"Devil's special training??"

Zhang Lei looked up at Chen Hao, a question mark all over his head?

Chen Hao raised his eyebrows and said, "Yes, the next time, from 8 am to 8 pm, as long as it is not class time, it will be in this 606 classroom."

"Why Principal!!!" Zhang Lei seemed to be struck by a thunderbolt!

It's just the beginning of school, how the good days have passed.

Seemingly thinking of Zheng Tianyu and Lu Zhou, Zhang Lei quickly asked, "What about the two of them? Don't you need to attend special training?"

It's just a pity that he didn't get the answer he wanted.

Chen Hao shook his head and replied, "The two of them don't need it."

Zhang Lei asked reluctantly, "Why don't the two of them use it? It's not fair!"

Chen Hao pursed his lips and said, "You ask them."

At this time, Zheng Tianyu said gloatingly, "Because of you!"

Lu Zhou calmly echoed, "Well, it's really good."


Zhang Lei felt humiliated. At this moment, he wanted to scream in the sky. Hedong for thirty years, Hexi for thirty years, don't bully young poor!

But in fact... he also understands his own dishes.

When he was a little discouraged, a rather seductive voice came from his ear.

"Want to win an award?"


"Your two teammates are so strong, do you feel good about being a drag?"

"for this I……"

"Do you want to become stronger? Do you want to become a scholar? Sao Nian, don't be a coward, just go straight up!"

"Principal... can I really..."

"You have to trust that I won't waste my time on a piece of junk."

Facing Chen Hao's harsh words, Zhang Lei spit out a sigh of relief.

His hands trembled slightly, then slowly clenched into fists, raised his head and looked at Chen Hao, with nine points of determination in his eyes.

"Headmaster, I did it to you!"


Chen Hao really wanted to punch him, what did he mean to you? I feel that there is no sense of disobedience to replace the two words in front of the principal with the boss!

It's really a middle school young man...

"Well, let's start now."

After giving Zhang Lei his psychological homework, Chen Hao was ready to start teaching him essay skills.

The fastest way to improve... Of course, it is the most classic sea questioning tactics...

Chen Hao directly logged on to Huaxia University Student Online on the computer and found the mathematical and analog competition section, which displayed some winning papers over the years.

Click to open an excellent paper in 2019, the author is a student of Nankai University.

"You look at this paper first."

"it is good."

Zhang Lei responded, moved his head closer to the computer, and began to browse the papers.

This paper is a bit long, plus the following references and appendices totaling 30 pages, Zhang Lei's reading speed is a bit slow.

Chen Hao on the side walked around the classroom, checking the learning progress of Lu Zhou and Zheng Tianyu.

With the buffs of +150% learning comprehension and +100% learning efficiency, the level of Lu Zhou and Zheng Tianyu improved rapidly, basically changing every day.

In fact, Chen Hao is quite satisfied with the current abilities of the three of them.

Although Zhang Lei's scientific research ability is written, but the existing mathematics and programming are over 60. Chen Hao is still quite satisfied.

The National Mathematical Modeling Contest for Undergraduates has only 3 days. It is very hasty to complete the preliminary modeling, reprogramming and running operations, and finally complete the thesis writing.

In addition, the three modelers, programmers, and writers must actively participate in it.

It's not that the modeling hand is only responsible for modeling, the programming hand is only responsible for programming, and the writing hand is only responsible for writing. In this three-day period, all team members must participate.

The modeling hand should not only be able to complete the modeling, but also

It is also necessary to clearly express the modeling process to the programmer; then the programmer completes the programming process and calculates correctly through the understanding of modeling.

As for the final writer, it's even harder!

He had to be involved in both modeling and programming so that he could write a logically rigorous and concise paper.

This is a three-person team game, not a solo show.

after an hour……

Chen Hao looked at the cloudy sky outside, and there were five lunch boxes in the trash can beside him.

When the principal suddenly joined, Lu Zhou and Zheng Tianyu were also extremely diligent, and they felt that they had to study until the lights were turned off before going back.

Noticing that Zhang Lei's computer screen had turned to the last night, Chen Hao asked, "Xiao Zhang, how do you feel after reading it?"

Zhang Lei rubbed his sour eyes, and said directly without thinking, "It feels very well written!"

Chen Hao had a black line, but he still said patiently: "I didn't let you read the paper to praise him! I'm asking you what you learned after reading it?"

"Learn... what did you learn? Ha, that's a good question... um..." Zhang Lei said with a haha.

Chen Hao feels that his temper is really good now...

When he thought of his task, he instantly calmed down.

"Forget it, I'll analyze this paper for you."

"The official format requirements for mathematical modeling papers are: abstract, problem restatement, problem analysis, model assumptions, notation description, model establishment and solution, model strengths and weaknesses, reference papers, and attachments."

"First of all the abstract of the paper is about...then why...because..."

Chen Hao explained each step to Zhang Lei very carefully.

As for Zhang Lei's expression, it seems that he has been repeating his sudden realization.

After explaining the whole paper, Chen Hao glanced at Zhang Lei and asked, "Are you clear about this paper now?"

Zhang Lei nodded and said, "It's clear."

"That's fine, it's not too early, I'll assign you 2 papers, and you will take down their framework and understand the thought and reason of each step. I'll check it at noon tomorrow, don't think about letting me Tianyu helps you, people help you for a while, but not for the rest of your life!"

"Uh, Principal, don't worry, I will finish it!"

"Okay, then I'll go back, you all go back early." Chen Hao looked at his watch, it was just 8 o'clock, and he left after a warning.

As for the classroom behind him, in this darkness, the lights inside are extraordinarily bright.


Peking University, Science Teaching Building.

In a classroom, the lights are bright.

"For this question, I think the model should be set up like this..."

The speaker was a young man with slanted bangs. His name was Lu Ziming, a grade 18 student of the Mathematics Department of Peking University.

The three discussed tirelessly until 10 p.m.

Lu Ziming checked the time, closed the notebook, and reminded: "It's almost 11 o'clock, go back first, and continue tomorrow."

The lights in the dormitory of Peking University are also turned off at 11:00 pm for undergraduate students, 12:00 pm for postgraduate students, and not for doctoral students, nor on Friday or Saturday.

Another classmate pushed his glasses and said, "Okay, see you tomorrow."

The three packed their things, closed the classroom door, and walked on the campus path.

Because their respective dormitories were not together, and when they came to a fork in the road, Lu Ziming said to the two of them: "Ruoxu, Xiao Si, we must win the Higher Education Club Cup in this model competition!"

In 2017, the Higher Education Society Cup of the Mathematical and Analogue Competition was won by Shanghai Jiaotong University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2018, and Tongji University in 2019.

Lu Ziming also participated in the competition last year, but he won the Innovation Award, that is, the runner-up.

Peking University has always only been interested in the first place, and other awards are almost equal to not participating.

This time, the Higher Education Club Cup must stay at Peking University!

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket for a reward!

Stay up all night again. . . Suffering??

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