The old man was very angry.

In the corner of the toilet, there was an angry shout.

Everyone's attention was drawn to it.

The person who spoke was Zhang Hao, a sixth-grade gangster.

The toilet was noisy.

"Isn't that Zhang Hao from the sixth grade?"

"Yes, I heard that he can get people to come. Last time, he beat another sixth-grade boy and made him bleed from the nose..."

"He is doing well in our elementary school. He has dozens of younger brothers."


Zhang Hao was also confused just now. A group of people were squatting in the corner smoking, and suddenly a large group of people rushed in.

After a while, he found out that it was a third-grade boy who wanted to beat up that scary kid.

He thought that he could take this opportunity to get close to him.

This is the opportunity to come to the door. Zhang Hao pushed his pockets with one hand, flew directly to the cigarette butter, and came to be arrogant and confident. Hair. He was usually used to bullish people, but only before Zhang Hao was bullied. I made a mistake, I was going to be this child, not someone else ... "He hadn't finished speaking, and was directly fanned by a slap on his face. "Bah, he is my Zhang Hao's elder brother, you still want to beat him? I think you are itching for trouble!"

After saying that, he slapped him a few more times.

The onlookers were in turmoil, what a weird situation.

Wang Tianhao's eyes were red with grievance, it was too embarrassing to slap him in the face in front of so many people.

After Zhang Hao lectured him, he asked him why he was looking for trouble with his elder brother.

He said with a sad face that he wanted to ask Xiao Ke for an invitation to the birthday party.

After learning about the situation, Zhang Hao kicked him a few more times and cursed.

"You still call Wang Tianhao, my name is Zhang Hao, remember, if you have anything, just come to me, get out!"

Wang Tianhao covered his swollen cheek and walked away with a group of people in disgrace.

Zhang Hao turned around and greeted Xiao Ke with a smile, saying that if there was anything, call him.

Xiao Ke nodded with satisfaction and walked out with Du Zimo.

When they were about to leave the door, he turned back to remind them.

"Don't smoke in the future, it smells bad."

Zhang Hao quickly agreed.

After the two left, the audience in the toilet slowly exhaled.

This is too unusual. Why would Zhang Hao be afraid of a first-grade kid?

I have to ask around later. There must be a major inside story.

The crowd dispersed and walked out of the toilet.

Soon, three heavy news spread in the school.

The first one was that Wang Xiaoke, a first-grade freshman, beat up Wang Tianhao and Zhang Hao.

The second news was that Wang Xiaoke had two rich and beautiful sisters who drove a sports car to pick him up from school yesterday.

The third news was that Wang Xiaoke actually had an invitation to a birthday party on October 9!

Since then, Wang Xiaoke has become a celebrity in the Shanghai Elementary School, and even many senior girls came to peek at him.

Because of Xiaoke's cute appearance, those girls went crazy and kept looking for him to play.

This made Xiao Ke very worried, and he really regretted causing these things.

In the afternoon, Xiao Ke had been hiding in the classroom to study.

Whenever she went out, there would be senior sisters to chat and play with her.

There was even a second-grade sister who handed him a little love letter.

When it was time to go home, Xiao Ke ran quickly to the school gate. He wanted to get away from the clutches of the senior sisters as soon as possible.

At the gate of the elementary school.

Xiao Ke looked around for a long time but didn't see the two sisters. Did the sisters forget about him?

He stood alone on the side of the road with his small schoolbag on his back, and didn't know what to do for a while.

Should he force himself to summon the Golden Crow to fly home?


There was a car horn.

He saw a black Maybach driving towards him.

When the car stopped on the side of the road, a man wearing sunglasses got out of the car.

Xiao Ke looked at him and found that he didn't know this person, and didn't know why he came to him.

The man walked up to him and squatted down with a warm smile on his face.

"Your name is Wang Xiaoke, right?"

Xiao Ke nodded and looked at the man in front of him in confusion.

"Your sister is here today.

