The old man was so angry that he couldn't help coughing.

Li Youshan laughed and couldn't help coughing.

"Kid, don't you know you are famous?"

"Your birthday party was so lively that even an old man like me heard about it."

Xiao Ke blinked his big eyes.

I didn't expect that the birthday party my sister held for me was so impressive.

Even people in such a remote village knew about it.

No wonder there are "mom fans" here.

Wang Xinru just smiled lightly and didn't explain.

"Birthday party in the Magic City" "Wang family recognizes relatives"

This kind of top search must be known by countless people.

Only my younger brother was stupid enough to not understand it.

The group talked with the village chief for a few words and continued to stroll in the village.

Jiang Nan stuck his head out from the corner to check.

Noticing the young master leaving, he turned around and motioned to the two.

The three nodded in tacit understanding, and then secretly followed the young master and his men.

On the other side.

Bai Qianlan and Bai Xiaofei knocked on the neighbor's door with fish in their hands.

Not long after, a burly man opened the door.

He looked at the few people fiercely, and glanced at the cameraman.

Before Bai Qianlan could speak, the man waved his hand impatiently and said.

"Go shoot variety shows somewhere else, don't bother me."


The door was shut heavily, and the two were turned away.

The loud voice echoed in Bai Qianlan's mind.

Her cheek felt like it was slapped, burning with pain.

Bai Xiaofei tugged at her sleeve and whispered aggrievedly.

"Sister, let's try again next door."

In this way, the brother and sister knocked on another door.

This time they waited for a long time.

A white-haired old lady opened the door, her hands hanging in the air trembling constantly.

Seeing Bai Qianlan and the others, she asked in a hoarse voice.

"What... do you do?"

After a pause, Bai Qianlan squeezed out a far-fetched smile.

"Grandma, can we go to your house for a meal?"

The old lady seemed to have difficulty hearing and asked the two again.

"What? You want to use the toilet?"

Bai Qianlan's mouth twitched and she raised her voice a few degrees.

"Grandma, can we go to your house for a meal?"

"Toilet? Go and use it."

"No, I said can I have a meal at your place!"

"Eat? What kind of meal is it to go to the toilet?"

This scene made the cameraman laugh out loud.

Bai Qianlan was so angry that she was fuming and shouted loudly.

"Grandma, can we have a meal at your place!!"

The white-haired old lady frowned and replied unhappily.

"Why are you shouting so loudly? I'm not deaf."

"You're still so hot-tempered now, beggars. Go away. I don't have anything to eat."


The door was closed again, and Bai Qianlan was almost mad.

She was a big star, and I didn't know how many people wanted to treat her to a meal.

Unexpectedly, the villagers here treated her like a beggar.

It was so miserable~

Should I blame myself? It was obviously the show crew who was too mean.

The room they gave me didn't even have a kitchen, and they didn't give me any food.

They wanted me to starve!

Bai Xiaofei lowered his head in grievance.

He was still a child after all, and his eyes were red from the two failures.

Crystal tears rolled in the corners of his eyes, as if they would burst out in the next second.

Bai Qianlan, as a sister, didn't go up to comfort her brother in this state.

Turning her head, she spoke coldly.

"Why are you crying? What's there to cry about?"

"Look at Wang Xiaoke, he can catch fish, why can't you?"

Bai Qianlan yelled at her brother impatiently, her face a little ferocious.

Hearing his sister criticize him, he burst into tears, as if he had suffered a great injustice.

Bai Xiaofei's voice was not loud, but it was very penetrating, and it hurt Bai Qianlan's ears.

"Stop, try crying again!"

Her words made Bai Xiaofei stop crying instantly, and he tried his best not to cry out loud.

But he was still burping.

Under the leadership of Bai Qianlan, the two continued to try nearby.

In the end, God will not let down those who work hard.

In a woman's house, the brother and sister finally had a hot meal.

Soon, each group returned to their residence to rest.

The afternoon passed in a flash.

At night, the darkness swallowed up the remaining light.

Maybe the production team felt guilty.

Director Hua gathered all the guests at the guesthouse for dinner.

The slightly dim light illuminated the entire room.

On the table

There were more than a dozen colorful and delicious dishes quietly placed.

Bai Xiaofei devoured them like he had been hungry for a long time.

The rest of the people were not much better, and their appetites obviously increased a lot.

When eating, Wang Xinru was still as elegant as ever.

That beautiful figure was like a princess who had traveled from a fairy tale world.

