I Am the President of the University

Chapter 697 The hyper-high-speed rail project is officially established!

Latest website: "Experts, is this hyperloop project feasible?"

Facing the big leader's question, a few quiet murmurs sounded in the conference room.

At this time, a white-haired old man with a Chinese character face and a Chinese tunic suit spoke up.

"Chief, I don't think it's feasible!"

"Safety is a very big issue. Once the vacuum pipe breaks somewhere and outside air enters, it will lead to car crashes and fatalities. Have you forgotten the Yongwen Line accident that year?" He said. Looking around at the crowd, the opposition was very strong.

"Not to mention the construction of vacuum pipelines. Vacuum pipelines are incompatible with existing railway lines, which means they cannot be integrated into the existing railway network. Then a separate vacuum pipeline dedicated to the hyperloop will have to be built. The cost Too high!"

The old man with a Chinese character said sadly, "The construction cost of one kilometer is as high as 376 million yuan, and there are no stations in the middle. Isn't this a waste of people and money? What's the point? Just one Beijing-Kowloon line costs more than 700 billion yuan. How long will it take to recover the cost? ?”

This old man is not an ordinary expert, but an academician of the Academy of Engineering. His qualifications are authoritative in the field of transportation, but he is quite stubborn.

"I don't agree with Academician Gao's point of view. I think the hyperloop project is very feasible!"

The voice of opposition suddenly sounded, and when Academician Gao followed the voice and looked over, he didn't understand it at all.

Why did Academician Qi Zhenguo suddenly go against the grain?

In the past, when some universities submitted applications for hyperloop projects, they were opposed by Academician Qi during the expert review. Why has it changed now?

Qi Lao looked at Academician Gao calmly and retorted: "The safety issues have been well written in the application form, and choosing to build vacuum pipelines underground and under the sea can reduce the risk of natural disasters and maintenance costs."

"As for the high cost? The one-kilometer maglev Central Shinkansen line being built in Japan costs as much as 1 billion yuan. In comparison, the cost of 376 million yuan for the hyperloop is not very high, right?"

Qi Lao paused and said with a smile: "And the issue of direct access is not so absolute. For example, the Beijing-Guangzhou Line can set up a midway station, Jiangcheng Station. The straight-line distance from Beijing to Jiangcheng is 1,225 kilometers, and the straight-line distance from Jiangcheng to Yangcheng is 840 kilometers. Kilometers, and the mileage required for the hyperloop to speed up and slow down at the station does not exceed 100 kilometers. I personally think it is worth sacrificing this time to solve safety problems and improve economic benefits.”

"As for the cost, it is definitely not small, so I suggest establishing an intercity flight network in China. The first step is to achieve a speed of 1,500 kilometers per hour on the country's main lines, especially around the five major economic zones: Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Chengdu, Yangcheng and Jiangcheng will establish a national flight network, namely the Beijing-Hankong Nine Line (Beijing-Jiangcheng-Yangcheng) and the Shanghai-Hancheng-Rongcheng Line (Modu-Jiangcheng-Rongcheng).”

"The construction cost of these two hyperloop lines will reach 1.5 trillion yuan. It is indeed not easy to recover the cost, and the impact it will bring is very huge!"

"The travel time between Jiangcheng and Beijing, Rongcheng, Yangcheng and Magic City will be shortened to one hour, and the five major cities can radiate to surrounding provinces. For example, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Economic Zone will be formed with Beijing as the center, and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Economic Zone will be formed with Jiangcheng as the center. The Hubei-Hunan-Jiangxi Economic Zone forms the Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Shanghai Economic Zone with Shanghai as its center, the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone with Yangcheng as the center, and the Sichuan-Chongqing-Guizhou Economic Zone with Rongcheng as the center.”

"The second step is to connect China and neighboring countries at a speed of 2,000 kilometers per hour to form a flight network along the Belt and Road."

Qi Zhenguo's words shocked everyone in the audience. If this comes true, "China Speed" will once again capture the attention of netizens around the world!

