The boy was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

Hearing the boy's answer, Wang Ying trembled and hugged him tightly.

Xiao Ke didn't understand why the second sister reacted so violently.


The door of the ward was opened, and several military doctors entered the room with instruments.

Hearing the footsteps at the door, Wang Ying frowned and said in an unquestionable tone.

"Get out!"

These cold and serious words frightened several doctors and they hurriedly left the room.

Among them, the old military doctor who was supposed to do a full-body examination for the general was even more shocked.

According to his analysis, it would take at least three days for the general to wake up.

But now, only one night has passed, and the general has completely woken up. He really didn't expect it.

In the ward, Wang Ying gently put her brother on the bed and looked at her body in surprise.

Her skin was smooth and white, even better than before, and the scars left by the torture disappeared.

She was conscious when she was imprisoned. The blond general tortured her a lot, and she had to endure various tortures every day.

Her teeth were pulled out by pliers and her cheeks were burned by soldering irons, but now they are all restored.

It's really amazing, how did she do it?

Wang Ying smiled and gently pinched Xiao Ke's plump face.

"Brother, why are you here?"

Xiao Ke opened his mouth and looked very cute.

"My seventh sister, eighth sister, fifth sister, and dad are all here."

Hearing this, Wang Ying's beautiful eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, and then quickly put on her hospital gown.


There was a knock on the door, and several military doctors outside the door spoke respectfully.

"General Wang, we are going to check your body now. Please let us in."

Wang Ying looked quite unhappy, but still responded to the door.

"Come in."

The door of the ward was pushed open again, and four military doctors walked carefully to the bed.


Several people exclaimed, looking at Wang Ying sitting on the bed in astonishment.

Her brows furrowed deeper, and her face became gloomy. Usually she hated people shouting the most.

If there were soldiers here, they would definitely tell these doctors that the general was going to be angry, so they should wait to be punished.

Realizing their own gaffe, the four people hurriedly bowed to her and apologized.

"Sorry... General Wang, we were surprised for a moment, so..."


Wang Ying interrupted them and ordered impatiently.

"What are you going to check? Hurry up."

Several military doctors looked at each other, walked up and gave her a full body check with instruments.

Finally, several people looked at the examination results in astonishment and found that not only were all the indicators of General Wang's body normal, but the scars left by the operation yesterday also disappeared.

Even the teeth in his mouth grew back, and the scars of all sizes scabbed and fell off...

Overnight, the serious injury was healed, the scars disappeared, and even the missing teeth grew back!

This situation was unheard of by them, and it confused everyone.

Wang Ying stroked the skin on his face and asked in confusion.

"Who treated me?"

One of the military doctors spoke hurriedly.

"General, it was several foreign medical professors. I heard that the surgeon was Professor Shen."

"Professor Shen? Let him come to see me."

Several military doctors hurried out and brought a middle-aged male doctor in a short while.

At this time, he was brought to the general's ward, and he was a little confused.

When he saw the handsome and heroic woman sitting on the bed, he widened his eyes in disbelief.

Wang Ying raised his head and looked at the man, but did not find anything special.

With a light cough, she spoke to the man indifferently.

"Did you perform the surgery on me?"

Professor Shen nodded, looking at her cheeks and mouth in surprise.

"Then... did you also heal and repair my scars and appearance?"

Hearing this, Professor Shen was also a little confused. He didn't have the ability to quickly eliminate scars.

But thinking that the man in front of him was a general, if he could get the general's favor, wouldn't his career be able to rise to the top?

He bowed down and spoke seriously.

"General, I treated him."

"Seeing General Wang covered in bruises and his appearance was ruined, I couldn't bear it, so my colleagues and I fought for several hours..."

After speaking, Xiao Ke looked at the middle-aged man in surprise, wondering how he had the nerve to say these words.

The second sister was obviously cured by herself, so how could it be the credit of this man?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Xiao Ke poked the second sister's back and wanted to tell her the truth


Boom, boom, boom!

There was a knock on the door, and three beautiful and elegant girls pushed in. They were the three daughters of the Wang family.

