I Am the President of the University

Chapter 710 Saving the Dropout

Darlow Primary School was built in 2013 and is two stories high. \b

There are two classrooms, a kitchen, a dining room and a public toilet on the first floor;

The second floor houses an office, a storage room, two dormitories, and a shower room.

The reception banquet at noon was held in the restaurant on the first floor of Daluo Primary School. The food was definitely not comparable to what we had in Xichang last night, but surprisingly, there were both meat and vegetables, and the all-powerful Lao Ganma was there. It was already better than the teaching team had imagined. The harsh environment is much better.

After finishing their meal, the students of the supporting teaching team did not go out. Instead, they met with Principal Mosh to prepare teaching plans and lesson plans for the summer camp that would start tomorrow.

As for Chen Hao... he was annoyed by Yang Lang.

As the head of the education department of a state, Yang Lang personally escorted Chen Hao to a remote place like Daluo Village, so he naturally wanted something.

If it weren't for the fear of arousing Chen Hao's resentment, the deputy governor in charge of attracting investment would definitely be here at this moment.

"Director Yang, I will think about it carefully. Stop talking. My head is starting to feel dizzy now..." Chen Hao's head is about to explode.

How can a middle-aged man beep so well?

It is simply a modern version of Tang Monk!

But Yang Lang is indeed a good person. The journey from Xichang to Daluo Village was not easy.

"Principal Chen, don't find me annoying. The main reason is that I am too poor." Yang Lang had a bitter look on his face and sighed helplessly.

"I don't blame the country. After all, our country has done enough, but Liangshan is really a remote place with no supporting industries."

“If the economy is not good, education is not good.”

“Do you know how many children drop out of school in Liangshan Prefecture every year?”

"I know! But I can't help it!"

"Everyone knows that studying is good, but the rewards for studying are slow. Many family environments are so bad that they can't survive without going out to work. "

"As the director of the Education Bureau of Liangshan, this is my fault, but I can't do anything but watch. What can I do to stop these children from dropping out of school?"

"As long as I can attract some investment and donations, I won't hesitate at all if you ask me to kowtow to you today, Principal Chen!"

Yang Lang looked so shameless that Chen Hao also smiled bitterly.

No matter how far Liangshan is, it is still an autonomous prefecture, and Yang Lang, as a division-level leader, at least has a sincere attitude, whether he is sincere or not.

"Director Yang, you...are really making things difficult for me."

In the village committee's office, there were only Chen Hao and Yang Lang at the moment, and their secretaries and assistants were waiting at the door.

Looking at the party flag and the national flag on the table, and then looking at Yang Lang, Chen Hao couldn't help but feel soft in his heart: "Director Yang, I can promise you that I will invest tens of millions of yuan in Liangshan Prefecture, but..."

Before Yang Lang could be happy for a while, Chen Hao changed the topic and stared at the other party.

"However, I will review the details of the investment, even if it is a few hundred yuan of office expenses. I hope that this investment will help the poor people in Liangshan Prefecture get rid of poverty and become rich, rather than going into the pockets of some people. "

"Once you let me know that someone has reached out, don't blame me for bringing this matter to the capital." Chen Hao said calmly.

It’s not that he’s being harsh, it’s that the poorer the place, the more corrupt officials there are.

For example, in Jinyuan Province, which is rich in coal bosses, the number of officials dismissed every year ranks first in the country. Only a small number of people get rich, and most of the people are poor.

In a small town, a state allocated tens of millions of dollars, but less than one-third was finally implemented.

His money is not blown by the strong wind. It can be used to help the poor, not the rich!

"No problem, I promise!" Yang Lang gritted his teeth and agreed.

Everything has two sides, both corrupt and practical.

Yang Lang doesn't want to be the former. He is still young and still has time to realize his ambitions.

Chen Hao glanced at Yang Lang and nodded, "Okay, I will send someone to Liangshan later to conduct an industry investigation. The specific investment direction will not start until the results are available."

If he hadn't seen that Yang Lang was indeed a practical person, he would have agreed to the other party.

Yang Lang breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

But what he didn't expect was that Chen Hao brought him another unexpected surprise.

"Director Yang, in addition to this investment, I will make a personal donation of about 10 million yuan to Liangshan Prefecture, mainly for the construction of Hope Primary School. I hope someone from the Education Bureau can connect with it." Chen Hao looked at Through the glass window of the office, one can vaguely see the national flag of Daluo Primary School fluttering in the wind.

"No matter how poor you are, you can't afford education, and no matter how hard it is, you can't make your children miserable." Chen Hao shook his head slowly.

Ten million is not much, but with the standard of half a million, 20 hope primary schools can be established, and no matter how low, there are still a dozen or so.

After Yang Lang heard this, he was so excited that he was shaking all over. He quickly held Chen Hao's hand and shook it vigorously.

He even bowed to Chen Hao a few times.

He choked up and said: "Principal Chen, thank you so much! I thank you on behalf of all the children in Liangshan!"

Liangshan Prefecture occupies a large area, but Xichang, the capital, is not well developed, let alone the county seat and the towns below it.

20 Hope Primary Schools, it is no exaggeration to say, are enough to change the destiny of thousands of children.

"If you really want to thank me, just be a parent and serve the people sincerely." Chen Hao patted Yang Lang on the shoulder.

Opening the door, the scorching sun was high, and the sunlight hitting my body felt warm.

By dinner time, Yang Lang and Li Jinsong were no longer in Daluo Primary School.

Because of the limited conditions here, the two dormitories on the second floor of the primary school were converted into boys' dormitories and girls' dormitories respectively. Therefore, Chen Hao, Deng Hui, and Xu Guangtai did not live here in the primary school, but temporarily lived in secretary Xu Yonglin's home.

I was about to go out to Daluo Primary School to check on the students of the supporting teaching team. Unexpectedly, as soon as I opened the door, I saw Mo Shiyehei, the principal of Daluo Primary School, and Xu Yonglin discussing something. Secretary Xu Yonglin looked a little angry.

The two of them didn't notice Chen Hao's appearance at all until the voice came from behind.

"Secretary Xu, Principal Mosh, do you need help with anything?"

For Chen Hao, one is neither salty nor bland, and the other is quite normal.

"Principal Chen, you may not be able to help with this matter." Secretary Xu Yonglin smiled bitterly.

However, Chen Hao became interested when he heard this and asked, "What's the matter? Secretary Xu, please tell me first."

Secretary Xu Yonglin glanced at Mo Shiyehei, and then explained to Chen Hao: "A second-year junior high school student in Daluo Village is planning to drop out of school. Principal Mo Shi tried to persuade him several times, but to no avail. Today I went to his home and found that The student went into hiding."

The moment he finished speaking, a long-lost voice suddenly appeared in Chen Hao's mind.

[Limited time mission: Save the boy who dropped out of school]

[Task description: Azi Rijie, a second-year junior high school student who graduated from Daluo Primary School, has the idea of ​​dropping out of school due to family reasons and study situation. Please use your sharp tongue to persuade him to return to school. 】

[Task requirements: no money is allowed, and can only be completed within 48 hours after receiving the task]

[Task reward: 50 million system construction funds, attribute points*2]


"Are you here to live?" Chen Hao muttered in a low voice.

Systemic bacteria, if you don’t show up again, I will almost forget about you!

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