Chapter 199 You are so cruel to me

  But Tang Man still eats him.

   Reluctantly on his face, his body took the tissue in Qi Kong's hand extremely honestly and helped him wipe the sweat from his face.

  Qi Kong's eyes are full of narrow smiles.

  He knew she loved him most.

  After a short break, Qi Kong and Tang Man climbed up.

  Although Qi Kong is still afraid of heights, his condition is much better than before.

  They just walked and climbed up like a turtle, and after an hour, they finally climbed halfway up the mountain.

   Qi Kong sighed for a long time, feeling as if he had completed a huge task.

  He didn't want to enjoy the mountain view halfway up the mountain. He didn't want to wait for a second. He just wanted to hurry back down the mountain.

  "We're halfway up the mountain, let's go down the mountain, otherwise the sky will be dark." Qi Kong's hand trembling slightly wanted to pull Tang Man.

   "We didn't arrive at four o'clock. Even if we used two hours to go down the mountain, it was only six o'clock, and the sky was still dark." Tang Man pointed his finger forward: "Let's play that one and then go down the mountain."

  Qi Kong looked in the direction of her fingers, his legs softened, and he almost couldn't stand firmly.

  A glass plank road was built along the mountain wall in front. Walking on the glass path, you can clearly see the bottom of the mountain hundreds of meters below.

  There are not many people on the glass path now, but everyone is clinging to the mountain wall with their hands on the mountain wall, walking tremblingly, and laughing at each other.

  Qi Kong: "..."

   "You brought me to climb the mountain just to let me walk that?" Qi Kong's tone was full of accusations.

   "Hmm." Tang Man admitted frankly.

  Qi Kong: " are so cruel to me."

  Tang Man: "..."

  "You can climb halfway up the mountain. It must be no problem to walk the glass plank road." Tang Man coaxed and deceived: "Believe in yourself."

  Qi Kong: "I don't want to believe in myself."

  Tang Man: "..."

   "Want to try, you must do it."

   "No." Qi Kong only said one word, his attitude was very firm.

   "Try it, it's all here." Tang Man dragged Qi Kong toward the glass path.

   "No." Qi Kong hugged the big tree next to him, resolutely not allowing Tang Man to pull him.

  "Try it, just go down, OK. If you can't go, I won't force you, we will go down the mountain immediately." Tang Man vowed.

  Qi Kong pitifully: "I won't believe you anymore."

  Tang Man: "..."

  Qi Kong: "When you said that you only climbed halfway up the mountain, I should have guessed that you only told part of the truth."

  Tang Man: "..."

  Qi Kong: "After all, I made the wrong payment."

  Tang Man: "..."

Tang Man continued to coax him: "I know this is very difficult for you, but if you don't challenge, your fear of heights will never be cured. When we played the free fall rides for the first time, you didn't expect it. One day you will not be afraid at all."

   "You don't know how tortured and sad I went from being afraid to not afraid. If I can, I don't want to do it again." Qi Kong said too many tears.

   "Growth is painful. When you completely overcome your fear of heights, you will laugh at these experiences."

  Qi Kong: "No, you don't have to brainwash me."

  Tang Man: "..."

   Tang Man gave up talking about Qi Kong verbally, and simply went straight to grab Qi Kong's hands holding the trunk: "You have to go if you don't want to go! Today I have the final say!"

  Qi Kong hugged the trunk tightly, unable to break his hand no matter how hard Tang Man tried.

  Tang Man: "..."

   Tang Man put his hands on his waist: "Do you want to stick to the tree? Are you going to hold it for the rest of your life, or hold me for the rest of your life?"

  Qi Kong: "..."

  Qi Kong pitifully, weakly and helplessly loosened the trunk, hugged Tang Man, and muttered, "Hold you."

  Tang Man's heart softened, and all the pretended ferocity just disappeared.

  She hugged Qi Kong back, patted him on the back, and coaxed: "Let’s try it once, okay?"

  Qi Kong was afraid that no wife would hug him in the future, and nodded and agreed: "Okay."

  Tang Man took Qi Kong's hand and walked to the glass path together.

  Usually, it is Qi Kong's big hand that wraps her small hand. This time, it was her small hand covering his big hand.

  The closer to the glass plank road, Qi Kong visibly trembles harder.

  His mouth is dry and his head is a little dizzy.

   Trembling, he stepped out of his left leg and stepped onto the glass path.

   "Wait!" Qi Kong suddenly retracted the leg that had stepped out.

  Tang Man: "..."

   "What's wrong." Tang Man asked without surprise as if he had guessed that he might escape.

  "Will you be scared for a while?" Qi Kong pointed to the glass plank road.

  Tang Man sneered, let go of his hand, and strode to the glass path.

  She just walked on the flat ground, with a calm expression and no signs of fear.

  She walked a few meters, stopped, turned to face Qi Kong, and spread her hands: "Do you think I am afraid?"

  Qi Kong: "..."

  After all, the clown can only be done by him...

  His girlfriend is too amazing...

  Why is his girlfriend so different? She is not afraid of anything that is exciting?

Tang Man walked back and held his hand again: "You are different from me, and I am not afraid of heights. How can I be afraid."

  Qi Kong glanced at the people on the glass path who were not afraid of heights but still shivering with fear, and thanked his girlfriend for giving him face.

   "Let's go." Tang Man squeezed his hand lightly, giving him courage.

  Qi Kong nodded with a feeling of seeing death at home, and took his first step tremblingly.

  Through the glass under his feet, he could see the gravel and miscellaneous trees at the bottom of the mountain. The space was so wide that his head was dizzy. He quickly looked away.

  But his surroundings, except for the mountains, are empty mountain views, which are not much better than the scenery below them.

  Qi Kong's legs softened, and the foot he had just stepped on almost retracted.

  Tang Man's arm reached his back in good time and supported him.

Qi Kong closed his eyes, relieved his dizziness and fear, and opened his eyes again.

  He took the other foot, and finally both feet stood on the glass path.

   "Not bad! Great! You have defeated the fear of heights again." Tang Man praised Qi Kong like a lecturer engaged in MLM, "Go ahead and try again."

  Qi Kong looked straight ahead, not thinking that the thin glass under his feet was the bottom of the mountain, nor that he was now three to four hundred meters high in the air. He moved forward slowly step by step like a baby toddler.

  Tang Man followed him patiently, encouraging him from time to time: "Yes, just walk slowly, don't keep thinking that you are on the mountain, you just want you to walk on the flat ground now."

  Qi Kong's forehead was full of sweat, and his legs never stopped shaking.

  Tourists on the glass plank road, except Tang Man, everyone is in a state of awkwardness. No one pays attention to the big star who walks on the glass plank road with trembling legs like death.

   "Yes, take a few more steps, and then..."

  Qi Kong suddenly turned around and hugged Tang Man like he had exhausted all his courage.

  (End of this chapter)

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