I Am the President of the University

Chapter 681 One day affects 00,000 families

Latest website: June 24, morning.

Fudan University Admissions Office.

"Ok, I see."


A few minutes after he finished speaking, with a "ding dong" sound, a new email reminder popped up in the lower right corner of the desktop. \b

Clicking on the list, there was a list of the top 200 students from each province in this year's college entrance examination.

The results, which will be announced tomorrow, were obtained one day in advance. This should have been a blessing, but Zhang Ye sighed sadly.

"Director, didn't you get the list? Why are you sighing?" A person next to him asked in confusion. \b

Zhang Ye shook his head, with a slight look of despair on his face, "We have the list, but it is one day later than Qingbei, so the good candidates have been picked long ago."

The man was speechless for a while. How to say this?

Finally, he whispered, "Director, haven't you been here for so many years?"

I have always thought that Tsinghua University and Peking University select talents first, followed by Fudan University, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, and University of Science and Technology of China.

After all, among the famous domestic schools, Qingbei is in the T0 sequence, and Zhejiang and Southern Science and Technology (China Five) are in the T1 sequence.

It's normal for the weak to eat the strong.

Zhang Ye became annoyed, as if he was offended by his subordinate's words.

"It's been good after so many years, but why does Guanghua University break the rules? Not to mention our fifth school, do they deserve the same treatment as Qingbei?"

Guanghua University got the list of the top 100 universities in each province in this college entrance examination yesterday. It has the same treatment as Tsinghua University and Peking University. Even Fudan University does not have this honor.

The subordinate's face froze, and finally he lowered his voice and said:

"There is nothing I can do. Guanghua's Jian is in the heart of the emperor, and we can't compare."

Zhang Ye's face also froze, he didn't know this.

It has only been less than a year since Chen Hao took over Guanghua University and he has made quite a lot of moves.

A photonic screen has led a new trend in smartphones, allowing Huaxing Mobile to defeat Samsung and Apple in the global market and successfully become the best-selling flagship phone of the year.

Lactide breaks the monopoly of the American company Natureworks on raw materials.

Not to mention the real big killer optical core... The chip market is so hugely profitable that Guanghua University gives it up at the drop of a hat. It's so upright and upright that it makes people speechless.

Seeing that the director was still livid, his subordinate asked cautiously: "Director, is the focus of the college entrance examination admissions team this year still the same as usual?"

Zhang Ye nodded rather irritably and said coldly: "As usual, we will focus on Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, followed by Dongshan Province, Anhui Province, and Henan Province."

The source of students in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai is good, and Fudan University is located in Shanghai, which has a great geographical advantage. Many local parents even like to put Fudan + SJTU in the same category as Tsinghua + Peking University.

Dongshan, Anhui, and Henan provinces have many candidates, and there are also many top students in the college entrance examination every year. Moreover, Anhui and Henan provinces are also close to the Magic City, so their influence can radiate to the city.

As for the top students to be robbed, the top 50 students hardly need to be considered. We can only rob 50-100 of these top students.

Tsinghua University and Peking University in Beijing, Shanghai, Hebei Province, Handong Province, Nanhu Province, Zhejiang Province, Tianfu Province, Dongshan Province, Lingnan Province, Henan Province, and Anhui Province have 100+ students admitted to the college entrance examination each year, but generally 50-100 are admitted in each province. Rankings will almost never receive calls from the admissions teams of Tsinghua and Peking University. \b

What they really compete for is the top fifty, to be precise, the top ten, especially the provincial champion.

As for those ranked after fifty, they are generally the areas that are competed by the admissions teams of the five schools in southern Zhejiang Province.

After his subordinates left, Zhang Ye's eyes were caught by a spot on the computer screen.

[Name: Sun Zheng]

[Admission ticket number: 2498124]

[Middle school: Jinling No. 1 Middle School]

[Total college entrance examination score: 735 points]

[Chinese: 138 points]

[Mathematics: 150 points]

[English: 147 points]

[Science Comprehensive: 300 points]

"Score 735?" Zhang Ye muttered, and couldn't help but secretly speculate, "I guess Qingbei fought hard to get the top scorer in the national college entrance examination, right?"

This kind of first place in the country, no matter which school is snatched by it, is definitely the most powerful publicity method.

