The students returned to the classroom one after another.

This time everyone looked at Wang Xiaoke in awe. In their eyes, the scene just now was too shocking.

Especially Xiaohu, he secretly vowed never to go against Xiaoke again.

If the soldier uncle came back again, his little heart would not be able to bear it.

Teacher Liu tidied up the hair on his temples, laughed and walked into the class.

"Classmates, please notify once."

"Classes will be normal this morning, and there will be National Day cultural performances in the afternoon."

"Every class must have a talent show. If any child in our class has a talent, you can actively sign up."

Xiaoke had a question mark on his head and asked Du Zimo next door what performance he had.

Du Zimo scratched his head and thought for a while before answering.

"It's just that the school has a talent show competition, and then each class will come up with a program and ask students to perform their talents on stage."

Xiao Ke suddenly realized it after hearing it, and then asked.

"Who in our class has signed up?"

Du Zimo shook his head and spread his hands helplessly.

"It's been several days, and no one has signed up."


Teacher Liu was also very anxious. Other classes have already prepared their programs, but no one in his class has signed up for the competition.

Looking at the stupid students in the class, Teacher Liu really wanted to vomit blood.

"Then let's do this, classmates, let's vote for a kid, and then the teacher will teach him how to perform the program."


The students said in unison.

Seeing this scene, Teacher Liu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, each student writes down the name of a classmate, and then the teacher counts the votes."

In this way, the class began to whisper and communicate.

Xiao Ke also took out a notebook, but didn't know whose name to write.

He looked at Du Zimo who was standing aside. Although he half-covered his hands, he could still see the three words "Wang Xiaoke".

Du Zimo, you are so good. I treated you as a friend, but you attacked me.

Then he secretly wrote Du Zimo's name on the paper.

After all the slips were handed in, Teacher Liu began to count the votes.

As the votes were recorded, her face became more and more ugly.

"Ahem, classmates, I'm going to announce the votes."

"Xiaohu two votes, Ding Yiran one vote, Chen Ziyang two votes, Du Zimo one vote, Wang Xiaoke..."

"Twenty-four votes."


The class broke out in a noise. Unexpectedly, most people voted for Wang Xiaoke.

Xiaoke, who was sitting in the third row, was stunned. How come he was voted out to perform a show just after he came back?

Teacher Liu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and spoke gently.

"Xiao Ke, can you do it? If you don't want to, change someone else."

Xiao Ke looked around and met the expectant eyes of his classmates, which made him embarrassed.

How can a man say that he can't do it!

He patted his chest and said confidently that he could.

In this way, Teacher Liu finally had no scruples. She was worried that this big Buddha would be unhappy.

"Well, Xiao Ke, do you have any talents? If not, the teacher will teach you."

Xiao Ke hurriedly replied that he did.

He didn't want to learn to sing nursery rhymes and dance those girls' dances with the teacher.

"Well, then the whole class will cheer for you!"

After discussing this matter, the class returned to calm.

Xiao Ke didn't run out of the classroom all morning, and his little fans were all around the window.

But his little fans were older than him.

At noon, Xiao Ke and Du Zimo went to eat as usual.

When they arrived at the restaurant, the aunt who served the food not only didn't ask for the two people's meal money, but also served a lot of extra meat.

Du Zimo said to him excitedly.

"I didn't expect that I didn't have to pay for the meal with you. Then I can buy snacks with my meal money every day!"

Xiao Ke interrupted him hurriedly.

"If you recognize me as your big brother, I promise to let you eat chicken legs and drink Coke every day."

"Really? Then I will call you Brother Ke."

After dinner, the two ran to the supermarket and bought a lot of snacks and Coke.

When Xiao Ke came out with the bag, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen Uncle Fu and Uncle Fu's brother for a long time.

He put down the snacks and sent a message to his sister to ask.

Soon, his sister replied that Uncle Fu and his brother had returned to his second sister, and his second sister said that she would send someone over again.

No need to think, it must be that his sister thought that Uncle Fu and his brother could not protect themselves.

Picking up the snacks, Xiao Ke and his brother tiptoed back to the class.

As soon as he entered the class, several classmates took the initiative to greet him.

This made Xiao Ke a little uncomfortable, and then he generously gave each of them a bottle of Coke.

Later, some classmates greeted him.

Seeing that the Coke in his hand was glowing, he went back to the supermarket to buy a box of Coke, picked up the box with one hand and left the supermarket.

The supermarket owner looked at the small figure in the distance with surprise.

