The farce ended with Cai Ziming being criticized to pieces.

He probably didn't expect that Wang Xiaoke's fans were so strong.

The next day, early in the morning.

Xiaoke opened his eyes and stretched himself.

It was very windy today, and the temperature dropped a lot. It is estimated that the first snow in Shanghai will come soon.

Chen Hui specially changed him into a small cotton coat.

The color was festive red, which made him look full of energy.

After breakfast, Xiaoke carried his schoolbag and followed his sister to school.

The atmosphere on campus was serious, which might be related to the approaching end of the semester.

Grade 1, Class 1.

The classroom door was pushed open, and Xiao Ke walked into the class with a bright smile.

His seat had been vacant for a long time, and even some dust had fallen on it.

Du Zimo stared with big eyes, and ran to hug him excitedly.

"Brother Ke is finally back. I watch your show with my parents every day at home."

"Wow, it's so exciting!!"

"You actually dare to catch snakes, eat mice, and build houses. That's awesome."

Xiao Ke laughed and patted his shoulder.

"I told you I'm awesome. I didn't lie to you."

The two sat back in their seats, took out their books and prepared for class.

The rest of the kids all looked at Xiao Ke with envy. They probably all had seen the variety show he recorded.

Du Zimo poked his head over and said in a low voice.

"Today is the 12th, and the final exam will be on the 28th. What are you going to do during your winter vacation?"

Xiao Ke touched his chin, looking thoughtful.

After a long while, he shook his head. After all, he hadn't made any plans.

Now what he wanted most was to reunite with his family.

Let's take it one step at a time.

Teacher Liu walked into the classroom with the textbook in her arms. The moment she saw Xiao Ke, her body felt numb.

During this period, she watched variety shows all day long, and she was actually a fan of Wang Xiao Ke.

The teacher is a fan of the student, just thinking about it is shocking.

Jiang Nan and his group of three squatted at the door of the store, looking at the class where the young master was.

"It should be snowing in the border area. Two months ago, I was still wearing military uniforms and commanding the battlefield."

"Alas, I miss the life in the barracks."

The three looked at each other and sighed silently.


Modu, Yanbei District.

Five burly men kicked open a door and looked around the room fiercely.

The room was so dilapidated that it could be described as a bare house.

At a glance, there were no other items except a few necessary furniture.

"Li Fugui, come here and pay me back!"

The bald man in the lead walked into the room and shouted at the top of his voice.

"If you don't pay me back today, I'll break your left leg!"

The middle-aged couple on the bed looked pale and trembling at the bald man.

Li Fugui's teeth were trembling, and he quickly supported himself and knelt on the ground.

"Brother Hei, I... can't pay it back..."

"Please... give me some more time."

He was an out-and-out big gambler, and he lost 500,000 yuan in the venue a while ago.

But even if he took out all the valuables on his body, he couldn't get 200,000 yuan.

His right leg was broken because he couldn't pay the debt.

"If you can't pay back the money you borrowed, I'll chop you to pieces!"

"Don't even think about getting your wife back this time."

Brother Hei took the steel rod from his younger brother and glared at them fiercely.


Song Yan screamed and knelt beside Li Fugui with a sad face.

"Please, give us some more time, we can change soon!"

Her body trembled violently with fear, and two lines of turbid tears flowed down.

Brother Hei grinned and stretched out three fingers to them.

"I only give you three days. If you can't pay, I will eat you alive!"

Li Fugui and his wife nodded repeatedly, their eyes full of tears and excitement.

"Okay... Thank you Brother Hei, we will definitely pay it back."

Brother Hei waved to his younger brother behind him, lit a cigarette and walked out of the room.

After the burly men left, the atmosphere eased a little.

Song Yan angrily slapped Li Fugui and scolded him.

"You owed the debt yourself, why don't you find a way to pay it back quickly."

"It's all because of you, and I will also suffer with you!"

Li Fugui said, covering his numb face.

"There is only one way now, that is to ask the Wang family for child support..."

He turned his head to look at the photo on the table, his teeth clenching


Song Yan frowned and said viciously.

"No matter what, that's the child raised by our father."

"If they don't pay the child support, I'll find a reporter to expose them!"

Li Fugui shook his head and sighed, looking out the window in a daze.

Not long ago, when the couple was watching TV, they happened to notice Wang Xiaoke on the show.

At a glance, Li Fugui felt that he looked very familiar.

Soon he recalled the boy his father had adopted.

In addition to the similar names, the two of them asked around and soon came to a conclusion.

The boy adopted by his father... is the young master of the Wang family in the Magic City!

Six years ago, his father picked up an abandoned baby next to a trash can.

They lived separately and rarely interacted.

It was not until Xiaoke was two years old that Li Fugui learned about this from a relative.

For this, he scolded his father.

After all, the money earned from selling scraps was not much, and now he had to raise another boy.

The change that flows into his own hands is even less…

However, after his father died, Xiao Ke mysteriously disappeared.

They were too lazy to care about him. It would be better if such a jinx could starve to death outside!

But I didn't expect... that boy's background was so strong!

Magic City Attached Primary School.

The first grade class was surrounded by people, from sixth grade to first grade students.

"Is that boy Wang Xiaoke from TV?"

"Wow, he looks like a porcelain doll."

"Have you watched the variety show? He is so brave that he dares to catch snakes!"

"That's nothing, he also eats rat cakes, cooks and builds houses."

There was endless chatter outside the door.

Xiao Ke had a dark face and glanced at the window helplessly.

"Brother Ke, they are all here to see you. You are already famous."

Du Zimo clapped his hands and smiled brightly.

The fact that Wang Xiaoke is a big star has long been a wild rumor in the school.

Even many teachers came to take a look, took a few photos and posted them on WeChat Moments...

"I feel like they look at me like a giant panda."

Xiao Ke sighed and continued to concentrate on studying advanced mathematics.


Until the bell rang, the students who were watching outside the window left reluctantly.

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon it was almost time to go home.

Xiao Ke carried his schoolbag and walked side by side with Du Zimo to the school gate.

The two of them received a lot of attention along the way, and countless eyes cast at them, which made Du Zimo quite shy.

"Do you feel distressed to become a big star?"

"If so many people look at me every moment, I will definitely go crazy."

Xiao Ke raised her face and nodded at him.

"It's really hard to get used to it, but there are also benefits."

"Now there are many people who care about me, and many people like me."

The two walked out of the school gate, said hello, and went home separately.

Today, Wang Lele came to pick up Xiao Ke. She had worked hard to get this opportunity.

"Eighth sister~"

Xiao Ke jumped into her arms and followed her into the car.

The car gradually disappeared in the distance. A man on the side of the road slowly took off his sunglasses, revealing his face under the cap.

His face was so pale that it was unhealthy. His slightly messy bangs covered his curved eyebrows. He looked cold and abstinent in a black suit.

He curled his lips, lowered the brim of his hat and walked away.

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