I Am the President of the University

Chapter 706 The worst high school student of the year?

The weather in July 2021 is exceptionally hotter than in previous years.

But what is even more restless is the human heart.

It has been almost a week since the vacuum hyperloop plan was announced. \b

Guanghua University will lead this hyperloop project, and the transfer of relevant experts and scholars from China Academy of Railway Sciences, China Railway Corporation, Southwest Jiaotong University, Beijing Jiaotong University and other Jiaotong universities is also in progress.

In a deep mountain at the junction of Ludao Tong'an District and Licheng, a four-kilometer-long hyperloop test line is being built. As for the research and assembly of the prototype, it is completed at Guanghua University.

For this hyperloop project, Beijing has shown unprecedented attention.

A "Dialogue on Hyperloop" talk column was specially set up on CCTV 1 for the purpose of popularizing science and publicity to the public.

The popularity of the hyperloop remains high. Not only domestic netizens have launched heated discussions on the feasibility of the hyperloop, but foreign netizens have reacted even more strongly.

In particular, a certain royal family in Dubai publicly stated that they are willing to cooperate with China on the hyperloop project.

After all, Middle Eastern countries are short of everything else but money.

At this time, a topic that is no less popular than the hyperloop has emerged.

That’s when the college entrance examination admission results are out!

Lingnan Province, Chaozhou (interval).

Zheng Jin and his family were all sitting in front of the computer, waiting for the countdown of the query time.

The closer to the last moment, the more nervous Zheng Jin became.

As a senior high school student, repeating studies brings more pressure than a senior high school student.

"Son, don't be nervous, your score will definitely be fine this time." Mother Wang Huifang comforted her.

Zheng Jin raised his head and looked at his mother with a black line on his head: "Mom, it's you who should not be nervous. Your hands are shaking so much that I want to tremble..."

Wang Huifang's face was a little uneasy, and she was so angry that she patted Zheng Jin on the head and said harshly: "That's nonsense. It must be your dad's hands that are shaking. I've never seen your mom in any scene before, and she's still nervous?"

Zheng Zhiming: "???"

Zheng Zhiming, who was about to open his mouth to defend, suddenly heard his son shout "It's the hour" and quickly looked at the screen.

The page refreshes, click to view.

It seemed that too many people were querying online at the same time, which caused the network loading to crash again. It took a full two minutes to refresh before a new page popped up.

[Admitted institution: Wuyi University]

"Wuyi University?" Zheng Jin opened his mouth wide, feeling disappointed.

Among the six parallel choices, Wuyi University was his penultimate one, which meant that all his previous four choices had failed. (In reality, it is the new college entrance examination model, but here it is still based on the previous model)

"Wuyi University?" Wang Huifang was in a good mood and said happily, "Wuyi University is not bad either. It's a public university, and it's in the province. It's convenient to go home on weekends."

"Fortunately, we repeated the study, otherwise we would have gone to Guanghua..."

Before Wang Huifang finished speaking, her clothes were pulled by Zheng Zhiming.

"Huifang, don't you mention which pot to open? Our son's fourth choice is Guanghua University."

"This..." Wang Huifang suddenly realized and suddenly remembered this matter.

The cut-off for science undergraduates in Lingnan Province's college entrance examination this year is 410, while Zheng Jin's score in this year's college entrance examination is 522, 112 points higher than the undergraduate cut-off. However, this score is very difficult to hit the public one.

Therefore, Zheng Jin’s first three choices are all public one-year universities, the fifth one is at Wuyi University, and the sixth one is a guaranteed two-year public university in the province.

As for the fourth choice... it is Guanghua University.

When Zheng Jin wanted to apply to Guanghua University, he was opposed by Wang Huifang.

After all, I voluntarily dropped out of Guanghua University to repeat my studies last year, and I was so speechless after being admitted to Guanghua University. Wouldn’t it be a waste of time to repeat my studies?

It took a lot of effort to convince Wang Huifang.

Unexpectedly, Guanghua University, which Wang Huifang disliked in every possible way, was not admitted to Guanghua University!

"What's going on? Last year, Xiao Jin was admitted with 410 points. This year, he scored 112 points, but he still hasn't been admitted?"

"That's outrageous!" Wang Huifang was still complaining.

Although she didn't want to see Guanghua University, she still felt uncomfortable being rejected.

