Engineer, dead.

Because the capsule's thrusters suddenly stopped, the capsule suddenly decelerated.

Powerful force immediately acted on the engineers who were looking for problems with the capsule outside.

The engineer was then violently thrown away, pulled back by the tough space safety rope, and crashed into the space capsule for the first time.

The collision not only completely ruptured the engineer's spacesuit, but also severely damaged one of the capsule's solar panels.

And the space capsule is seriously yawing at this moment!

But these are not the most serious things. The most serious thing is that the propulsion cabin has no fuel!

In fact, there is fuel in the propulsion cabin, at least in Shi Ling's eyes.

But others don't think so.

"There is a traitor among us!" The captain's eyes were cold as he scanned everyone.

"A certain superpower secretly leaked the fuel, and the traitor doesn't want us to reach the moon!"

Shi Ling didn't say anything. He knew that the traitor must not be a superpower, otherwise he wouldn't have heard the alarm. After all, he was the only normal person.

However, everyone now believes that someone did something while others were sleeping, and it seems that they used some special ability such as space transfer to transfer the fuel away.

The captain asked: "How is the fuel reserve?"

The artificial intelligence said: "The fuel reserve is only 15%, and no damage to the space capsule has been found."

Everyone was 100% sure that it must be someone with space powers who took action.

Only Shi Ling was still doubtful.

Definitely not a space superpower, it could only be a hallucination type... No, I also heard the alarm from the artificial intelligence. If it is a hallucination type, then I should not hear any alarms. In this case, there is only one possibility.

"I have to find the traitor!" The captain stared at everyone.

Someone started talking.

"I've always wondered why the god-level Shi Ling wanted to go to the moon in a space capsule with us. I heard rumors that Shi Ling is inseparable from Lan Yue. Maybe he doesn't want us to investigate Lan Yue."

The finger was pointed at Shi Ling, but Shi Ling didn't panic at all.

What a panic!

Can your powers hurt me?

"Compared with this issue, why don't we talk about it? Which of us has the ability to divert fuel?" Yu Manzhi suddenly stood up to defend Shi Ling. As soon as she finished speaking, everyone focused their attention on On another person, because his superpower is "space transfer"!

"This matter has nothing to do with me. It is impossible for me to do such a thing that seeks death. I still want to go back alive. If I let go of the fuel, won't I die here too?"

The captain didn't believe it at all. He said: "Whether you did it or not, you are the one who is suspected now, so I will put you in the lifeboat and exile you to the universe so as not to affect our plan."

The man was shocked: "You can't do this!"

"Don't worry, if we can come back alive, we will naturally come to rescue you, but if we all die, then you can just stay in the universe to fend for yourself." The captain was very ruthless.

The man disagreed: "No, I will never sit still and wait for death. My life must be in my hands!"

After saying that, the man assumed a fighting posture.

Others immediately became nervous.

Is the infighting about to start?

Compared to Shi Ling, others were actually more suspicious of this space system user.

But at this time, Shi Ling suddenly said: "Do you still suspect that someone is missing?"

Everyone showed puzzled expressions.

"Who?" The captain looked around.

Is there a seventh person here?


Shi Ling said: "Captain, don't you suspect that the artificial intelligence deliberately reported false information to us? The cross-hatch calibration failed, the fuel alarm, all of these are reports issued by the artificial intelligence, if it is deliberately reporting errors... "

Shi Ling was 100% sure that the artificial intelligence reported the error intentionally, because he saw the crosshairs shift with his own eyes and heard the fuel alarm with his own ears.

If he was a person with superpowers, then Shi Ling should not be able to see or hear anything.

God of Machinery, are you causing trouble?

Shi Ling was puzzled.

But everyone else looked thoughtful, and the captain was still hesitant.

But at this moment, a fire alarm suddenly sounded in the space capsule.

The captain was shocked: "No, once the fire alarm goes off, the fire extinguishing system in the space capsule will automatically turn on. This is the only automated system!"

Automatic fire extinguishing systems are systems that can be seen everywhere on the earth. It is precisely because its suddenness is difficult for humans to predict, so they are all automatic rather than manual.

Just because of this, as long as the artificial intelligence reports a false fire alarm, the automatic fire extinguishing system will be activated!


Countless cold water sprayed down from above their heads. The instrument was waterproof and would not fail just because of this spray of water.

But everyone turned into a drowned rat.

The captain immediately rushed to the work area as quickly as possible and shut down the artificial intelligence.

As soon as the artificial intelligence was turned off, all indicator data immediately returned to normal, the automatic fire extinguishing system also stopped working, and the fuel alarm disappeared immediately.

Everyone who turned into drowned rats couldn't help but marvel.

"As expected of a god-level expert, he found out the truth in one go."

"The artificial intelligence actually rebelled, it's scary!"

"The people at the Lunar Landing Headquarters must have rebelled and secretly modified the artificial intelligence program, otherwise this problem would not have occurred!"

At this moment, everyone's mutual suspicion was lifted and the problem was found, so they breathed a sigh of relief.

Shi Ling suggested: "I suggest completely destroying the artificial intelligence chip to prevent it from starting automatically."

Shi Ling was very worried. He worried that this artificial intelligence might not be programmed by a traitor, but that it had gained intelligence on its own.

The God of Machinery seems to have nothing to do with Blue Moon or people's imagination. He seems to have always existed, and has existed since thousands of years.

Shi Ling even guessed a terrible guess.

This conjecture is not yet time to speak out.

The capsule continues its journey. This time, without artificial intelligence, they need to take turns on duty to avoid emergencies.

The captain pointed the capsule at the moon and moved on.

Another female astronaut found the artificial intelligence chip and physically destroyed it.

She then exited the capsule dressed as an astronaut and recovered the engineer's body.

The engineer was murdered by artificial intelligence, and the captain was calculated. He trusted the system too much.

If Shi Ling hadn't reminded him in time, an internal fight would have been inevitable.

The person with the ability to shift space was very grateful to Shi Ling.

"Hello, Great God, my name is Luo Tong. I didn't think so before, but today I discovered that you are indeed a god-level powerhouse. I am convinced."

Shi Ling shook his head. He was not interested in Luo Tong's thanks at all. He just wanted to land on the moon as soon as possible.

After the artificial intelligence was shut down, there were no more problems with the capsule.

On the third day, the space capsule finally reached the lunar orbit.

At this time, everyone looked surprised.

"This is...the moon?"

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