hall for a long time, and mainstream media have also started recording.

"Wow, this is the first time I've seen Liu Yiyi and Huang Boxuan sing on the same stage."

"The first to warm up the audience are two powerful singers, and they will definitely be more exciting later!"

"Don't forget, even the movie emperor Wang Xinru rushed to the scene just now..."

Major media synchronized the video on the Internet, and some people even took out their mobile phones to start live broadcasts with "shaking hands".

Due to the great popularity of this banquet, it attracted countless netizens to watch as soon as it was broadcast, and the number of viewers increased rapidly...


Wang Yuehao looked at Wang Yingying seriously, and his thick eyebrows frowned deeper and deeper.

"Did your son change clothes in the supreme box on the second floor?"

"I'll go to the box and take a look. You can look for Xiao Ke in the hall."

The women of the Wang family nodded gently and set out to search for their brother nearby.

Shi Jun looked at Wang Yuehao and spoke to him.

"I have nothing to do now, so I'll go with Brother Hao to take a look."

The two immediately set out to the supreme box that Wang Yingying mentioned.

Arriving at the corridor on the second floor, Wang Yuehao scanned the surroundings while walking.

Hearing the movement, the two old men in black robes immediately cast a sharp look.

Seeing the face of the person clearly, they were slightly stunned.

Just as Wang Yuehao approached the box, one of the old men in black robes stepped forward to stop the two.

"Sorry, General Wang, this place is forbidden."

Looking at the clothes of the two people in front of him, Wang Yuehao's pupils shrank suddenly.

On the collar of the black robe, there was a dragon pattern embroidered with gold thread.

The pattern was exquisite and gorgeous, and faintly revealed a noble atmosphere.

"Black Dragon? Are you... from the royal family?

Wang Yuehao looked horrified, and felt more and more uneasy.

Her Royal Highness should be preparing behind the stage, so the person in the box in front of him is probably the Second Prince.

It would be troublesome if his son ran into the Second Prince's hands.

It is said that he has a lonely and eccentric personality, especially loves wine and women.

I have only met the Second Prince a few times, and I don't know his character...

One of the old men in black robes nodded in agreement, and then asked General Wang why he came here.

After coming back to his senses, he asked in a deep voice.

"My kid must have entered this box by mistake, I wonder if..."

The old man in black robe understood instantly, shook his head and smiled bitterly at him.

"General Wang, don't embarrass us."

"The two of us checked the room in advance, and there was no one else."

Shi Jun sighed, stretched out his hand and patted Wang Yuehao on the shoulder.

"Let's go, since Xiao Ke is not in the room, let's look for him somewhere else. ”

It is impossible to force your way into the box at the moment, so we have to give up now.

Wang Yuehao's face was gloomy, and he turned around and left with Shi Jun.

After the two walked away, the old man in black robe said to his companions indifferently.

"Is it really possible that General Wang's son is in the box?"

"If so, the princess would have thrown him out long ago, and there would not be no movement at all."

"After all, with the master's temper..."


On the stage in the hall, with more than a dozen stars taking turns to appear, the atmosphere was also quite lively.

The media were all busy and exhausted, and hot words were quickly forwarded to the Internet.

In the live broadcast room of the platform, the number of people online at the same time has now soared to one million!

Countless barrages were flying all over the sky, and various gift special effects flashed non-stop.

"Ji Luochuan is so handsome, I like Wang Yangyang so much."

"Remember the last time the four little beauties gathered was at the birthday party in the Magic City, tut tut tut."

"Lu Qinglan

, Gu Xinghe is here too!"

"Why hasn't my Cai Gege appeared yet?"

"Where's the princess? I'm looking forward to her appearance."


Just as everyone was talking and discussing with great interest, a figure in a pink skirt slowly stepped onto the stage.

She had a delicate face, a sweet look, and her gentleness was revealed in every frown and smile.

There was a lot of cheering from the audience, and many young masters of noble families also had rosy faces and were very excited.

The live broadcast room was instantly dominated by the three words "Wang Xinru" floating by the barrage.

"Haha, my Xinru wife is finally here!"

"It has to be Sister Xinru, but I don't know if the princess will look eclipsed in front of her."

"I really want to go to the scene, or should we force our way into the banquet?"

"The man upstairs, as long as you are not afraid of being beaten to death by the security guards, just go and try."

"Why didn't my son Wang Xiaoke go on stage! Bad review! ”

“A six-year-old kid, is he worthy of such a solemn stage?”

“Where is the Second Prince? I heard he will come too.”

Wang Xinru waved her jade hands to the crowd below the stage, and the cheers became louder.

Lv Qian, who was sitting next to Wang Zhongping, snorted coldly and spoke in a sarcastic tone.

“Isn’t she just a lousy star? What’s the big deal?”

“When I was young, I was much prettier than her.”

Wang Donghai smiled but said nothing, looking at Lv Qian with a look of looking at a fool.

If it was an ordinary star, it would really be nothing in front of the Wang family.

But the girl on the stage is the most popular female star in China, and the meaning is different.

“Hello, distinguished guests, I am honored to be the host of this banquet. "

The sound was amplified through the headset, and Wang Xinru smiled sweetly, like a blooming flower.

There was a commotion in the audience, and they were obviously shocked by Wang Xinru's words.

The queen of film and television was actually the host of the banquet. The royal family was really grand!

"Welcome everyone to the princess dinner..."

Wang Xinru first stated some opening remarks, and then announced to the crowd.

"Next, I will bring you a piano performance-a lifetime of surprise!"

After the voice fell, an ethereal and soft piano music sounded.

Instantly, the crowd stopped talking, and the whole hall was only reverberating with piano music.

It seemed that there were notes dancing on the stage, and the soft music was fascinating.

In a trance, the scene switched, and everyone seemed to enter a paradise.

Every villager had a happy smile on his face, working from sunrise to sunset.

The leisurely and tranquil rural scenery was refreshing, and all the troubles were left behind...

On the stage, a platform slowly rose.

Knock The delicate hands hitting the keys suddenly sped up, and the rhythm of the music changed accordingly.

Everyone felt their eyelids heavy and closed their eyes involuntarily.

The scenes in their minds changed, and wild geese lifted up the crowd and flew freely among the beautiful mountains and rivers.

Riding the wind and waves for thousands of miles,

Seeing all the stunning beauties in the world!

The song stopped, and the sound fell.

There was no movement in the hall for a long time, and everyone was still intoxicated by the artistic conception.

As one person applauded, the audience suddenly burst into overwhelming applause.

"Hello, everyone, I am Wang Lele!"

On the stage, an elegant and dignified woman in Hanfu stood up from her seat.

The white face matched with the gentle and extraordinary temperament made the hearts of the young people in the audience tremble.

The live broadcast room was quickly forwarded, and the original one million people had surged to 3.5 million!

Countless barrages were swiped across the screen.

"Wang Lele, a national treasure-level pianist! "


On the second floor of the hotel.

Xiao Ke was lying on the sofa, scrolling through his phone, his feet dangling in the air.

Seeing that he was looking at it seriously, Mo Yanyu leaned over and looked at the phone screen.

"Little guy, do you have 10 million fans on Vblog?"

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