The Wang family apron was opened.

A man and a dog poked their heads out of the fence and secretly checked the situation inside.

"Remember to follow me closely, we have to act quickly, remember to follow my instructions."

Xiao Ke whispered to the dog beside him.

The little black man nodded his head humanely, as if he understood what he meant.

At the door, the two duty officers looked around vigilantly, afraid that any movement would be discovered.

At this time, a delicate little boy approached the gate and shouted at them fiercely.

"Hey, take me in, I want to see 'Xiao Ke No. 2'."

The duty officer looked at him in surprise, and then spoke respectfully.

"Yes, Master!"

The two opened the door and welcomed the Master into the airport.

Xiao Ke walked in calmly, and Xiao Hei behind him followed closely with his short legs.

A staff member on duty noticed the little white dog and blocked its way.

Woof! Woof!

Two barking sounds came into Xiao Ke's ears. He looked back in confusion and just noticed this scene.

Another staff member explained for him.

"Master, the owner said that no outsiders are allowed to enter the apron, and dogs are no exception."

"Otherwise, I'll find someone to take care of it first?"

Xiao Ke couldn't help complaining in his heart. The rules set by his father were really troublesome.

He said to the two men with a cold face and aggressiveness.

"Xiao Hei is my good friend. My friend is not included in the rules set by my father."

The staff member looked embarrassed and a little at a loss.

He continued to speak to the two men.

"If you don't let Xiao Hei in, I'll tell my sisters that you guys bullied me!"

"Let my sisters come find you then!"

At this point, the staff felt a chill on his back and hurriedly made way to let the dog in.

He said secretly in his heart.

Rules are dead, but people are alive.

After all, it's the pet brought by the young master, and such a small dog won't cause any big trouble.

After Xiao Hei caught up, the staff led Xiao Ke into the venue.

All the staff who met on the way saluted and greeted him.

Soon, several people came to the 'Xiao Ke No. 2' helicopter.

He happily walked up and stroked the big toy.

Xiao Hei stared with round eyes, curiously looking at the giant in front of him.

Xiao Ke turned around and calmly instructed the two.

"I want to play on the plane, go and call the pilot over."

The two staff looked at each other, and then called a senior pilot.

When the driver arrived breathlessly, Xiao Ke was already impatient to set off.

"Master, please."

The staff respectfully opened the door and lowered the gangway.

Xiao Ke gave Xiao Hei a look, signaling him to follow.

One person and one dog quickly boarded the helicopter.

The staff wanted to stop the dog, but his eyes went dark and he suddenly froze.

After the driver was ready, he turned back to check on the master.

As soon as he turned his head, he was faced with a delicate little face.

"Uncle driver, do you know the Great Wilderness Mountains?"

Xiao Ke asked expectantly, with a pair of big eyes staring at him.

"Uh... Why do you want to ask about the Great Wilderness Mountains? This place is on the border."

The driver frowned, he had been to this place.

Not long ago, he happened to send a sweeping servant of the Wang family to this vicinity.

It is said that the young man was howling all the way, almost driving him crazy.

Xiao Ke was secretly happy. It was really easy to get it, saving him from groping on the map.

"The Eye of the Netherworld."

Suddenly, the pilot's pupils were wrapped in green light.

"Let's go, south of the Great Wilderness Mountains..."

Xiao Ke waved his chubby and tender palms and laughed happily.

The helicopter started slowly under the control of the pilot.

The propeller turned faster and faster, blowing a gust of wind on the flat ground.

"Wuhu, take off!"

Xiao Hei: Tai Nai, I'm flying.

Xiao Ke released the control of the two people next to the helicopter.

The two who regained consciousness stared blankly at the helicopter rising to a high altitude.

It was not until the plane was getting farther and farther away from the two that the staff realized something was wrong.

"What happened just now?"

"Hey, why did the helicopter fly far away?"

"What's going on, where is it going?"

"Who is driving the helicopter, where does he want to take the young master?"


After a while, the helicopter completely disappeared in the sky under the gaze of the two.

"Fuck, the young master has been taken away!"

"Quick, quick, notify the director

. "

"Master, please don't get into trouble."

"Damn it, if the lady investigates, we'll both be finished..."

In the distant helicopter, a man and a dog were dancing with joy.

The plan was going very smoothly, and now we just had to wait to fly to the destination.


In the Wang family villa, Wang Xinru, who was doing yoga, split her legs into a split.

The phone next to her rang, and she stood up to answer the call.

"What, the master flew away in a helicopter?"

