The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

Xiao Ke glanced at the Black Earth Army and slashed out with a sword.

The strong pressure frightened the Black Earth soldiers so much that they had no courage to resist.

The giant sword slashed down with endless power, and thousands of enemy soldiers were killed instantly.

Boom! !

The earth trembled, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked...

The soldiers in the northern border were overjoyed, and their eyes were full of awe and admiration when they looked at the young man.

"Sir, are you sure you want to be our enemy?!"

Suddenly, a slightly lazy middle-aged man's voice sounded from somewhere.

Xiao Ke frowned and looked around. Now that his spiritual sense was damaged, he had no way to detect who was coming.

"Eh? Why don't you come out?"

He pouted his lips and complained in dissatisfaction, "Hmph, coward."

As soon as the voice fell, a dark giant hand grabbed the illusory giant sword.

As soon as it touched the sword, the palm wrapped in evil spirits made a "hissing" sound.

Xiao Ke waved the hilt of the sword and instantly smashed the black giant palm into pieces.

The man standing on the top of Panlong Mountain changed his expression and couldn't help but feel a little solemn.

"Could it be that those old monsters in China are disguised?"

"No, this breath doesn't look like those people."

He stepped on the void while talking to himself, and his figure rushed to the battlefield at the bottom of the mountain at a high speed...

Xiao Ke scratched his head in confusion, and suddenly saw a black cloud approaching him.


A deep pit was suddenly smashed in front of him, and snowflakes and soil splashed in an instant.

Lina, who was nearby, showed a happy expression, "The Lord of the Divine Guard is here!"

That's the guard of God, and his strength far exceeds that of Monsai's peerless strongman!

Even if this mysterious man is powerful, can he compete with the Lord of the Divine Guard?

"A cultivator in the late stage of foundation building?"

He waved his sword impatiently, and the hundred-foot-long giant sword chopped vertically towards the deep pit.

The man walked out of the deep pit step by step, his eyes were as dark as ink, and he looked domineering and mysterious.

Looking at the rushing attack, he raised his hand to condense a barrier.


A loud noise broke out, and the spreading air wave immediately knocked down hundreds of people.

"Huh? It's not dead yet?"

Xiao Ke muttered, and raised his sword to slash at the barrier again.

"It's not dead yet?"

This made him very angry, and he kept slashing at the barrier with the giant sword, just like a blacksmith...

Looking at the white-robed figure who kept waving the sword, the soldiers looked dazed.

Immortals... are different.

The fighting style is so weird...

The Eagle Guard under the barrier was pale, blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth, and his pupils were full of horror and terror.

He seemed to have firmly resisted the opponent's attack, but every sword he struck made his internal organs hurt.

"No, I'm not his opponent!"

Knowing that he was no match for him, the Eagle Guard quickly retreated while the opponent raised his sword.

"If I continue to fight, I won't get any advantage at all, and I may even be killed."

Thinking of this, he decisively... fled the battlefield...

Xiao Ke stood there in a daze, "Strange, why did he run away?"

Looking at the man who had already run away, the soldiers' mouths twitched.

You came up and smashed a big hole, and you were domineering when you appeared, but why did you run away before the fight?

Lina's smile froze on her face, and her legs softened and she almost fell to the ground.

"Lord Divine Guard... actually deserted the battlefield?"

The Black Earth Army was horrified, and the spark of hope that had just risen was extinguished by a basin of cold water.

How can we fight against such a terrifying existence?

After the Eagle Guard ran away, he suddenly turned back and looked at the young man seriously.

"This matter must be reported quickly. He is really a difficult guy."

With a cold snort, his figure gradually disappeared.

For a moment, all the soldiers in the North raised their arms and shouted, and their morale reached its peak.

The balance of victory was completely tilted, and the enemy army was defeated and suffered heavy losses.

"Forget it, it's more important to find Dad first."

Xiao Ke pouted and noticed Lina nearby.

"Hey, do you know... where Wang Yuehao is imprisoned?"

Lina could no longer hold on and fell to her knees with a plop.

She looked at the killing god in fear, with cold sweat on her back, "I... I know, I can lead the way for you, sir."

