The exam was over, and the students were very excited.

"The exam is over!"

The math teacher waved his hand, and there was a burst of crying in the audience.

Holding back the ear-piercing crying, the math teacher quickly put away the test paper and left the classroom in disgrace.

After a while, Teacher Liu came anxiously to comfort the child.

The two exams directly caused great trauma to the child's fragile heart.

Hit the heart directly, 10,000 critical hits!

Xiao Ke, who was lying on his stomach, was awakened by the crying. He slowly raised his head and changed his position to continue sleeping.

In the office.

The math teacher put down the test paper and reluctantly corrected it.

The head of the math group came over and asked him for Wang Xiaoke's test paper.

After he took the test papers away, he plunged into the task of grading.

One by one, the test papers were graded as 0, which made him mentally explode.

Why did the principal increase the difficulty of the exam, and the first-grade children had to take the third-grade test papers.

Isn't this just to let the children go home and fight against the seven wolves?

In the end, all the test papers were graded, and the highest score was only five points.

It can only be said that it was not easy to get these five points~

Just when he was helpless, the head of the mathematics group returned Wang Xiaoke's test paper to him.

"Ah? One hundred points?"

He picked up the test paper in surprise and looked through it carefully.

After checking it several times in a row, he was finally sure.


The whole first grade was crying, and all the head teachers immediately rushed to the class to comfort the children.

This spectacular scene made the students in other grades become experts in eating melons.

Zhang Hao stood on the roof and shook his head, complaining in a low voice.

"Children are children. They can be scared and cry when taking an exam. Unlike me, I am still cool even if I get a perfect score."

Thinking of this, he elegantly shook the yellow bangs on his forehead, completely forgetting the pain of his parents' mixed doubles.

Teacher Liu finally coaxed the children, and the English teacher entered the class with a pile of test papers.

Teacher Liu thought: It doesn't matter whether this test is taken or not!

The English teacher smiled at her awkwardly, feeling helpless.

After all, it was arranged by the higher-ups, so she could only do it.

In this way, the English test was completely launched.

Teacher Liu stood outside the door worriedly, observing the students in the class all the time.

English test papers were handed out one by one, and the children's faces became more and more rosy.

Xiao Ke was gently awakened by the English teacher, who handed him a test paper.

After taking the test paper, Xiao Ke took out a pen and started to do the questions.

The first question was the translation of words that would only appear in the third grade, which directly raised the difficulty to the maximum.

pencil( ) ruler( )

hot dog( )thank( )

“Woo wow~”

Xiao Hu: 10,000 critical hits!

With a loud cry, the class seemed to have a chain reaction, and the crying was earth-shaking.

Seeing this scene, Teacher Liu and the English teacher immediately rushed to the front line to coax the children.

The exam slowly ended with the children crying.

During the process, only Xiao Ke looked calm.

At this time, the culprit who caused this incident was sitting on the plane flying to Country M.

Wang Wenya kept stroking the jade pendant given by her brother, and a happy smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of her mouth...

For some reason, after wearing the jade pendant, she felt refreshed and her thinking became flexible.

She picked up the International Finance, which recorded the queen of Chinese business - Wang Zhiqiu!

As the queen of Chinese business, she squeezed into the top three of the Forbes rich list!

Wang Wenya couldn't stop smiling.

It seems that my eldest sister and second sister are the most capable.

I don’t know when they can see their younger brother, but it’s probably soon.

Thinking of this, Wang Wenya put on an eye mask and began to rest.

The clouds outside the window were streaked with white by the plane, leaving a faint trail wherever it passed.

Frontier land.

Xiao Liu was carrying combat supplies under the scorching sun.

In more than a month, he has completely adapted to military life.

Only when you have really served in the army can you know how difficult it is for a soldier.

Today, Xiao Liu is getting stronger and stronger, and his biceps are extremely hard.

He just wants to say that he is no longer a little loser!

If he returns to the Wang family, he is confident that he will definitely outrun the young master.

In the general's mansion, a woman dressed in black and wearing a black robe sat on a high platform and stared into the distance.

She had short hair to her shoulders, sharp eyes, and her skin was sunburned yellow because of being in the desolate northwest military camp for a long time.

Under those sharp sword-like eyebrows, the color of the eyes was slightly pale, as cold as glass beads, revealing a murderous aura, as if it could penetrate


Although she doesn't have the gentle beauty of a Jiangnan woman, she is quite heroic and valiant, like the ancient Mulan.