Noticing the arrival of his sisters, Wang Ying ordered everyone in the room.

"Professor Shen, I will remember this kindness first."

"You guys go out first."

The middle-aged man almost laughed out loud and hurriedly exited the room. The other four military doctors also left the room obediently.

After entering the door, Wang Siqi looked at the hospital bed and saw her brother's figure.

The three girls went to call their brother to get up early in the morning, but there was no response.

According to her guess, her younger brother would probably go find her second sister, so the three of them rushed to the military hospital.

Next to his younger brother, his second sister was looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Second sister, are you feeling well?"

Wang Siqi raised her eyebrows and opened her mouth. He kept scanning her body and found that she had indeed returned to normal.

Wang Xinru and Wang Lele were also shocked and speechless. The tragic situation of their second sister yesterday was still fresh in their minds.

Wang Ying smiled lightly and said to her three sisters.

"I don't know how Professor Shen did it. It's really amazing, and I feel that my physical condition has improved a lot."

Xiao Ke stood up from the bed angrily. Just as he was about to speak, he was held in Wang Ying's arms, and the words stuck in his throat were blocked.

Wang Lele hesitated and asked the question that everyone was curious about.

"Second sister, why did Army E want to arrest you? What happened in the middle?"

Wang Yingshan smiled and looked up at the ceiling.

"Sister, there are many ambitious people in this world, just like Country E."

"China has had a long-standing grudge with them, and the leader of Country E has recently had the idea of ​​going to war with China."

The three goddesses were stunned and listened to the second sister's story in astonishment. Xiao Ke was also lying on the bed and eavesdropping.

"The end of our country's reign is approaching, and we will soon face a period of turmoil."

"Several princes are vying for high positions and have no intention of sending troops to guard the border, so..."

"They just wanted me to surrender to Country E. They wanted me to order the withdrawal of troops to make way for Army E."

"If they step into Chinese territory, I'm afraid they will start a war just like before!"

After hearing this, the women couldn't calm down for a long time.

Several people sat together and talked about recent events, including the two days of war with the E Army.

When he heard that the E Army base was completely wiped out by the mysterious immortal, Wang Ying showed an expression of disbelief.

There are no immortals in the world. How could the E-Army base be wiped out by one person?

As if knowing that the second sister would not believe it, Wang Xinru took out the mobile phone she had prepared and played the video.

What is shown inside is the ruins of the E Army base, as well as the scene of the young man in white robe blocking the missile.

"What, one person can block the Lei-15 missile?"

Wang Ying felt like her head was buzzing, and she really couldn't believe that someone could actually do it.

This is the equivalent of someone telling you that ants can play basketball, and there is evidence to prove it...

When I was in a coma, I seemed to feel someone saving me, and the breath was very warm.

If the E army base was destroyed by immortals, then he would probably be the one who saved him.

She continued to ask.

"Do you know who brought me back?"

The three sisters shook their heads at the same time. All they knew was that their father discovered the second sister on the way to attack.

Wang Siqi suddenly thought of something and replied to the second sister.

"We don't know, but someone should know that when your father found you, there was someone lying next to you."

Xiao Ke was a little nervous. He didn't know whether to tell his sister directly that the man in white clothes was him.

My sister will believe in herself, right?

Soon, news of General Wang Ying's awakening spread among the army.

The soldiers shouted in surprise and passed the good news to more people.

The entire military area was bustling with activity, and the sound of gongs and drums echoed throughout the base.

Wang Yuehao, who was busy handling official duties, put down his burden, handed over the work to the deputy general, and rushed to the military hospital.

Before leaving, he grabbed Xiao Hei who was sleeping on the ground.

Xiaohei: I'm sleeping!

When he arrived at the hospital and opened the door, his daughters were chatting and laughing, and Xiao Ke was held in Wang Ying's arms.

Noticing the second girl's white and smooth skin, he was surprised and stepped forward to investigate.

"Second girl, what kind of magic elixir have you taken?"

Xiao Ke saw the right moment and struggled out of his second sister's arms, saying in a milky voice.

"The second sister recovered after taking my medicine."

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