Generally, it is Tsinghua University or Peking University, and even worse, it may be chosen by the top seven schools including Oxbridge in the UK and Hayes in the US.

Zhang Ye felt even sadder when he thought that this kind of talent did not belong to them at Fudan.

Fortunately, there is one who is lucky.

Zhang Ye snorted, "Hmph, even if Guanghua gets the list, is it possible that it can still compete with Tsinghua and Peking University?"

Especially this Sun Zheng, if he chooses Guanghua University, he will really laugh his teeth off. This is definitely the most ridiculous thing of the year!

Jiang Yongnian also felt that Sun Zheng was crazy. A national top scorer in the college entrance examination chose Guanghua University instead of Tsinghua and Peking University? ? ?

"Sun Zheng, you should know the difference between Tsinghua, Peking University and Guanghua. You are ruining your own future!" Jiang Yongnian advised sadly.

As the head teacher and mathematics teacher of the top class of Jinling No. 1 Middle School, one of the students I taught was the top scorer in the college entrance examination. This is definitely the most shining achievement on my resume as a teacher.

In his opinion, Sun Zheng would either go to Peking University Guanghua School of Management or School of Mathematics, or go to Tsinghua PBC School of Finance or Yao Class.

What the hell is Guanghua University? !

"Teacher, I understand your good intentions, but I have made up my mind. I'm sorry!"

Jiang Yongnian was stunned when he heard the "beep~beep~" in his ears.

Because Sun Zheng became the top scorer in this year's college entrance examination, Vice Principal Sun Lecheng called all the school's senior leaders to the school for a meeting yesterday. He also called Sun Zheng's class teacher, Jiang Yongnian, over.

Jiang Yongnian was ecstatic when he learned that his student had become the best in the country. If nothing else, the bonus this year would be hundreds of thousands.

But how happy I was before, how panicky I am now.

Jiang Yongnian was trembling all over, biting his lips and looking a little dazed.

"We must stop Sun Zheng's behavior. How can we go to Guanghua University!"

Even if the top scorer in the National College Entrance Examination does not go to Tsinghua University and Peking University, his final destination is Guanghua University? !

This will definitely make headlines.

This is undoubtedly a shame for Jiang Yongnian.

Without thinking, Jiang Yongnian simply packed a change of clothes and bought a train ticket from Jinling to Suqian with a bag on his back.

He was going to Suqian to persuade Sun Zheng.

We must not let the other party go to Guanghua University!

On the other side, in the special needs ward of Suqian First People's Hospital.

Shen Jing is more painful and entangled than Jiang Yongnian.

Happily, Zhongwa Village is hopeful of getting rich.

Guanghua University is not just a school. Behind it is a Guanghua-type enterprise. With such huge resources, just a little leakage can make Zhongwa Village rich.

But the painful thing is that this price is paid by Sun Zheng, who is regarded as his nephew.

Sun Zheng had to apply for Guanghua University in exchange for Guanghua's investment in Zhongwa Village.

Zhongwa Village is the place where Shen Jing has devoted eight years of hard work. He knows how many people live in each household here, what their names are, how much the family's annual income is, and how old their children are.

"Alas..." Shen Jing sighed and turned to look at Sun Zheng, feeling very complicated.

"Azheng, is it impossible for you to change your mind?"

"Uncle Shen, you know my character."

Sun Zheng said seriously: "And as far as I know, Guanghua University is not very bad. Although the current ranking is not obvious, it has great potential. I believe Guanghua University will not let me down."

Shen Jing could only smile bitterly. When he saw the persistent look in his eyes, he understood that he couldn't persuade him.

This kid has been stubborn since he was a child, and even eight cows can't stop him from seeing the truth behind his death.

He exhaled slowly and waved his hands.

"Okay, you're an adult anyway, and your Uncle Shen can't decide everything for you anymore."

"Anyway, I hope you, Zheng, can always maintain your sincerity and simplicity and not be corrupted by the colorful world outside. If you encounter difficulties in the future, I must come to you, Uncle Shen."

"Other people have parents to help, but you also have Uncle Shen."

A warm current flowed through Sun Zheng's heart. What Uncle Shen gave him was like the lost father's love.

He scratched his head and grinned, "Of course, you are my uncle after all!"

Time passed and it was June 25th in a blink of an eye.

This day is the day that tens of millions of families care about the most.

The 2021 college entrance examination results are finally available!

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