Chapter 42 I am with you now

  When Qi Ziye was on a video call with his mother Zhuo Hanling, this woman appeared. It was Qi Ziye’s younger sister named Qi Yuqiu.

   "I asked someone to find out." Qi Yuqiu's eyes dodge a little.

  "Who did you ask?" Qi Kong asked closely.

  Qi Yuqiu bit her lower lip, not daring to tell him that she had found someone to follow him for several days, and finally figured out where he lives.

   "Brother, you haven't been back for a long time, we miss you so much." Qi Yuqiu changed the subject.

  Qi Kong's cold eyes cast a deep look at her.

  He probably guessed that the black car that had been following him some time ago was probably the person Qi Yuqiu was looking for.

   "Let's go." Qi Kong walked to the door.


   Qi Yuqiu stretched out his hand to pull his arm, but Qi Kong's cold look caused Qi Yuqiu's hand that had just been stretched out to shrink back.

   "Snack, take it, they are all sugar-free." Qi Yuqiu stared at him pitifully and expectantly.

  Qi Kong didn't even look at it. His fingerprint password unlocked his home.

"elder brother…"

  Qi Yuqiu wanted to say something more, Qi Kong had already pushed the suitcase into the door, leaving only one sentence: "Don't bother me again."

  Qi Yuqiu squeezed the paper box with his fingers, staring at the closed door, feeling very uncomfortable.

  She waited quietly for a long time, and then made sure that Qi Kong would not open the door again before turning around and leaving.

  She took the elevator downstairs and got in her car.

  Before starting the car, she raised her eyes and glanced unwillingly at the floor where Qi Kong lived.

  The light there is still on, but unfortunately she is not welcome there...

  Qi Yuqiu stepped on the accelerator and drove onto a street with few traffic.

  Her eyes are staring straight ahead, and the grievances, unwillingness and loneliness in her eyes accumulate more and more.

  Countless thoughts glided in her mind, and one of the crazy thoughts became clearer and clearer, which incited her to disregard her reason and want to take a leap.

  She seemed to be bewitched by this crazy idea, her heart was stubborn, she gritted her teeth, turned the steering wheel violently, and ran into a thick tree beside the road.

  Amid a dull loud noise and violent shaking of "bang—", the airbag bounced out.

  Qi Yuqiu only felt that her forehead did not know where it hit, and the pain was unbearable. She raised her hand and wiped it, her fingers were covered with blood.

  She struggled out of her phone and called Qi Kong.

  After the long beep, there was a reminder that no one answered.

  Qi Yuqiu was not surprised at all. She called the emergency number and reported her current location. Then she dared to let go of the hanging breath and collapsed weakly in the driver's seat.

  She felt like she had been emptied of strength, and her consciousness was getting weaker and weaker.

  She thought that she had actually put that crazy idea into practice, and a twisted smile appeared at the corner of her mouth...


  When Qi Kong came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, Tang Man floated over: "She waited in front of the door for a long time before leaving."

  This "she" does not need to be explicitly stated by her, Qi Kong also knows that it is Qi Yuqiu.

  "Are you sure she is gone?" Qi Kong asked.

   "Yes, I saw her go with my own eyes."

   "How long has she been away?"

   "Um... less than half an hour."

  Qi Kong nodded and opened the suitcase.

   "What's wrong? You don't want her to go, you want her to come in?" Tang Man's tone was a little weird.

  Qi Kong ignored her, but sorted out the clothes in the suitcase.

  But instead of taking the clothes out of the suitcase, he stuffed more clothes in.

   "Are you going to go far again? Where are you going this time? Are you filming?" Tang Man asked.

  Qi Kong answered her this time: "Moving."

   "Why do you want to move? Isn't it good to live here? When will you move?" Tang Man became more and more strange.

   "Move in a while."

   "Huh? Are you moving at night? Where are you moving?"

  Qi Kong glanced at her coldly: "You have a lot of problems."

   "I am with you now, and I am also affected when you move. If you want to move, it is the same as I want to move. I have to ask myself more about how it is a lot of problems." Tang Man retorted plausibly.

  Qi Kong sighed inaudibly: "You will know where to move in a while."

   "Oh." Tang Man was quiet for only three seconds: "Why did you suddenly think of moving? I haven't heard you mention it before."

  Qi Kong ignored her this time.

  Tang Man holds his hands, takes him as the center, and floats around him in a circle.

  Qi Kong was packing his luggage, and I saw Tang Man passing through his suitcase or the clothes in the closet from time to time.

   Qi Kong closed his eyes with a headache: "Can you stop turning around? Moving house can't help, just go and stay."

  "I'm thinking about the problem." Tang Man turned a deaf ear to it, and continued to float around in a circle.

   "Think about the problem while thinking about it." Qi Kong's voice was low and deep.

  "Aren't you curious about what question I am thinking?" Tang Man raised his eyebrows.

   "Not curious." Qi Kong coldly squeezed out three words.

Tang Man unaffected and said straight out: "I'm thinking, if you are moving in such a hurry, is it because Qi Yuqiu knows your address? You don't want others to know your address. So you just confirmed to me. , Did Qi Yuqiu really leave? How long has he gone."

  There was no extra emotion on Qi Kong's face, and he organized his luggage in an orderly manner.

  Although Qi Kong didn't speak, Tang Man felt that he must have guessed correctly.

She lay on the ground triumphantly, with her head in one hand, and watched Qi Kong pack up her luggage leisurely: "In this way, I also helped move the house. I told you to inform you that Qi Yuqiu is gone, no Will follow you to your new home."

  Qi Kong: "..."

  I will put gold on my face.

  Qi Kong’s mobile phone in the living room rang suddenly.

  "Go and see who is calling." Qi Kong's men kept commanding.

Tang Man's eyes widened, and when he was about to make a sound, Qi Kong first interrupted her.

  "Didn't you say that you also helped when moving, then help a little bit more."

  Tang Man: "..."

Tang Man curled his lips, snorted, and floated to the living room.

   Qi Kong’s mobile phone was thrown on the sofa by him. At this time, three words were displayed on the screen: Qi Yuqiu.

   "Qi Yuqiu's call. Do you want me to answer it?" Tang Man asked with a throat, the last sentence almost in a tone of return.

   "Don't worry." Qi Kong's voice came from the cloakroom.

   "Oh." Although Tang Man responded like this, he waited for a while in front of the phone.

  She thought that Qi Yuqiu would call the second and third calls. Perhaps Qi Kong would come over to answer her if he saw her calling more often.

  But after the call was automatically disconnected, Qi Yuqiu didn't call again.

Tang Man returned to the cloakroom and continued to lie on the ground, with one hand propped his head, watching Qi Kong leisurely packing his luggage.

  Qi Kong didn't take too many things, he packed up in a short time, and pushed the suitcase out the door.

  (End of this chapter)

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