No matter how much the average college score line rises, it is not so exaggerated. It can increase by more than 100 points!

Last year, Guanghua University was unable to fully recruit students for general support, and in the end, it lowered its enrollment by 20 points to solicit volunteers.


This is a plot that only appears in movies!

Wang Huifang's comfort was not only ineffective, but also reminded Zheng Jin of what happened last year, and the wound was instantly pricked.

He yelled, "Mom, stop talking, it's not your fault, otherwise I wouldn't have dropped out of Guanghua University last year!"

"It's better now. I've been re-study for one year, and I can pass all the books, but I can't pass the Guanghua exam!"

"Oh...I...this..." Wang Huifang said incoherently, feeling extremely aggrieved.

In this world, there is no one who loves her children the most than her mother.

What mother doesn't want her child to be well?

This was for Zheng Jin's sake, but who would have thought that Guanghua University would change so much. \b

You must know that the other party was a private university that solicited volunteers last year in order to fill its quota...

Xijiang Province.

[Admitted institution: Guanghua University]

Seeing this result, Yang Fan was overjoyed and screamed: "Mom, I'm admitted!"

Xu Lin on the side also breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the excited Yang Fan, feeling equally happy.

As a college teacher, I pay much more attention to Guanghua University than others.

Everyone can see the development potential of Guanghua, and the threshold will only get higher the further you go.

"Mom will take you on a trip in a few days, so you can relax."

"Mom, you're the best~"

After feeling no pressure, Yang Fan started playing with his mobile phone. After browsing Weibo recommended on the homepage, Yang Fan clicked on the hot search list.

Looking from top to bottom, there is a topic about college entrance examination admission among the top ten, and further down... there is another related topic that has become popular.

#What is the admission score of Guanghua University#

"Can this also be posted on Weibo?" Yang Fan muttered and opened it curiously.

What caught my eye was the most popular Weibo post.

Tianfu Observation: "For senior high school students, the most stressful day of the year is coming, but today the observer wants to mention Guanghua University! A classmate broke the news that Lingnan Province's science subject with a score of 522 was not admitted to Guanghua, and the student also The most amazing thing is that this student was admitted to Guanghua University with a score of 410 last year, but he dropped out and chose to repeat his studies. Unexpectedly, he was rejected after getting a score of 112. Therefore, everyone thinks that Guanghua University should be admitted this year! how many?"

"You got rejected with a score of 522?" Yang Fan's eyes widened.

Later, he saw that this classmate was rejected from Guanghua University last year, which made Yang Fan feel sympathetic.

Isn't this too tragic?

If he had known that Guanghua University's requirements would become so high the following year, I doubt this student would have dared to drop out.

When he clicked on the comment area again, Yang Fan was shocked.

"The most miserable high school student of the year appears. This is too tragic. Does your intestines turn green with regret?"

"I was admitted to Guanghua University with a score of 410 in 2020, and rejected by Guanghua University with a score of 522 in 2021. It's outrageous!"

"Shocked! I thought I was speechless enough that I didn't get a score of 509, but I felt relieved when I saw the news."

"What the heck, I didn't score 533 points..."

"Who else is passing by without recording 540 points!"

"Admitted, 551 points, located in Dongshan Province."

"567 points, science experimental class, Tianfu Mianyang."

"735 points, interdisciplinary experimental class, Sihong County, Handong Province."

"735 points??? I'm reporting this person for bragging. Isn't this the score for the top scorer in the national college entrance examination?"

"The other party is not bragging... If you click on his homepage, this person is Sun Zheng, a Handong candidate who has set a new record for the highest score in the history of the college entrance examination."

"I am the second best, the top pick is in the comment area, take a breath of European air from a close distance!"

Later, due to the appearance of Sun Zheng, the number of onlookers increased.

At the same time, many netizens are curious about Guanghua University’s filing line this year.

All the students applying for Guanghua University are registering, and finally... the admission line can basically be determined.

"The pitch line is 547 points??!"

Yang Fan felt lucky!

Her score is not high, but it still has 556 points. Unexpectedly, it is only 9 points higher than Guanghua University’s pitch line!

How many points will we get next year...

Are you crazy?

When Guanghua University was once again hotly debated because of its admission score, Chen Hao disappeared from the public eye.

Tianfu Province, Ganzi Prefecture.

Chen Hao looked at the road in front of him, his eyelids twitching.

ps: Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!

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