The distance from Beijing to Yangcheng, which is more than 2,000 kilometers, will be shortened to less than two hours (three and a half hours by plane), and the journey from Shanghai to Chengdu will be shortened to more than one hour (three and a half hours by plane).

In particular, Jiangcheng, as a transfer station, will jump into the one-hour urban area of ​​these four cities. It is no exaggeration to say that it is taking off.

Academician Gao's expression was gloomy and uncertain. He actually accepted the other party's point of view in his heart, but he was reluctant to give up on his words.

"I dare to ask Academician Qi, how much should the ticket price be for the high construction costs? If the price is too low, it will be difficult to recover the cost, and if the price is too high, the people will not be able to afford it. "

"The cost will definitely be more expensive than high-speed rail fares, but for business people and civil servants, time is more precious than money, not to mention that the hyperloop still has room to increase its speed. Once it reaches more than 2,000 kilometers per hour, aircraft shipping has nothing to do with the hyperloop. Competitiveness." Qi Lao said decisively.

For example, the two hours from Beijing to Yangcheng by hyperloop and the three and a half hours by plane don't seem to be very different, but what if the hyperloop speeds up by one hour?

1 hour PK3.5 hours.

That's a huge gap.

Not to mention another advantage, that is, aircraft shipping is easily affected by weather factors. For example, heavy rain, heavy snow and other weather conditions will cause flight delays or cancellations, but these effects on underground or submarine hyperloop are negligible.

Academician Gao still wanted to argue, but the senior leader on the side couldn't stand it anymore and said with a smile: "Mr. Gao, do you think it's time to listen to the opinions and views of other experts?"

The big leader has spoken, and Academician Gao has to hold back any opinions he has.

"Does China Railway Corporation have any difficulties with the construction of vacuum pipelines? Apart from this, do you have any other opinions?"

Facing the leader’s question, an expert present at the China Railway General Corporation turned over the project application and said in a serious tone: “Reporting to the head, as long as the safety system and nanotechnology mentioned in Professor Chen’s application can be supported simultaneously, no matter it is Whether we build vacuum pipelines underground or under the sea, China Railway has no problem!”

In fact, there are many advantages to building underground than on land.

For example, if it is built on land, because it cannot be integrated into the existing railway network, special vacuum pipelines must be built, which is troublesome. For example, land acquisition and demolition are big troubles.

There is no such problem underground.

Moreover, pipelines on land are easily exposed to the sun and rain, and are also threatened by natural disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, and mudslides, making maintenance costs high.

Except for earthquakes, there is basically no threat from other natural disasters underground.

The seabed is safer, and there is no need to worry about earthquakes.

But the price is that the construction cost is higher!

In terms of construction costs: seabed \u003e underground \u003e land.

So is security.

There are only five countries in the world that can build such a large project: China, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Russia.

Finally, the expert from China Railway Corporation also made a suggestion.

"Chief, I have a suggestion for the hyperloop stations, which can be placed underground at various high-speed rail stations, such as Beijing West Station, Shanghai Hongqiao Station, and Yangcheng South Station."

"This can realize the interconnection between the hyperloop and ordinary high-speed rail, making it convenient for residents in surrounding cities to transfer. Moreover, high-speed rail stations usually have subways that go directly to the city, making travel more convenient."

If you build a separate station or choose it under a subway station, it will be troublesome to transfer.

For example, if a citizen of Hangzhou wants to take the hyperloop, he must first take the ordinary high-speed rail to the Shanghai High-speed Railway Station, and then transfer to the subway to the hyperloop station, which is too troublesome.

It is more convenient for hyperloop stations to be built under high-speed rail stations.

The big leader nodded and continued the discussion.

The seminar lasted for nearly three hours and ended with the last two words of the leader.

"To realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must not only move into the world's advanced ranks in the field of humanities, economy, military, etc., but also in the field of transportation."

"I announce that the vacuum hyperloop project has been officially approved!"

ps: I wrote for three hours and vomited blood. Please vote for recommendations and monthly votes.

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