The two of them were very happy.

Inside the villa, a woman in uniform walked towards Wang Siqi.

She is the housekeeper here. She is in her forties and has served the Wang family for more than ten years.

She has watched Wang Siqi and others grow up since they were young.

"Miss, you are back. Come in quickly. I will ask someone to make lunch now."

"No need, Aunt Lan. My brother and I have already eaten. Let's clean up a room and decorate it well."

"God is open-minded. The young master finally returned safely. I will decorate the room now."

Aunt Lan looked at Xiao Ke gently, turned around, opened the door, and arranged for the servants to clean up the room.

In the hall, there is plenty of space, and the light and elegant decoration is in line with the public's aesthetics.

All kinds of home appliances and decorations are available, but they do not affect the overall neatness and beauty.

Wang Siqi squatted down and held her little brother's face, and told him softly.

"Sister is going to be busy with work, brother, play at home first."

"I'll have someone accompany you, let her tell sister if there is anything."

Wang Siqi waved her hand and asked a young maid to take Xiao Ke to play downstairs.

She had to be busy dealing with the development plan of Wang Group in Xin'an District.

After the seventh sister went upstairs, Xiao Ke and Xiao Hei began to explore this slightly unfamiliar new home.

The maid next to her followed and began to introduce the layout of the house, such as where the entertainment area is, where the guests are usually received, and what rooms are there...

Xiao Hei in her arms was very well-behaved, lying flat in Xiao Ke's arms.

When he walked to a large TV, Xiao Ke stopped.

He had seen this thing through a glass cabinet before. A one-meter-long smart TV costs six thousand yuan.

The TV at home was hung in a groove on the wall, and it was four or five times bigger than any TV he had seen.

Xiao Ke initially estimated that it would cost 20,000 yuan, but in fact, this new HS brand TV was priced at 120,000 Chinese yuan.

"Young Master, do you want to watch TV?" the maid asked tentatively.

Xiao Ke nodded and sat on the sofa beside him. He put Xiao Hei on the ground and let him walk around.

The maid turned on the TV and clicked on thousands of cartoons for Xiao Ke to choose from.

After a moment of hesitation, Xiao Ke chose Xilanglang and Huitaiyang and watched them with relish.

The maid brought a fruit platter and various drinks in front of Xiao Ke.

I have to say that the big TV was really comfortable to watch. Xiao Ke was already fascinated by it, and took a bite of strawberry from time to time.

On the other side, Xiao Hei was walking around the room, sniffing here and there.

The door was not locked, but ajar, and Xiao Hei pushed it twice and got out.

Woof woof!

Xiao Hei ran wildly in the yard, rolled on the grass a few times, and then ran to the outskirts of the manor.

Soon an angry cry came from the outskirts of the manor.

"Where did this little stray dog ​​come from!"

The man who was sweeping the floor looked at Xiao Hei who was digging in the corner with disgust.

The little dog that suddenly appeared dug a hole in the grass, missing a piece of lawn, which looked very unsightly.

The man ran to catch Xiao Hei angrily, but although Xiao Hei's legs were short, he ran so fast that even a big man couldn't catch up.

"Dead dog, I will skin you if I catch you!"

After a chase, Xiao Hei was forced into a dead end by the man and was caught helplessly.

"Run, your legs are strong, why don't you run."

The man was panting, grabbed Xiao Hei's legs and walked towards the gate of the manor.

He must throw this beast farther away, the man thought.

I have to look back to see if there is a gap that allowed the puppy to slip into the manor.

Approaching the gate, the man saw Auntie Lan.

At this time, Auntie Lan was directing people to move boxes of things at the gate, including dolls, toys, and things for children.

"Hello, Auntie Lan."

Auntie Lan looked back at the man carrying the dog and replied.

"What's wrong, Xiao Liu? You look so embarrassed. Did you fall?"

"Isn't this a stray dog ​​that got into the manor? I sent it out to avoid disturbing the lady's elegance."

Xiao Liu laughed dryly.

"Well, it's thoughtful."

Auntie Lan just turned her head and suddenly thought of something. She hurriedly stopped Xiao Liu who was about to walk out of the manor.

", isn't this dog the young master's? Why did you catch it?"

Xiao Liu was stunned.

He also heard that the young master who had been missing for a long time came back today, and the lady was very concerned about him.

To celebrate this, a red envelope of 500 yuan was given to each person in the manor.


He hadn't heard that the young master brought back a puppy!

Aunt Lan came forward and took Xiao Hei back, patting the dog's head gently.

"Look at you, you want to throw it out? I think you want to be thrown out too."

"If the young master gets angry and the higher-ups blame you, can you bear the responsibility?"

Cold sweat oozed from Xiao Liu's forehead, and he almost lost his job.

You know, even if you sweep the floor in the Wang family, you can earn tens of thousands of yuan a month.

I don't know how many people are vying for this job.

