I Am the President of the University

Chapter 703 Building a high-speed rail on the moon?

When Chen Chong returned to the research institute, he went directly to the lactide and photon screen laboratories and selected several full-time researchers without even thinking about it. Finally, he came to an empty laboratory.

The Institute of Advanced Materials has enough space, and there are many vacant laboratories.

Looking at the dozen or so people in front of him, Chen Chong looked around and called out the names of two people.

"Lin Yuhuan."

"Tian Xiangnan."

"Served as deputy director of the Carbon Nanotechnology Laboratory."

Lin Yuhuan graduated from Tsinghua University with a bachelor's degree and a Ph.D. from MIT.

Tian Xiangnan graduated from Jilin University with a bachelor's degree and a Ph.D. from Cambridge University.

Both of their postdocs and follow-up work are in the research group of the industry's leading experts. Both their resumes and scientific research experience are fully qualified for the position of deputy director of the laboratory.

The other researchers were not discouraged, but were full of fighting spirit.

Choosing to join Guanghua University is not only for the high salary and benefits, but also for the opportunities!

The scientific research environment of Guanghua University is far inferior to that of Tsinghua and Peking University, but the advantage is that as long as you have the ability, you can get a job without any qualifications!

Otherwise, joining Tsinghua University, Peking University and Fudan University, it would be difficult to start an independent group, let alone serve as the director or deputy director of the laboratory.

For example, the average age of the leaders of Guanghua University’s scientific research system ranks first among all universities in the world, not just in China.

Such a young scientific research system is a real "gospel" to scientific researchers.

Lin Yuhuan asked curiously: "Director, what is the direction of our research topic?"

He is naturally no stranger to carbon nanotechnology, but there are many in this direction.

For example, zero-dimensional fullerene and carbon quantum dots, one-dimensional linear carbon and carbon tubes, two-dimensional graphene, graphyne, graphane, and three-dimensional nanodiamond and various nanographite structures.

Especially in the field of nanodiamond, relying on the photon screen technology laboratory, Guanghua University is already at the forefront of the world in this field.

Japan’s National Institute of Materials Science has been left out of sight.

"It's a subject," Chen Chong paused, opened the lockbox at his feet, and carefully took out the blue jacket inside.

"This is it."


Lin Yuhuan, Tian Xiangnan and others were stunned when they looked at the blue jacket that looked like a school uniform in the box.

Is today April Fool's Day? ?

After Chen Chong demonstrated the magical properties of the blue jacket, Lin Yuhuan became excited.

"Director, this temperature-variable material is amazing!"

"If we conquer this, the result will definitely be on the cover of Science and Nature!"

Lin Yuhuan was still mumbling, "Director, do you still have this blue coat?"

"That's the only thing. Don't worry about the source." Chen Chong coughed and said perfunctorily.

Chen Chong was also curious about the origin of the blue coat, but he also knew that curiosity could kill the cat.

The principal has a lot of black technology in his hands. As for the source?

Chen Chong guessed that it was most likely related to the civilization or ruins left by aliens on the earth.

The history of the earth is too long, and many civilizations have been born, especially the Atlantis civilization, which is the most widely spread.

The existence of this level will definitely not be known to ordinary people. \b

This is because the principal's background and identity are so powerful that an ordinary scientist would have been kidnapped long ago.

The director had already said so, and Lin Yuhuan didn't dare to ask any more questions.

At this time, Chen Chong turned to look at Tian Xiangnan, the new deputy director of the laboratory, "Xiaotian, is there anything else that needs to be purchased in terms of laboratory instruments and equipment?"

Tian Xiangnan pondered for a moment and reported a long list of professional vocabulary, "Transmission electron microscope, vibrating sample magnetometer, nanoparticle size potential system, reflectivity variable temperature material testing system, single crystal X-ray diffractometer."

He added, “By the way, there is also a carbon fiber material universal testing machine.”

"Make a list and contact the manufacturer to transfer the goods!" Chen Chong urged.

Tian Xiangnan hesitated and asked, "Director, what about funding...?"

Chen Chong shook his head and smiled: "There is no need to apply for the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Our school is short of people, equipment and equipment, but it is not short of money!"

"Oh, by the way, post a notice on the official website and Little Tree Worm that the Carbon Nanotechnology Laboratory will recruit a group of technicians. The minimum threshold is a Ph.D., so pay attention to the selection. "

There is no way, Guanghua University is still developing, graduate students... ahem, you can basically ignore it.

There are not even graduate students doing odd jobs in the laboratory. There is no shortage of undergraduate students, but they still have to teach them step by step.

We have no choice but to recruit externally.

afternoon. \b

Professor Zhao Yong came to Guanghua University, but his steps suddenly stopped at the gate.

Although I made a decision after a long day of self-thinking work, I couldn't help but feel hesitant again.

My eyes glanced at the name stone of Guanghua University, and I felt an inexplicable feeling of admiration in my heart.


Sighing, he finally moved forward.

When I arrived outside the principal's office in Guanghua Building, I just sat down when I saw the door of the office opened and two people walked out.

After seeing the face of the leader, Professor Zhao Yong was stunned.

"Who is this……"

He swallowed a lump of saliva in his throat, feeling extremely shocked inside.

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and is a famous entrepreneur. In the Hurun Pig Killer released in March this year...ahem, he ranked first on the Hurun Rich List, with a net worth of 1.28 trillion yuan. .

The newly crowned richest man in the world is not only good at cutting leeks, but he also acts in a maverick way.

Just last month, Musk sold the last house he owned and became the first richest man in the world to rent a house.

Why is Musk here?

If you think about it with your buttocks, of course you are heading for the vacuum hyperloop.

Thinking of his reaction after receiving the news yesterday, Professor Zhao Yong smiled bitterly.

This comparison makes him look even stupider.

Go back in time.

More than an hour ago.

Musk, who hurriedly came from the United States, took his assistant straight to Guanghua University as soon as he got off the plane.

In the car, Musk suddenly asked his assistant:

“Laura, do you think Professor Chen will reject my plan?”

Laura, who was sitting in the passenger seat, tilted her head to the left and said helplessly: "Boss, from a probability perspective, the probability of Professor Chen rejecting you is only about 20%."

"After all, your plan is simply unbelievable. To use a Chinese idiom to describe it, it is called 'the sky is unconstrained.' I think Professor Chen will not refuse you."

Musk didn't take it seriously, but laughed and said: "Maybe this is the difference between genius and madman."

An incredible idea is called a genius if it is successfully realized, and a madman if it fails.

Of course he is the former.

Chen Hao disagreed. He only thought Musk was half genius and half madman.

Especially after Musk revealed his plans.

"Professor Chen, I sincerely invite you to join my lunar high-speed rail project!"

"The real destination of the vacuum hyperloop should be in space, such as...the moon!"

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