"I only ask you to spare my life, and I am willing to submit to you."

Xiao Ke bent his eyebrows and walked up to her with a smile,

"Then you lead the way, find me... Wang Yuehao, and I will let you go."

The Golden Crow flew out of his hand and silently floated under his feet.

Before Lina could react, she was pulled up to a height of 100 meters.

Her pupils shrank, and she looked at the void under her feet in horror, and she was even more afraid of the young man in front of her.

The shouts of killing on the battlefield became louder and louder.

The weaker they were, the psychics were all killed by Xiao Hei and the warriors.

The Black Earth Army could not stir up any waves, and soon only more than 10,000 people were left.

In the end, all of them surrendered...


Black Earth Camp.

Xiao Ke, led by Lina, broke through many checkpoints and came to the military dungeon.

Although the soldiers were curious about the identity of the young man, they did not dare to stop him.

Standing next to her was a psychic, and the senior military officials had to bow and nod when they saw her...

"Bring the key, we want to go into the dungeon."


The four soldiers handed over the key with a flattering smile, and then quickly stepped forward to open the door to the dungeon.

Entering the dungeon, Xiao Ke nodded with satisfaction, "You can go, I keep my word."

"But you can't hurt the Northern soldiers, otherwise I will beat you to death."

Lina nodded hurriedly and solemnly swore to him.

If she stayed here for one more second, her life would be in danger...

She decided secretly that she would pack her bags and rush back to Country E.

At this moment, she missed home...

Xiao Ke watched her leave the dungeon and turned around to remove the disguise.

The dark corridor seemed to have no end, and there were only a few small light bulbs emitting dim light on the road.

The light was very weak and was swallowed up by the darkness in an instant.

There was no sky or ground here, and the air was dull and depressing, making people feel a little breathless.

The further he walked, the stronger the damp and rotten smell became, stinging his eyes.

Xiao Ke pinched his nose and looked around with disgust, "It smells so bad, is there no one cleaning the dungeon?"

Suppressing the resistance in his heart, he walked while observing the cells on both sides.

At the same time, in a cell deep in the dungeon.

A middle-aged man with a weak breath lay flat on the wooden board with his eyes closed.

He was covered in dust, his lips were cracked and white, and his beard and hair were messy.

It was hard to imagine that he was the god of war in the army who held great power!

"There is such a big commotion outside, is there a large army coming to rescue us?"

The speaker was the "cellmate" next door, also an old soldier in the Northern Frontier Army Camp.

He was thin and his face was sallow, obviously due to malnutrition and long-term hunger.

"Brother Sun, please say less. We have been locked up for so long, how could anyone save us."

The middle-aged man in another cell smiled bitterly.

"The Black Soil Army Camp is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there are superpowers sent by Country E. Don't dream about this."

Wang Yuehao sighed and got off the bed, looking at the two people with deep eyes.

Even though he was imprisoned, his figure was still tall and straight.


An inappropriate voice came, making his old face blush.

Sun Quan shook his head and sighed, walked to the food bowl in the corner, and picked up half a steamed bun.

He handed the steamed bun to him through the gap, "General Wang's health is important, please eat it quickly~"

Wang Yuehao waved his hand to refuse, his face gloomy, "You keep it, I can still bear it."

The middle-aged man angrily cursed, "The Black Earth Military is damned, only one steamed bun per meal, do countries treat prisoners of war like this?!"

Sun Quan's eyes were mixed with helplessness and despair. He had been imprisoned for half a year and was already on the verge of a mental breakdown...

Almost all the prisoners in the dungeon were soldiers from the North, most of whom were captured in battle.

It was dark and dark, living in a dark and depressing prison all day long, it felt like a year of living...

He witnessed young soldiers being starved to death with his own eyes, and also saw someone collapse and commit suicide.

The bodies were rotten and smelly, and the guards came reluctantly to deal with them...

They simply didn't treat the prisoners as human beings!

The middle-aged man cursed for a while and then lay down to rest, his heart filled with despair.


"Where are you?"

A soft voice floated over, making people tremble in their hearts.

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