Xiao Liu quickly bowed his head to Aunt Lan and admitted his mistake, and hurriedly explained that he didn't know.

In the end, Xiao Liu was deducted 1,000 yuan from his salary with tears in his eyes.

Family members, who understands, I was bullied by a dog today!

Xiao Liu returned to his post depressed and went to clean up the earth hole.

Two hours later, Xiao Ke was tired of watching TV, and Aunt Lan happened to come over with Xiao Hei in her arms.

"Young Master, the room has been cleaned up. Come with me to see it."

Although the title of Young Master made him uncomfortable, Xiao Ke still chose to accept it.

"Thank you, Aunt Lan."

Xiao Ke spoke in a baby voice, which melted Aunt Lan's heart.

There is no way, I like children when I get older.

Going up to the second floor, Aunt Lan pointed to the room at the end of the corner, which was Xiao Ke's room.

Aunt Lan patiently explained the other rooms and pointed to the closed room.

"This is the room for the young master's parents, and the young lady's room is on the third floor."

"Are your parents not at home? Where did they go?"

Xiao Ke wanted to see his parents very much. He had never seen his parents since he could remember.

But he was afraid that his parents would not like him.

"Master, the mistress should be dealing with some things in the north, and she will not be able to return home for a long time."

Aunt Lan did not tell Xiao Ke that his father was suppressing the rebellion in the north, and the relationship in the northern war zone was very tense recently.

Aunt Lan pushed open the door, and an exquisite children's room came into view.

All kinds of furniture are available.

Especially a row of toy racks and a row of dolls, which is simply every boy's dream paradise.

The bed in the room is big and soft, and there are cartoon patterns embroidered on the quilt.

"Wow, what a great room."

Xiao Ke jumped on the bed, which was so bouncy, much more comfortable than the bed in the original bridge hole.

The smart air conditioner in the room can adjust to the appropriate temperature according to the room temperature and is turned on 24 hours a day.

"Master, are you satisfied? If you need anything, just tell Aunt Lan."

"Satisfied, satisfied, thank you Aunt Lan, can I take a nap, I'm so sleepy."

"Well, Master, have a good rest. If you have anything, remember to press the button at the head of the bed, and Aunt Lan will come over."

Aunt Lan gently closed the door and chuckled: "What a lovely child."

Seeing Aunt Lan leave, Xiao Ke took off his shoes and sat cross-legged on the bed. He had been feeling something in his head since morning.

Now that I have some free time, I just took this opportunity to study what that thing is.

After entering the Qi Refining Stage, Xiao Ke not only improved his physical fitness a lot, but he could also escape his consciousness into the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The Sea of ​​Consciousness is a person's spiritual space, but ordinary people cannot communicate their consciousness into the spiritual space.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the space is only about 20 square meters, with six light balls and a ring suspended in the middle.

"Good disciple."


The master's voice came from all around the space, and Xiao Ke turned around several times but didn't see where the master was.

"Disciple, when you enter the sea of ​​consciousness, I will give you these things. The next time the master will be able to meet you for real, practice well and don't let the master down."

"You can only open these six light balls by injecting spiritual power. I have set nine layers of seals on this space ring."

"I hope you can walk your own path. The master cannot let you grow under his wings."

"Remember, your skills must be kept secret. A tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. Remember!"


Xiao Ke listened carefully to the master's teachings. After there was no sound in the space, Xiao Ke walked towards the light ball.

The shining space ring was very large, but after Xiao Ke's spiritual power came into contact with it, the ring actually changed to a suitable size and was worn on his right ring finger.

Xiao Ke also tried to input spiritual energy into the light ball, but the light ball did not respond.

It seems that his cultivation is not enough. After exiting the sea of ​​consciousness, Xiao Ke opened his eyes.

Looking at the mysterious silver ring on his hand, he was sure that the master was really gone.

And the master left a lot of treasures for himself before leaving.

Xiao Ke probed the spiritual energy into the ring and found that the space inside was really too big, like the size of a basketball court.

Master said that there were nine layers of seals on the ring, and this should be just the first layer.

In the space, there were dozens of small hills of different sizes, and three light balls were floating in the middle.


Xiao Ke's breath, three balls of light instantly sank into Xiao Ke's soul.

A huge memory was forcibly merged with Xiao Ke.

After more than ten minutes, as the turbid air was exhaled, Xiao Ke had digested three balls of light.

These were three secret books, one was the Secret Book of the King of Medicine, one was the Divine Book of the Heavenly Craftsman, and one was the cultivation method, the Chaos Fusion Heaven Art.

With the comprehension of the secret books, it can be said that Xiao Ke now knows medicine, forging, and is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

The strongest boy in the world now belongs to him, Xiao Ke.

He looked at the sky outside, it was still quite early.

Xiao Ke closed his eyes and calmed down to practice.

The spiritual energy gathered in his body, washed over his small body, and finally merged into his dantian.

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