Tian will not come to pick you up. She asked me to take you to dinner. "

Xiao Ke looked suspicious. In class today, the teacher was still talking about the recent increase in human traffickers and the need to be vigilant.

So he took a step back and called his sister. After the call was hung up, he finally believed the man in front of him.

After the two got in the car, he found that there was another woman wearing sunglasses in the car.

Although she deliberately covered her face, Xiao Ke's consciousness still showed her delicate features.

It must be said that she was more beautiful than her two sisters in terms of appearance.

After getting in the car, Xiao Ke began to talk to the man.

"Why didn't my sister come to pick me up today?"

The man drove the car and answered with his face sideways.

"Your sister has something to do today, so she asked me to take you to dinner and send you home in a while."

"Oh oh. "

Since he was sitting in a stranger's car, Xiao Ke felt a little unnatural and kept looking out the window.

When they arrived at the restaurant, the group got off the car and walked in.

This is a well-known barbecue restaurant, especially from Friday to Sunday, it is almost always full.

When they arrived at the front desk, the man opened a private room directly, and then asked the woman to take Xiao Ke in first and choose the food by himself.

After entering the private room, he sat obediently on the bench with his legs dangling in the air.

The woman looked at him silently.

Xiao Ke couldn't help but ask.

"Beautiful sister, why do you cover your face when you are so beautiful? "

This sentence made her heart tremble, and she explained embarrassedly that she was used to it.

Her voice was like the call of an oriole, very sweet and crisp, and it made people think of a sweet girl.

The woman took the initiative to chat with Xiao Ke.

She asked Xiao Ke, how did your sister pick you up, how did you live before, and were you happy before?

Xiao Ke did not show sadness, but told her previous experience lightly.

From being abandoned by her parents, to being taken in by her grandfather, and then to her grandfather's death.

From then on, she had to beg to fill her stomach, live under a dirty bridge hole, and sleep on a worn-out quilt that others didn't want...

After speaking, the woman's tears also slipped from her sunglasses.

She was really distressed.

Xiao Ke seemed to be telling a story, but also seemed to be reminiscing.

He said to the woman in a baby voice.

"Beautiful sister, why are you crying? Did the story I told you make you sad?"

"Don't be unhappy, my two sisters now love me very much and care about me very much, so happy. "

The woman rubbed Xiao Ke's hair and whispered to him that she was going to the bathroom.

When she came to the bathroom, Wang Xinru took off her sunglasses, and her beautiful face was wet with tears.

She is the top Chinese actress - Wang Xinru, Xiao Ke's sister, and the fifth child in the family.

She missed her brother, and she was even more distressed to learn about his previous miserable experience.

After getting herself in a good mood, she covered her face again and returned to the box.

At this time, the table was full of skewers, drinks, There were also fish soup and pork ribs soup...

The three of them ate happily, and Wang Xinru kept putting food on her brother's plate.

Xiao Ke said aggrievedly that he was about to be fed like a pig.

The two laughed.

After dinner, the man drove him back to the Wang family manor.

Xiao Ke waved goodbye to the two happily, and then ran home.

After he left, the two slowly took off their sunglasses.

The man asked respectfully.

"Miss, are you sure you don't want to go home and reunite with him?"

Wang Xinru shook her head.

"It's not the right time yet. I will recognize him on my little brother's birthday."

"My little brother has suffered for five years outside. This is his first birthday at home this year. I want to let the whole world know."

"Wang Xiaoke is my brother, Wang Xinru. Even if it's the Wang family in Kyoto, you have to consider my anger! "

Wang Xinru spoke coldly, her sweet appearance made everyone ignore her true character.

Others are afraid of him, the Wang family of Kyoto, but it's nothing to her.

The man sighed and reminded.

"I heard that Kyoto has recently sent warriors to the Magic City. Should we..."

Wang Xinru bit her lip lightly.

"Warriors are not just theirs. If you dare to touch my brother, just wait!"

The car started slowly and gradually disappeared in the sunset.

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