She knocked on the table slowly, holding her forehead with one hand, as if thinking about something.


A middle-aged man in military uniform knocked on the door and saluted respectfully.

Wang Ying glanced at him and turned away.

She opened her red lips and responded coldly.


"General, recently E country has often sent S-level psychics to harass the front line, and the casualties have exceeded... 100."

"Now that our army has no master in charge, if we don't fight back, the casualties will only be greater!"

Wang Ying frowned slightly, and a murderous aura gushed out.

"Hahaha, what a great E country, is it sure to take us."

"Violating international agreements and using S-level psychics without authorization, it seems that we can no longer choose to endure."

The middle-aged man was stunned and asked tentatively.

"General, what should we do?"

Wang Ying stopped tapping the table and slapped it hard.

"Contact the Warrior Association and request to send a master to support the front line."

"This time, they will only feel pain if they see blood!"

The middle-aged man took the order and retreated, leaving only Wang Ying in the empty room.


The primary school attached to the Magic City.

Xiao Ke was eating fried chicken with a bottle of Qianshikuole next to him.

He asked the store owner to buy it for him, after all, the school didn't sell it.

Jiang Nan and the others didn't buy it for him either.

Now he slowly realized that being a star also has its benefits.

He smiled and swiped his phone with his other hand, looking through the blessings and greetings sent by fans.

"Xiao Ke, you need to eat more and grow taller."

"Xiao Ke baby, can you take more photos? The fans want to see you."

"Ke Ke baby, you are so cute, it's a pity not to act in movies, variety shows are also OK..."

"Can you share your daily life? I'm so curious."

Seeing so many fans' messages, Xiao Ke smiled.

He quickly typed a line of words on his phone, and then raised his phone to take a few photos.

After clicking the confirmation button, a dynamic was sent out.

In an instant, Xiao Ke's fans noticed the dynamic update message.

Xiao Ke: Thank you for your concern and blessings. Thank you, my fans, I'm going to eat KFC today.

[Pictures] [Pictures]

For a while, his fruit phone kept ringing.

Fortunately, Xiao Ke and Du Zimo were sitting in the corner of the restaurant, otherwise it would definitely attract everyone's attention.

He opened the comment area of ​​the dynamic, and felt a headache just after reading a few comments.

"Ke Ke, your 'father fans' are here to support you, baby!"

"Xiao Ke, sister will always support you, grow up happily."

"'Mom fans' are here, get out of the way!"

"Why did you eat Wallace today? It's not good for your health. Eat less in the future."


Xiao Ke covered his eyes.

In his comment area, a group of fans who claimed to be 'father fans' were sending 'mum-mum' emojis like crazy.

He felt a little excited when he thought of those uncles who were about the same age as his father wanting to kiss him.

Wang's villa.

Wang Yuehao was lying on the rocking chair with a smile on his face, and his phone was showing the dynamics his son had just posted.

He opened the comment area and sent a 'mum-mum' emoji.

After returning to the homepage, he directly clicked into the 'Xiao Ke father fan exchange group'.

Shockingly, Wang Yuehao was actually the group leader of the fan group!

In fact, he was not the group leader not long ago.

At that time, he directly sent a big red envelope to the group leader, and the position of group leader was instantly inherited by him.

As a father, he must be the group leader.

This is a face issue!

Beside him, Chen Hui was smiling and checking the information in the "Xiao Ke Ma Fan Exchange Group".

Like Wang Yuehao, she is also a group leader!

Xiao Hei took small steps towards the two of them, slowly lay on the floor and fell asleep.


Xiao Ke ate KFC and looked at the depressed Du Zimo.

"Are you unhappy?"

Du Zimo put down the spoon in his hand and looked at him with a sad face.

"Today's exam is too difficult. My dad will definitely beat me. I guess he will never let me watch "Pigs" again in the future."

Hearing his crying, Xiao Ke said that he didn't understand.

Is today's exam difficult?

After leaving the restaurant, the two went straight back to the class.

Seeing the red eyes of other classmates, Xiao Ke realized the difficulty of the test paper belatedly.

This oppressive atmosphere spread throughout the class.

As the bell rang, the Chinese teacher entered the class holding the corrected test papers.

With a warm smile on his face, he informed everyone nervously.

"Students, this time the test paper is beyond the syllabus, so it is normal that there are few test scores..."

"I will hand out the test papers to everyone now.

Don't be sad, the test paper is too difficult.

Chinese teacher: Little ancestors, please don't cry...

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