"Who is the pilot? Contact him quickly! "

On the other end of the phone, the voice of the apron management director was trembling.

"Miss, we can't contact the pilot..."

Wang Xinru hung up the phone and called Xiao Ke on WeChat.

But no matter how long she waited, the call was not connected.

She quickly put on her clothes and rushed to the apron...

On the other side.

Several men in suits walked out of the Magic City Airport.

They looked grim, exuding a strong murderous aura, and their cold eyes were as creepy as a venomous snake.

The crowd in front of them were dominated by They moved to make way for them, fearing that they would provoke them.

One of the men took out a document.

The document recorded Wang Siqi's specific information and the location of the Wang Group.


Frontier front.

Several days of fighting caused more than 100,000 Chinese soldiers to be killed or injured. The original 500,000 soldiers are now only 350,000.

There is only fire and gunpowder in the sky, and there is only fear and death outside the trenches.

The fighters of the E army are still circling and exchanging fire with the Chinese fighters in the air.

The anti-aircraft missiles and tanks on the ground kept firing, and the entire The plain was cratered by shells.

Blood, flames, cannons and dust filled the air, and the roars of heavy machine guns, anti-tank guns and rocket launchers continued to sound, forming a perfect picture of hell on earth.

Some harsh wailing sounds echoed throughout the battlefield, and the air was filled with the stench of burnt flesh.

Looking to the north, broken limbs and debris were scattered all over the scorched land, and blood dyed it red!

Countless Chinese wounded were transported back to the base from the front line for treatment.

Doctors and nurses throughout the military base were busy, and many people I didn't even sleep for three days.

Since yesterday, a large number of media reporters have rushed to take pictures and record, and sent the information back to the company.

At the same time, media news from all over China reported the border war at the same time.

For a time, 1.3 billion Chinese people all learned the cruel truth of the border war.

On the Internet, the topic of "border war" immediately topped the hot search list.

The crowd below was talking about it.

"E country has wolfish ambitions. It has been secretly harassing China before. Is it bullying China because there is no one!"

"I am willing to rejoin the army and guard the border of China!"

"Why has the war been over for several days, and the king has not sent troops to support?"

"Born as a Chinese, I should lead the way. Who is willing to follow me to the front line!"

"The soldiers on the northwest border should be remembered. The king should quickly raise troops to support the front line. "


Wang Group President's Office.

Wang Siqi scanned the media information coldly, feeling more and more uneasy.

Something really happened to her second sister, but she didn't expect the situation to be so serious.

At this time, a mobile phone rang beside her.

She answered the call and her body froze in her seat instantly.

"Say it again!"

Wang Siqi gritted her teeth and said, her beautiful face covered with a layer of frost.

The person on the other end of the phone repeated timidly.

"Miss, the young master took a helicopter to leave the Magic City, and should be heading northwest..."

Wang Siqi kicked over the table and chair beside her, and couldn't help cursing.

"Asshole, how dare you let the young master get on the helicopter!"

"Waste, you can't even take care of a child, what's the point of my Wang family raising you!"

"Hurry up and prepare the plane! "


She kicked open the door of the president's office and trotted into the elevator. At this moment, a raging fire was burning in her heart.

After a while.

Wang Siqi hurried to the helipad, and Wang Xinru and Wang Lele had already boarded the helicopter.

She walked angrily to the management director and slapped him twice.

"If anything happens to the young master, you will die."

The cold words reached his ears, frightening him so much that he shivered and almost cried out.

At this moment, he wanted to kill the two staff members.

He had only been away for half a day, and he had caused such a big mess.

The three women got on the helicopter and quickly headed northwest.

At the same time, the whole of China was undercurrent.

The Northern Border Military Region received Wang Yuehao's military order and quickly sent 100,000 elite soldiers to support the northwest.

The Warrior Association once again sent personnel to the Northwest Military Region.

The netizens of the whole of China denounced the wolfish ambitions of E country, and the slutty

Disturb the Chinese border.

Countless passionate men clamored to join the army!

However, there was no news from the king.

It was not until the evening that an official message was released through the media.

The king said that he would send reinforcements and called on domestic medical staff to support the front line.

In addition, the Chinese official called on the international community to ask why E country repeatedly harassed the Chinese border and provoked war.

The "World Peace Organization" criticized E's atrocities and asked E to end the war and withdraw its troops!

But E country has not responded positively, and the war is still going on...

In the evening, another piece of news was exposed.

General of the Frontier Military Region - Wang Ying.

Whereabouts unknown!

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