Can a child be so strong? It would be difficult for an adult to carry it with one hand.

Back in the class, Xiao Ke directly gave each of them a bottle of Coke.

Soon, more people surrounded him and greeted him.

In less than two minutes, the classmates in the class had a bottle of Coke in their hands.

Xiaohu ran to greet him shyly and said hello.

Xiao Ke was about to hand him the Coke, and the girl next to him immediately spoke.

"Class monitor, don't give it to him, he just passed it once."

Xiaohu scratched his head with a red face and said that he didn't drink enough.

Xiao Ke's eyes went black.

Come on, this is treating himself as a self-service water dispenser.

Soon it was the first class in the afternoon.

Under the organization of Teacher Liu, the students lined up to enter the performance hall.

Entering the room, the space became spacious and simple.

Not only that, the entire performance hall accommodated dozens of classes, a total of thousands of people.

Teacher Liu took the students to the first grade class one seat to sit down and rest.

After waiting for half an hour, the broadcast sounded.

Xiao Ke looked around curiously. This was his first time to participate in a school event, and there were quite a lot of people.

Looking forward, I saw several directors sitting on the judges' seats. The position of the principal in the middle was currently vacant.

Teacher Liu asked Xiao Ke.

"Xiao Ke, what do you need to prepare for your performance? Can you go on stage directly?"

Xiao Ke thought for a while and answered.

"I just need a black hat, and it would be better if there were sunglasses."

Teacher Liu immediately ran backstage and came back with a hat and sunglasses.

She patiently instructed.

"Don't be nervous when you go on stage, relax..."

Xiao Ke took the item and nodded.

After the stage was ready, the broadcast came.

"To celebrate..."

"Next, please enjoy the talent show brought by each class."

"Each performance will be scored by school leaders and judges."

"The class with the highest score will have a mysterious reward."

The students in the audience applauded and cheered, waiting for the performance to begin.

"Okay, please welcome He Huanhuan from Class 1, Grade 6, to bring a street dance show!"

Amid the cheers, a white and thin boy wearing hip-hop pants walked onto the stage.

"Music, start!"

Dynamic music played, and He Huanhuan began to dance street dance to the rhythm.

Just a street dance starter made a large number of people scream wildly.

Then he quickly performed the 'Thomas Turn', the windmill, and the scorpion tail swing on the stage.

Even the teachers couldn't help but applaud.

Finally, he ended the performance with a handstand.

After discussing, the judges gave a high score of 90 points.

"Next, please welcome Zhang Hao from Class 2, Grade 6, to perform the program 'Qinghai Shake'."

? ? ?

Question marks appeared on the heads of thousands of students at the same time.

Zhang Hao walked onto the stage with a smile. Today, he wore tight pants and moccasins on purpose, just to show off his talent.

After a while, the DJ sounded.

Zhang Hao on the stage shook his hands and head. Although he was stuck to the beat, the scene...

Everyone's toes were inexplicably clamped, digging on the ground.

It was so embarrassing!

In the end, the judges gave 59 points.

Zhang Hao frowned with dissatisfaction, as if to say, do you know how to appreciate it?

The next students to appear were all singing, or doing somersaults and splits.

The highest score given by the judges did not exceed 90.

"Next, please welcome Gu Qianyue from Class 1, Grade 2 to perform a solo piano performance."

Xiao Ke also became interested and looked at the girl on the stage curiously.

Gu Qianyue wore a little white dress today and had two buns on her head, which was very cute.

She walked to the piano with small steps, took a deep breath and started to play.

For a while, the whole performance hall was filled with ethereal piano music.

Although she is not very old, her piano playing skills have surpassed many people.

The piano sound is a bit melodious and cold.

Everyone closed their eyes, as if they could see fairies dancing under the full moon.

There was nothing beside her, only a cup of muddy wine, and she sang to the wine, which was desolate and happy.

The piano sound stopped, and the scene was very calm.

After a few seconds, warm applause came from the audience.

The judges smiled at each other and finally gave a high score of 95 points.

Gu Qianyue blushed and bowed to thank him, then walked off the stage.

Teacher Liu then hurriedly reminded Xiao Ke to get ready to go on stage.

Xiao Ke stood up and walked behind the stage.

The host asked him what talent he was going to perform, and he whispered to the host


Hearing this, the host showed a surprised look, then picked up the microphone and said.

"Next, please welcome Wang Xiaoke from Class 1, Grade 1, to bring you a magic show."

"Magic show!"


The audience burst into warm applause.

After all, no one can refuse a wonderful magic show.

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