She picked up the food on the table and gently put it into her brother's bowl.

Xiao Ke had eaten a lot at noon and had no appetite now.

He picked up an orange with a smile and peeled the orange peel himself.

"Sister, eat an orange."

Everyone looked over and saw a little cute baby smiling sweetly.

The little hand held the peeled orange and handed it to Wang Xinru.

In the eyes of everyone, he was really too obedient and cute.

Wang Xinru took the orange and stuffed it into her mouth, and a smile appeared on her delicate face.

"Brother is so obedient, I'll reward you with a kiss."

After that, she held her brother's face ^3^ and kissed him.

Xia Qiange retracted her gaze and looked at her sister, and couldn't help but sigh secretly.

At this time, she was actually a little envious of Wang Xinru.

Gu Xinghe gently patted his brother's forehead and pointed at the orange.

"You should learn more from Xiao Ke's brother and be sensible..."

Gu Xinghai pouted and replied dissatisfiedly.

"You are not a beautiful sister, I don't want to peel it for you."

"Well? Good brother, say it again~"


Under the coercive gaze of his brother, he picked up the orange and peeled it awkwardly.

It seemed that a chain reaction had occurred, and Ji Luochuan also looked at his brother.

Soon, the two brothers peeled the orange and handed it to their brother.

Xia Yuhe handed over a peeled orange without waiting for her sister to speak.

The three of them praised their brothers and sisters with satisfaction.

Bai Xiaofei picked up the orange and looked at his sister.

When he peeled it and handed it to his sister, he only received a cold snort.

"I don't like oranges."

After finishing her meal, Bai Qianlan put down her chopsticks and looked at the director with dissatisfaction.

"Director Hua, the living environment of my brother and I is too bad. Can we change houses?"

Director Hua laughed dryly and spread his hands helplessly.

"You can change houses if you rank high in the competition tomorrow."

"This is determined by the results of the competition."

Bai Xiaofei was immediately deflated and pouted his lips in grievance.

Not far away from the big tree, Jiang Nan stood on the branch in a black dress.

He picked up the Huawei mate60 and magnified it dozens of times to take a few photos.

He turned around and sent it to the general.

"Hey, Jiang Nan, do we still need to cook for the young master?"

Two figures under the tree spoke softly,

"Yes, of course we have to."

"We will send the chicken soup to the young master and the young lady's room in advance."

Jiang Nan deliberately lowered his voice to avoid causing a commotion.

The three of them hit it off and quickly rushed to their residence to make chicken soup...

At the same time

Wang Ying, sitting in the Rolls-Royce Phantom, received the photo.

Her frown, which had been tight for a day, finally relaxed.

Jiang Nan and the other two were too inefficient, and she had long been impatient to wait.

Wang's Manor.

After a tiring day, Wang Siqi pushed open the door and rubbed her eyes tiredly.

Recently, Wang's Group officially launched a business war with Gao's Group.

As the president, she was under the greatest pressure.

Fortunately, Wang's Group was in an advantageous position.

Now she has acquired 8% of Gao's Group's shares.

I believe that soon, people from the Gao family will come to cry and beg her to stop.

After scanning the hall, she did not find her parents, second sister, and eighth sister.

She walked into the hall in confusion and asked Aunt Lan who was busy.

"Aunt Lan, didn't my father come downstairs?"

Hearing this, Aunt Lan turned around and answered respectfully.

"Miss, the master and mistress have been away from home for a long time."

Wang Siqi raised her eyebrows in surprise and asked.

"What about my second sister?"

Aunt Lan continued to reply.

"The second lady also left home two hours ago."

"Where is my eighth sister?"

"The eighth lady also left the manor an hour ago."

! ! !

This confused Wang Siqi. Why did they all leave?

She looked around the hall and looked at the doghouse in confusion.

"Where is Xiao Hei?"

"Miss, Xiao Hei... was also taken away by the eighth lady."

? ? ?

Now, I am the only one left in the whole Wang family?

As if she thought of something, she paused and asked in surprise.

"Did they go to find the young master?"

Aunt Lan nodded and said "yes" with a smile.

Wang Siqi was completely speechless.

Is the whole family so involuted?

While she was not at home, they all sneaked over to her brother's place.

Without notifying them in advance, they took themselves with them...

She took out her cell phone to ask her eighth sister for her location, and then told the servant.

"Hurry up and prepare the car, I want to go out too!"

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